Can you help me understand if Quercetin raises or lowers vitamin b6 and b12 ? and how much ?
I seem to remember a website where it was said they were lowered but I can't find it anymore.
I have found here
that it inhibits CYP3A4, don't know if it matters
To my knowledge, there is no interaction between vitamin b6 and b12, and quercetin.
CYP3A4 is not an issue with B vitamins, but there will be an interaction with the drugs eliminated by this liver enzyme. However, quercetin is only a weak inhibitor fo CYP3A4 ( see for details)
Thank you. I asked because last year I developed a neuropathy (electric zap in 1 foot and a feeling of light internal trembling all over the body) after consuming an excessive amount of vitamin B6.
I was extremely worried when those symptoms started. I consumed 50mg a day which seemed very safe according to the US FDA daily upper limit of 100 mg, but later I found out that in Europe the upper limit is only 25mg and in UK even lower at just 10mg, so there seem to be major concerns about this Vitamin B6 which incredibly the US FDA doesn't know/understand.
Luckily my neuropathy resolved after some months but I have been in contact with people with B6 toxicity who had it for years and can't get out, like a neurological permanent damage.

So I'd like to try quercetin for my POIS but after reading it might create tingling/neuropathy I am a bit worried. I have also found out quercetin significantly inhibits iron absorption, which by itself can create anemia and neuropathy, yes I guess this can be fixed by iron supplements but overall I am bit worried.
this is very hard to figure out, first what do you mean by neuropathy its not a description of anything
were u getting ticks in your muscles
were you getting irregular contraction of muscles
were u experiencing temperature differently it hot is cold cold is hot
were u getting pins and needles
did u had pain in muscle after that
was it electricity that you feel from the socket or is it more like a pressure on your blood vessel
did you get any bruising on skin after that
did your skin went numb
did your skin got painful
were you dehydrated/did you had too much salt
do you have any other disease
and is quercetin an iron antagonist, is it even in a active form to occupy iron absorbing receptor in the intestine probably no. are there iron antagonist yes tea and coffee are iron antagonist cause they pass though stomach acid much faster and retain active compounds more so it depends did you consume quercetin in a liquid form on an empty stomach even then we dont know even if its present in high enough doses in your diet. if you are consuming it with food not with any other iron antagonist, its unlikely to affect iron absorption enough to cause iron deficiency
and is b6 neurotoxic could be, it depends even more
what kind of neuro toxicity - inhibitor
is it a b6 receptor antagonist - no
is it a demyelanating agent - no
is it a autophagic agent of neurons - no
is it a receptor binding agent of a neuron and if so which neuron - no
is it inhibitor of a neuron receptor - yes
is it neuron receptor binding agent - no
whats b6's half life and how are you consuming it in the first place if from food its probably not nerotoxic
if from supplement b6 as a inhibitor can prevent signals to pass through a nueron effectively, what will be the result, some signals wont pass, will it disable the neuron no, will it bind it its receptors no, will it demylate the neuron no, what kind of symptoms will you get :-
spasms, inability to control muscles accurately, alcohol like effect on movement, dizziness, foggy vision,numb or enhanced effect on senses ie temperature, touch, hearing, could experience some tick like movement, no electrical shocks, no cognitive symptoms, no metabolic symptoms, upset stomach, usually no cardiac symptoms
so what kind of neuro toxicity does it produce can it be permanent yes but unlikely how fast can you recover from it within 24 hours, could it have permanent damage on your neurons unlikely but possible, can you get electric shocks from this kind of inhibitor well very very unlikely but yes(its most most probably not from this) it could be you actually had ingested another neuro toxin along with b6 which caused the electric shock
this is only for education not anything official