
What is your level of Vitamin D?

100-50 ng/ml
50-30   ng/ml
30-20  ng/ml
20-10  ng/ml
<10     ng/ml
I have never checked it

Author Topic: Vitamin D  (Read 59337 times)


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Re: Vitamin D
« Reply #80 on: December 05, 2022, 06:49:52 AM »
Yeah, we need to resarch this more.
VDR receptor is inwolved in ewry cell in human body.
You hawe all details in link and its seams what helped
poisers alsou help to incriese repair vdr receptors.

What doesnt fit in my case is that i hawe a wery strong bones.
So maybe this isnt important for pois angle if this theory is

Benefits  and roles ov vit D and receptors:
The most popular benefits for vitamin D3 is it’s role in bone health.
Low blood levels of vitamin D3 are associated with lower bone density (R). Clinical trials have shown that Calcitriol is helpful for people with lower bone density (R).
VDR activation induces the expression of liver and intestinal phase I detox enzymes (e.g., CYP2C9 and 3A4) that play major roles in metabolizing drugs and toxins (R).
The Vitamin D Receptor is important for hair growth and loss of VDR is associated with hair loss in experimental animals (R).
The VDR regulates intestinal transport of calcium, Iron and other minerals (R).
Since many infections block the Vitamin D Receptor, our body can’t fight them off well. Researches are using a combination of Calcitriol (active D) and antibiotics with good effects in many conditions. It’s a good idea to gradually eliminate pathogens over several years to minimize immune reactions. (R)
Calcitriol/VDR increases dopamine by increasing the enzyme that’s the rate limiting step for dopamine production (tyrosine hydroxylase) (R).
Calcitriol/VDR increases tyrosine hydroxylase in the hypothalamus (R), adrenal glands (R), substantia nigra (R) and likely other areas. This means that it increases productions of dopamine, adrenaline and noradrenaline. Although having more neurotransmitters is a good thing, Tyrosine hydroxylase also increases oxidative stress, so it doesn’t provide a free lunch. (R)
Calcitriol increases GAD67 and therefore increases GABA (R).
Calcitriol increases glial derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) (in vitro), which protects dopamine neurons. (R)
Researchers hypothesize that inadequate levels of circulating vitamin D could lead to dysfunction in the substantia nigra, an area of the brain in which the characteristic dopaminergic degeneration occurs in parkinsonian disorders (R).
A high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency has been reported in Parkinson’s patients and Parkinson’s has been associated with decreased bone mineral density (R).
Active D has different effects in cancer. In breast cancer cells, estrogen (and aromatase) production decreased, while Testosterone/androgens increased (both GOOD). In adrenal cancer cells, it decreased DHT (GOOD). In prostate cancer cells, the production of testosterone and DHT increased (BAD). (R)
High levels of the enzyme that breaks down active D is found in lung cancer (R) and breast cancer (R). This would suggest that increasing its levels are good for breast and lung cancer.
Active vitamin D increases prolactin production (R).
Technical: 1,25D induces RANKL, SPP1 (osteopontin), and BGP (osteocalcin) to govern bone mineral remodeling; TRPV6, CaBP(9k), and claudin 2 to promote intestinal calcium absorption; and TRPV5, klotho, and Npt2c to regulate kidney calcium and phosphate reabsorption (R).
« Last Edit: December 05, 2022, 06:54:32 AM by Hopeoneday »


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Re: Vitamin D
« Reply #81 on: December 05, 2022, 06:56:48 AM »

Risk- first number x50 for lyme for exemple.

