UpdateUpdate: November 4th 2020 (4-11-2020)
Only two patients have applied so far, one has been forwarded and another one has put on hold due to change in his condition. Waiting for a group of volunteers and selecting a few from that pool isn't working out so I will select people who apply first and send them through.
1/3 slots has been given away
2/3 slots are still open
I will select 3 poisers (females included) for a video consultancy with a medical specialist. This will be done via Skype. The medical doctor has no experience with POIS patients but is open to receive a few cases. He is familiar with POIS literature and highly specialized in a certain area of medicine. I will not disclose any personal info about the doctor so don't bother asking (one reason is that I might get people from other forums here pretending of having POIS and signing up).
An important aspect to consider is the cost, which is $120/half hour.
I will put up a questionairre to compare and discern potential candidates.
Instructions will be given to you via private mail once chosen.
Be aware that there is no guarantee for a definite treatment. It may or may not lead to significant results in terms of relief but it may help to understand POIS. One should not have high expectations. Among those who be willing to pay for such consultations can fill out the questionnaire below and send the answers (keep the answers short and save them) to me via poiscenter's or reddit's (Muon1) private message (just copy and paste answers into the PM).
There is no limitation on countries, patients can come from anywhere. Some basic skill in the english language is required to express yourself properly. Also a stable internet connection and a working microphone/camera might be handy.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/nyocytgu4oxyfbu/Questionnaire.docx?dl=0More info in the comments below.