I would, if you could get me your waking up temperature, fasting glucose, peak glucose, and BP readings. Though in advance, answering (and I have discussed it in other threads too), in my case I think my painful memories have been due to my own limitations. I have been very sensitive as a child, severe speech issues, extreme fear, emotionally numb, and big blind spots in thinking i.e. unable to understand certain very basic things, unable to let go of things. During growing up, I all of sudden one day discovered I had the ejaculatory organ p, and I viewed it as some spider crawling up on me. I was gripped in intense fear, and I think my family, and doctors tried to allay my fear. I am not certain of details, but I think it was circumcision procedure after which big thick stitches are put on the p, and somehow I only noticed that I had a penis organ, and those stitches appeared to me as a spider. All I remember is my ordeals (on the p organ) never ended. I remember myself yelling in fear as threads from my clothes used to get stuck inside or around the p. Then I became frightened from the nocturnal emissions. And all I remember, I used to turn very pale and sick, severe nasal congestion (that was intolerable). Nasal congestants, steroids, they used to stop working.
Thanks goodness I did not have much awareness of many things in life, otherwise I would have killed myself instantly as a no brainer, since inability to breath discomfort was intense. I feared ejaculation and symptoms that ensued. As years passed, my symptoms became tolerable and I accepted the reality as nobody believed me anyways. I did not give up my search though, and just few years ago, I found this forum and learnt most importantly that what I was experiencing was real, more people like me. I have experimenting with various approaches since. Almost all approaches that Quantum lists in of the pinned threads, I tried them. nanna1's approach I think is very effective. My transformational breakthrough happened though after I tried 'bovine naturally dissected thyroid', but since I have been trying so many things, so its foolhardy for me to say that it was x that did it. My research on it, was intriguing, I felt there was a concerted effort (or maybe it was legitimate, I dont know) but I felt a concerted effort to portray it negatively by modern medicine that is pharma influenced.
About how to re-wire the neural circuits which control mental, behavioral and systemic processes in body (immune system, gut, etc) I think is close to impossible as they get hard-wired as you grow, effectively changing your various 'metabolic' pathways, hormones, neurotransmitters, gene expressions, enzymes, etc. I do am intrigued about Psylocybin research that claims to successfully reverse underlying causes, but that's a very expensive therapy to try.
Interesting theory can you elaborate more on the POIS painful childhood memory theory have you had one you think may have caused POIS and have you heard other cases, is it possible to rewire the underlaying traumatic memories completely fixing POIS and getting your state of being to what it was before that, I don't remember what could have been traumatic memory that could've caused POIS I think POIS began as my body started producing semen before I don't recall having it. I got mostly cognitive type of symptoms but there are some physical too like different muscle tension in some areas making my walk sort of odd and slowing my reflexes.