Author Topic: Easy to try treatment 100% effective for me  (Read 21030 times)


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Easy to try treatment 100% effective for me
« on: May 21, 2020, 04:21:33 PM »

I?m sharing with you a treatment that worked for me. It?s not perfect cause I have to take it before every O but it suppressed 100% of my symptoms. I found it a few months ago and since then I did tests to determine the best dosage and timing. This cure is a Berry called Physalis, nicknamed Inca berry and I had to determine how many of them I had to take to get their effect, and what was the time window in which I could have an O after taking them.

I don?t want to give you false hopes, and I don?t know if it is will work for you all. What I recommend is that you buy them and follow the methodology below to check if it works for you. It is the dried fruit that you have to buy. I can find them in a big supermarket next to where I live but I don?t think it is common to find them in supermarkets. You can buy them on the internet.

Please share with us if it worked for you.

Methodology for you

1)   For the first attempt, you should take a big amount of Physalis to see if the treatment works for you. Make the attempt at a time when you are completely POIS free. Take 25 berries, 45 minutes before O and 10 just after. You should feel perfectly POIS free after O.

2)   If it worked, you can test different amounts. It?s very likely that taking berries after O is useless. You can do a second try with 25 berries before O and 0 after. Then you can start reducing the amount of berries until you find the minimal amount.

3)   You can also try to find the time window in which you can have an O after taking the berries. I estimate it between 40 minutes and more than 1 hour but I don?t really know, I try staying as close to 45 minutes as possible to be sure of the efficacy. But it may go further than one hour, and taking more berries may increase the length of  efficacy.

Other observations

1)   It seems that the more dried the berries are, the more effective they are (you need less berries to get their effect). I?m not 100% sure of that theory.

2)   There may be a peak of efficacy at 45-50 minutes after O, and then a decrease, depending on the amount of berries you took. For example, a quantity of n berries may be effective at 45 minutes after O and not after 1 hour, whereas a quantity of n+10 berries may be effective at 1 hour after O. This, again, is just a theory.

3)   Before reaching the point at which berries start working (around 40 min), there?s 0 effect.

4)   It doesn?t work at all to take them after O. Once you are under POIS, berries are useless. They only work as a preventive treatment.

Trails for the future

Here I assume that that treatment worked for others, but I still don?t have that information. However, I hope it will be effective for you all and I hope this treatment could lead to others advances :

1)   Identifying the active principle in the berry, in order to create a single pill containing the active principle only. It would make it possible to take a single pill instead of many berries and to carry it and take it more easily, without having to eat many berries.

2)   After identifying the active principle, research could be made to find the effects of that principle in the body, and finding the real cause of POIS and maybe lead to a cure that wouldn?t involve taking a pill before every O.

« Last Edit: May 25, 2020, 01:16:30 PM by Physi »
Completely dry orgasm = 100% no POIS :
1) Through manual pressure (works 100% when done well but can't achieve it each time)
2) Through Silodosin (dry orgasm pill, stops working after 20 days for many members including me)
3) Through strong Kegels / Non ejaculatory orgasms (still mastering it)


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Re: Easy to try Cure 100% effective for me
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2020, 10:16:18 PM »
Hi Physi, and welcome to the forum.

Could you share what are your main POIS symptoms, when not controlled with theses berries ?

And, for how long this method has been effective for you ?  did you started a few months ago, or more ?


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Re: Easy to try Cure 100% effective for me
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2020, 12:43:41 AM »
I think goji berries have been discussed here as well. Any particular reason you set on physalis (golden berries I think?).


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Re: Easy to try Cure 100% effective for me
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2020, 02:57:13 AM »
It says they got B Vitamins in them including Niacin and since you say it stops POIS if taken before O and doesn't help after and the time when O can be without POIS is after ~45minutes it might be Niacin making O POISfree. Could be another reason. Good find.


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Re: Easy to try Cure 100% effective for me
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2020, 06:23:29 AM »
"The extracts reduced the release of interleukin-6, interleukin-8, and MCP-1 in a dose-dependent manner. Extracts showed anticancer and immunomodulatory potential for new complementary pharmaceutical products development." (This was a study in cancer cells, but maybe we could assume that the immune effect also attacks other pathogens...)

"The bone marrow is a hematopoietic tissue that, in the presence of cytokines and growth factors, generates all of the circulating blood cells. These cells are important for protecting the organism against pathogens and for establishing an effective immune response."
"Results demonstrate that (Physallis extract) promotes the differentiation of bone marrow cells, particularly into macrophages and may hold promise as an immunomodulating agent."

"Results showed these crops contain many essential minerals and vitamins, notably potassium and immune system supporting Vitamin C"

"A number of ethnic and cultural groups employ the leaves, stems, and fruits of P. peruviana in medicinal folkoric medicine(s) for the treatment of asthma, abdominal ailments in children, constipation, diuretic, glaucoma, headache, jaundice, reducing swelling and inflammation, postpartum pain, skin diseases, and as a vermifuge"
"and this correlated with reduced protein levels of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2)"

I know Physallis from the super market and checking the pictures of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) they look very similar. So there is a possibility that this berry also improves NK cells(?).

