Author Topic: Only thing that helps me  (Read 6092 times)


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Only thing that helps me
« on: July 14, 2020, 01:55:28 PM »
So in the past 2 months after discovering the community, I have tried many medicines and supplements. Consulted psychologist and neuro. But nothing seems to help. In fact, some of these drugs worsened my symptoms.

I have only one symptom and that is severe fatigue. Now fatigues can be of different types. For me, it is a blackout (very short though) when I stand, headaches in different parts of my heads, and sleepiness, inability to think. This could be low blood pressure related, but I have an automatic BP monitor and it doesn't give accurate readings Sometimes the environment seems to vibrate to me (kind of dizziness). Other symptoms I have are mostly psychological developed due to trauma of pois over time (speech problems, lack of confidence, etc)

So caffeine helps me greatly with my symptoms. After drinking coffee, I feel almost normal for 2 hours and then it's effects start withdrawing. I'll try RedBull next time and see how for how much duration it lasts.

Since coffee does wonders for me (temporarily though) and nothing else works so I think the solution to my POIS or underlying problem can be quite straight. I just can't get it though. I need your help with this.

My reports are all clean, good vitamins and testosterone levels, I take healthify diet, workout regularly. Tried antihistamines (hydroxyzine, Montelukast, levoceterizine), niacinamide, multivits, ibuprofen, omega 3, antidepressants (clonazepam and etizolam). Currently on abstinence, had a wet dream 3 days back and I still have weakness.


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Re: Only thing that helps me
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2020, 05:31:15 PM »
I used to drink 1-2 cpus of coffee on a daily back in a days. Thought I coudn't live without it but then I completely stopped it and slowly my tiredness and inability to stand up (sometimes even sit) reduced. This was before I started to treat pois with thing from this forum so it probably was the thing. This and maybe gut mend. Maybe you got some problems with vessels/tension like me..
I've heard a lot of poisers was doing better after starting jogging and it helps me too but starting to jog when you almost fall probably not the best idea. Have you tried cold showers in this state? Without coffee. Try to keep yourself in cold/cool environment may help too.


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Re: Only thing that helps me
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2020, 02:43:49 AM »
This thread is really interesting.

I also feel I have this standing interolance sometimes and I'm a coffee junkie (I think).
But now I'm thinking maybe the coffee changed something in the receptors or nervous system(?) that messed things up.
One thing I also like coffee for was gut motility..

an-y-more, are you still in the no-coffee zone?
I tried giving up coffee several times, but always went back to it.

(And yes cold showers help too, also taking a walk in the cold..when I'm back in the appartment I feel like again I cannot stand or can't even it.)

Coffee Poll:


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Re: Only thing that helps me
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2020, 02:58:09 AM »
Did you try Vitamin E? I feel like there are supplements altogether with omega 3 that  make my symptoms last not that much as usual and it makes me feel a little bit better


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Re: Only thing that helps me
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2020, 02:59:05 PM »
Legendary_animal, you are not usually a coffee drinker, right?

Because chronic coffee consumers have very different effect from coffee. They need the coffee to feel normal (unfortunately).

"In people who take advantage of this process on a daily basis (i.e. coffee/tea, soda or energy drink addicts), the brain?s chemistry and physical characteristics actually change over time as a result. The most notable change is that brain cells grow more adenosine receptors, which is the brain?s attempt to maintain equilibrium in the face of a constant onslaught of caffeine, with its adenosine receptors so regularly plugged (studies indicate that the brain also responds by decreasing the number of receptors for norepinephrine, a stimulant)."

^ TODO: What would this mean for this theory


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Re: Only thing that helps me
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2020, 03:30:16 AM »
One thing I also like coffee for was gut motility..

an-y-more, are you still in the no-coffee zone?
I tried giving up coffee several times, but always went back to it.

(And yes cold showers help too, also taking a walk in the cold..when I'm back in the appartment I feel like again I cannot stand or can't even it.)
I take it from time to time lately. I've been on dark chocolate binge for a whole summer but now due my gut problems I have to step back a bit and use coffee to shake me up sometimes. Uusally one cup a day not too often is something I can stand.
 Something interesting though- when I cut black tea for a few days and was driniking green tea my physical condition was better, after a few days without it and moderate chocolate-ing I was able to walk more, stand more easily, feeling like I was constantly floating was gone.
 Then I started black tea and choclate again and my condition worsened. Now I've cut it down again and dont feel that bad.
 It seems like raising pressure may be making thing worse for me than actually reduce it. I think I'll stick with green tea and Citramon- which contains coffeine for awhile and see whats happening.


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Re: Only thing that helps me
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2020, 03:25:07 PM »
Could you try to make a conscious decision to increase your water intake by 1-2 liter per day.
Every time you feel weak, take a bit of salt and drink a lot from a huge water bottle.
Let me know if it changes anything...


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Re: Only thing that helps me
« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2020, 05:03:36 PM »
Could you try to make a conscious decision to increase your water intake by 1-2 liter per day.
Every time you feel weak, take a bit of salt and drink a lot from a huge water bottle.
Let me know if it changes anything...
Don't think I can stand such capacity now. My cardia seems to be really bad and I can't intake too much w/o head tension.
 But last year when I wasn't trying anti-pois things yet I noticed that abundant water intake do makes me feel physically better. I could even feel how my body weakens after a pee during most trying days. I didn't count my water intake but bet it was more than 2-3 liter per day. My household used to make comments about my huge water intake all the time.
 What's up with salt? You think for some reason body can't keep water in body?


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Re: Only thing that helps me
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2020, 04:29:48 AM »
What's up with salt? You think for some reason body can't keep water in body?

When you pee more, you will also pee out minerals.

I am thinking (and from searching in the forum) that I had some kind of chronic (in summer) dehydration.

Reason was that I switched from bottled water to a soda streamer device during covid lockdown. Before, my water bottle was always next to my desk, my kitchen, my bed etc. But using the soda streamer and glasses takes some effort and discipline. So my dehydration began.
I hate uncarbonated tap water. I love carbonated mineral water.

When I last week started again to force myself to drink more mineral water (from real mineral springs, not carbonated tap water from the soda streamer) and additionally forced myself to take some electrolyte powders/pills (and just table salt), I felt better.
Also my gut transit problems improved a lot.

I should probably make a new thread about this.
Because now I'm thinking a lot of problems are cased by bad detox processes.
That's why massages help.
That's why more water helps.
Maybe the lymh system is clogged?

I found this page interesting:


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Re: Only thing that helps me
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2020, 02:15:54 PM »
Let's move the water discussions here:
Contains also some information about minerals vs peeing out after drinking water.


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Re: Only thing that helps me
« Reply #11 on: September 22, 2020, 05:38:01 AM »