increase   Health Problem
50   Lyme Disease *
28   Leprosy - another says 3X
15   Chronic Heart Failure
15   Temporary hair loss
14,7   Childhood solid cancers
14   Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease
13   Sepsis
11   Metabolic Syndrome
9.6   Chronic Periodontitis
   and smoke
8   Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
7.6   Crohn's disease
7.5   Respiratory Tract Infections
5.8   Low back pain in athletes
5   Respiratory Distress in preemies
5   Ulcerative Colitis
5   Coronary Artery Disease
5   Asthma Child see also 1.3, 2.0 and 3.6
4.6   Breast Cancer * 16.9 X another study
4.1   Vitiligo
4   Polycystic ovary syndrome
3.8   Lupus
3.6   Pneumonia - children
3.3   Pre-term birth
3.1   Colon Cancer survival
3   Multiple Sclerosis
3   Dengue
3   Waist size
3   Ischemic Stroke
3   Alzheimer’s
3   Gestational Diabetes
2.9   Hand, Foot, Mouth Disease
2.8   Osteoporosis & COPD
2.7   Gastric Cancer
2.6   Lupus in children
2.5   Lumbar Disc Degeneration
2.4   Lung Cancer
2.3   Autism
2.2   Juvenile idiopathic arthritis
2.1   Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis in Asians
2   Diabetic Retinopathy
2   Parkinson's
2   Wheezing/Asthma see also 5X
2   Melanoma   Non-melanoma Skin Cancers
2   Myopia
2   Preeclampsia
1.9   Uterine Fibroids
1.9   Early tooth decay
1.8   Diabetic nephropathy
1.8   Sleep Apnea
1.6   Diabetes - Type I
1.6   Prostate Cancer while black
1.5   Diabetes -Type II
1.5   Gout
1.5   Pertussis
1.5   Obesity
1.4   Graves Disease
1.4   Rheumatoid arthritis
1.3   Hypertension
1.3   Childhood asthma see also 5X
1.3   Psoriasis in Caucasians
1.3   Tuberculosis
??   Rickets - Vitamin D resistant


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Re: Vitamin D
« Reply #82 on: December 05, 2022, 06:58:27 AM »
Health Problems and D

Acne (20+ studies)
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder/ADHD (40+)
Alcohol (29+)
Allergy (24+) Overview
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis/ALS (30+)
Alzheimer's (81+) Overview
Ankylosing Spondylitis (20+)
Antibiotics/Probiotics (81+) Overview
Asthma (129+ ) Overview
Atopic Dermatitis Overview (18+)
Autism (145+) Overview
Autoimmune (185+)
Back Pain (39+)
     Lumbar Degeneration (14+)
Bipolar Disorder (15+)
Bone - Health (294+)
Breathing (425+)
     Asthma (132+)
     Pneumonia (50+)
Burns/Wounds (30+)
Cancer (250+) Overview
After diagnosis (96+)
Bladder (25+)
Bone (8+)
Breast (238+) Overview
Colon (130+) Overview
Gastric (9+)
Leukemia (17+)
Liver (16+)
Lung (53+) Overview
Lymphoma (23+)
Melanoma (43+)
Metastatic (17+)
Other (58+)
Ovarian (23+)
Pancreatic (54+)
Prostate (97+) Overview
Skin (115+) Overview
Thyroid (7+)
Cardiovascular (467+) Overview
     Atrial Fibrillation (20+)
     Heart Failure (42+)
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (12+)
Cerebral Palsy (6+)
Cholesterol (50+) Overview Cholesterol and vitamin D)
Chronic Fatigue (7) Overview
Cognitive (336+) Overview
     Brain (94+)
     Dementia (50+)
Colds/flu Overview
Concussions (25+)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease/COPD (17+)
COVID-19 (1000+)
Cystic Fibrosis (49+)
Dental (96+)
Depression (238+)
Diabetes (512+) Overview
     Prediabetes (30+)
     Type 1 Diabetes (46+)
Diseases general (93+)
Ear (15+)
Endometriosis (8+)
Falls/Fractures (230+) Overview
Fatigue, Chronic Overview
Fertility/Sperm (127+)
     Erectile Dysfunction (12+)
Fibromyalgia Overview
Fractures Overview
Frailty (16+)
Genetics (307+)
     CYP24A1 (31+)
     CYP27B1 (51+)
     Vit D Binding (166+)
     Vit D Receptor (462+)
       Cancer in VDR (79+)
Gestational Diabetes (34+)
Gout (13+)
Gut (187+) Overview
Hair (20+)
     Alopecia Areata (8+)
Headache (40+)
Health - general (95+)
Hepatitis-B (12+)
Hepatitis-C (13+)
Human Immunodeficiency Virus/HIV (45+) Overview
Hives (10+)
Hypertension (155+) Overview
Hyperparathyroid Overview
Immunity (243+)
Inflammation (158+)
Infection (141+)
Influenza Overview
Kidney (215+) Overview
Kidney Stones (27+) Overview
Leprosy (16+)
Liver (98+) Overview
Lupus (67+)
Mental Illness (20+)
Mental Stress (5+)
Metabolic Syndrome (94+) Overview
Mortality (286+)
Multiple Sclerosis (382+) Overview
     MS and Virus (16+)
Muscle (113+)
Myopia (17+)
Obesity (395+) Overview
Osteoarthritis (56+) Overview
Osteoporosis (201+) Overview
Pain - chronic (149+) Overview
Parkinson's (96+) Overview
Pneumonia (22+)
Pollution (31+)
Pregnancy (832+) Overview
     Breastfed (35+)
     Preterm (126+)
Psoriasis (63+)
Respiratory Tract Infection/RTI (8+)
Restless Legs Syndrome (15+)
Rheumatoid Arthritis (108+) Overview
Rickets (126+) Overview
Sarcopenia (28+)
Schizophrenia Overview
Sepsis (38+)
Shingles (15+)
Sickle Cell (17+)   Overview
Skin (107+) Overview
Sleep (91+)
Smoking (83+)
Spinal Cord (20+)
Spinal Surgery (13+)
Statins (40+)
Stroke (109+) Overview
Suicide (16+)
Thyroid/Parath. (78+) Overview
Trauma/Surgery (311+)
     Bone surgery (23+)
     Sepsis (36+)
     Traumatic Brain Injury (21+)
Tuberculosis (117+) Overview
Urinary Tract Infection (15+)
Vertigo (18+)
Virus (1130+)
     Child - years after VAX (11+)
     Epstein-Barr Virus (20+)
     Excess Deaths (23+)
     Long-COVID (72+)
     Vaccination (188+)
Vision (88+)
     Dry Eye (15+)
     Macular Degneration (14+)
People and Low Vitamin D