They both contain Withanolides.

I just noticed there is Physalis angulata and Physalis peruviana, the studies posted above might be for only one of them each. But maybe that doesn't matter.

nanna1, what is your opinion on fitting this with your theory?


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Re: Easy to try Cure 100% effective for me
« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2020, 10:12:51 AM »
I'll give it a shot, thanks. Just curious, what other treatments have you tried and how effective were they for you?


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Re: Easy to try Cure 100% effective for me
« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2020, 06:21:14 PM »
I don't want to sound rude or disrespectful, but I am very suspicious about what Journey wrote.
Plus despite it is just berries/fruits I still think that forum rule of not recommending treatments to others should be respected.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2020, 06:22:52 PM by Spartak »
no sugar diet helps me a tiny bit, also makes my mind much calmer in general. Sugar is definitely something my body does not handle well. Also I noticed that other inflammations like a hangover are better since I quit sugar. I avoid sweet fruits as well.


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Re: Easy to try Cure 100% effective for me
« Reply #8 on: May 23, 2020, 09:21:08 AM »
I don't want to sound rude or disrespectful, but I am very suspicious about what Journey wrote.
Plus despite it is just berries/fruits I still think that forum rule of not recommending treatments to others should be respected.

It's an idea of why it helped based on what I found about stuff it has as Physi said to take it 45 minutes before and as similar time is recommended for Niacin I thought it might be Niacin in berries giving the effect. Others posted URLs saying they got other properties too.


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Re: Easy to try Cure 100% effective for me
« Reply #9 on: May 25, 2020, 06:11:25 AM »
Hi Quantum,

My symptoms are strong brain fog, fatigue, memory loss, difficulties to concentrate, lack of social skills, lack of confidence linked to the fact that I'm not in my normal state, lack of tact, humour... I may also get muscle weakness and a little bit iching eyes but I'm not 100% sure that they are POIS related. They last about 3 days.

I tried many things but until that nothing has been effective.

These berries have been 100% effective for 7 months. I'm no professional, but I think that they don't cure symptoms but they prevent POIS from happening. They have been effective every single time.

Hi Hapl,

I just bought those berries at my supermarket and miraculously found that they cured my POIS. I haven't read any previous topic saying that they cure POIS.

Hi Drop247,

Thanks for trying, I really hope that will work for others as well. I didn't find any effective cure before.

Hi Spartak,

It's the first real solution I find to POIS, I just wanted to share it with others. I understand your concern and I would have written it much more cautiously if it had involved medicine, but as it's just berries I didn't see the problem in recommending to try.

Completely dry orgasm = 100% no POIS :
1) Through manual pressure (works 100% when done well but can't achieve it each time)
2) Through Silodosin (dry orgasm pill, stops working after 20 days for many members including me)
3) Through strong Kegels / Non ejaculatory orgasms (still mastering it)


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Re: Easy to try Cure 100% effective for me
« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2020, 06:58:54 AM »
Its wrong to label this as a cure as you are not cured, instead call this a treatment.


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Re: Easy to try treatment 100% effective for me
« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2020, 01:17:46 PM »
Hello Iwillbeatthis,

Thank you for correcting me, I'm not a native English speaker so I struggle with those slight differences. I modified that in my initial post
Completely dry orgasm = 100% no POIS :
1) Through manual pressure (works 100% when done well but can't achieve it each time)
2) Through Silodosin (dry orgasm pill, stops working after 20 days for many members including me)
3) Through strong Kegels / Non ejaculatory orgasms (still mastering it)


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Re: Easy to try treatment 100% effective for me
« Reply #12 on: May 25, 2020, 02:40:26 PM »
Thank you, Iwillbeatthis & Physi!!

Best regards,
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of daily (365 days/year) testosterone patches.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business


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Re: Easy to try treatment 100% effective for me
« Reply #13 on: May 25, 2020, 10:04:47 PM »
Physi, how many berries do YOU use for treatment? The reason I ask is I got my berries and I'm thinking the 25 berries before and 10 after that you recommend as a starting point might give me indigestion. These aren't small, even when dried, and that is a lot of fruit!


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Re: Easy to try treatment 100% effective for me
« Reply #14 on: May 26, 2020, 08:55:57 AM »
Hello drop247,

I use 20 before and I don't take them after. It may be effective taking less but I haven't determined the exact amount : as taking 20 berries doesn't give me any indigestion I prefer not to risk taking less. I'm no professional it may differ for you. I recommended taking 25 before and 10 after because I thought it's a sufficient amount to be sure that the test is effective, and I considered it would be a shame that you start with a little amount and give up because it didn't work. You can also try with 20 before only first.

