Total Members Voted: 45
Even the thought that i like a girl , can start POIS for me . The symptoms are mild. I have cognitive impairment, protrusion of eye ball, muscle weakness, reduced taste, reduced appetite
Quote from: Bulbo on April 30, 2013, 01:35:51 AMEven the thought that i like a girl , can start POIS for me . The symptoms are mild. I have cognitive impairment, protrusion of eye ball, muscle weakness, reduced taste, reduced appetiteDoes it happen even if you hadnt thought about girls for let's say 2 weeks? For me the above is possible as well but only few days after O but if i go enough time without it(usually 7-10 days) i can think about liking a girl and not have symptoms.
Tengo pois con liquido pre- seminal. Me di cuenta que lo desarroll? este ?ltimo a?o. Antes solo ten?a pois cuando eyaculaba pero ahora es cuando pienso en una mujer y tengo pre- seminal. Por eso creo que el problema es una sobre carga el?ctrica del sistema nervioso. El problema con pois es el?ctrico.
Muon mast cell activity can be observed. Do some tests. But I'm confident that you won't find anything. I don't think it's mast cells.
Ok forget about mast cells for a moment. Do you have an idea why my urethra burns while being exposed to precum?