Infant/Child (725+)
Military (27+)
Seniors (385+) Overview
     Fraility (20+)
     Sarcopenia (25+)
     Urinary incontinence (15+)
     Vertigo (22+)
Skin - Dark (454+)   Overview
Sports (261+) Overview
Women (169+) Overview
    Menstrual Cycle (6+)
    Premenstrual Syndrome (11+)
    Yeast Infection
Youth (163+)
     Early Puberty (15+)
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  # of studies as of Oct 23, 2022


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Re: Vitamin D
« Reply #83 on: January 30, 2024, 01:21:15 PM »
Homeostatic relevance of vitamin D in maintaining male fertility in human: Downregulation of oxidative stress and up-regulation of anti-oxidative defense and steroidal hormones.
Conclusions: Vitamin D exhibits strong relevance to male fertility by maintaining the levels of sex hormones (luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, and testosterone), up-regulating the antioxidant defense (superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase), and down-regulating the oxidative stress (malondialdehyde, nitric oxide, and inducible nitric oxide synthase species).
Deficiency of vitamin D may affect spermatogenesis indirectly because the normal levels of calcium have positive correlation with testosterone production in endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The concentration of vitamin D has shown positive affiliation with the concentration of androgen sex hormone in man.
Vitamin D regulates the homeostasis of calcium which have significant role in spermatogenesis in sertoli cells. Deficiency of vitamin D may alter the function of reproductive system by calcium-dependent mechanism. When the levels of calcium decreases in serum, mitochondrial calcium influx is increased, this may cause oxidative stress in mitochondria and ER.
Vitamin D exhibits a positive correlation with the level of testosterone to improve cholesterol metabolism, antioxidant free radical scavenging activity, and reduce the production of free radicals. Vitamin D is also necessary to maintain the levels of calcium in the leydig cells in order to regulate the testosterone levels and spermatogenesis to prevent the male infertility.

The cause is probably a combination of autoimmunity and SASP leading to excessive oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation. Antioxidants, testosterone, NO and norepinephrine boosters, ERbeta, sigma-1, SIRT-1 and dopamine agonists, PDE4, PDE5 inhibitors and CD36 antagonists are effective.