The following is information I got from the tests I made so that you have all the information and you can decide by yourself. All of the following is objective information on how it works on me :

- Berries are effective at 45 min and more.  I havent determined the exact timing, it may also depend on the amount taken, I really don't know. I'm just sure that they work between 45 and 50 minutes and I think it could go a lot beyond 50 minutes. I never reached the upper limit and I already went to more than 50 min but I don't know really know how far I got.  However, when I don't reach the efficiency point, they don't work at all, I get 0 effect. It's possible that the effect lasts a lot longer than 50 minutes and/or decreases after a certain point in time (so to me the most important is to reach 45min).

- With 20 berries before I get not POIS at all. It could be less but I'm not sure, I prefer staying up the limit and I don't really know the exact amount of efficiency. 20 berries doesn't give me any indigestion. I weigh 70 kg.

« Last Edit: May 26, 2020, 08:57:44 AM by Physi »
Completely dry orgasm = 100% no POIS :
1) Through manual pressure (works 100% when done well but can't achieve it each time)
2) Through Silodosin (dry orgasm pill, stops working after 20 days for many members including me)
3) Through strong Kegels / Non ejaculatory orgasms (still mastering it)


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Re: Easy to try treatment 100% effective for me
« Reply #15 on: May 26, 2020, 09:29:40 AM »
Hello drop247,

I use 20 before and I don't take them after. It may be effective taking less but I haven't determined the exact amount : as taking 20 berries doesn't give me any indigestion I prefer not to risk taking less. I'm no professional it may differ for you. I recommended taking 25 before and 10 after because I thought it's a sufficient amount to be sure that the test is effective, and I considered it would be a shame that you start with a little amount and give up because it didn't work. You can also try with 20 before only first.

The following is information I got from the tests I made so that you have all the information and you can decide by yourself. All of the following is objective information on how it works on me :

- Berries are effective at 45 min and more.  I havent determined the exact timing, it may also depend on the amount taken, I really don't know. I'm just sure that they work between 45 and 50 minutes and I think it could go a lot beyond 50 minutes. I never reached the upper limit and I already went to more than 50 min but I don't know really know how far I got.  However, when I don't reach the efficiency point, they don't work at all, I get 0 effect. It's possible that the effect lasts a lot longer than 50 minutes and/or decreases after a certain point in time (so to me the most important is to reach 45min).

- With 20 berries before I get not POIS at all. It could be less but I'm not sure, I prefer staying up the limit and I don't really know the exact amount of efficiency. 20 berries doesn't give me any indigestion. I weigh 70 kg.

If I may ask how old are you, when you got POIS, did you notice POIS when it appeared the 1st time or found out you feel bad post-O when abstaining and stopping abstinence? Did anything change in life when you got POIS-stress, virus, trauma, illness, infection, surgery, medicine, probiotics, antibiotics or anything else? Has anything else worked for treating POIS, if so how much?

How do you feel now post-orgasm? Do you feel the same as when on abstinence streak (if you've abstained in past to reduce POIS)? You don't suffer from brainfog including slower processing/comprehension/reflexes, harder to learn/recall/memorize things if you take ~20+ Physalis Inca Berries ~40 minutes pre-O? You got the same cognition/comprehension as you did when you didn't have POIS?

Glad to hear you found treatment. POIS makes life harder in many ways. Will be cool if this treatment worked for someone else too!


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Re: Easy to try treatment 100% effective for me
« Reply #16 on: May 26, 2020, 09:40:31 AM »
About the possible indigestion: With all fruit/fiber this might be temporary as your body adjusts by having more of the right gut bacteria or enzymes (e.g. I have no problems anymore consuming garlic).

@Physi: You said they only work before O. Still: I wonder if you ever tried to eat 1-2 every one or two hours during your waking time, to switch something in your body instead of trying to time the eating of huge amount to before the orgasm.

The questions by Journey are good, I also wonder how (without the berries) your symptoms were after-O vs days-after-O?


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Re: Easy to try treatment 100% effective for me
« Reply #17 on: May 26, 2020, 12:27:01 PM »
Such a exotic berries, hard to find... What about Goji, has anyone tried them? I remember one guy was telling goji cured him but i doubt it


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Re: Easy to try treatment 100% effective for me
« Reply #18 on: May 26, 2020, 01:30:47 PM »
cn7, Where do you live, if I may ask?

I'm in Germany and just bought 3 small packages of the fresh/non-dried Physalis fruit at the fruit/vegetable section. Sometimes they come with the leaves around them, sometimes without.
It even was in a discounter market (Lidl, similar to Aldi) and not in a fancy super market.
(Note that the original poster said he uses dried fruits and thinks they are more potent)

Since they taste nice, I'm curious if they will work but won't be dissapointed if they don't :-)

Goji threads here:


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Re: Easy to try treatment 100% effective for me
« Reply #19 on: May 26, 2020, 02:07:04 PM »
UK. I know i should be able to find them too.

berlin1984, can you inform us of the results please?