Hi John and welcome to the forum !
Congrats for your POIS video... I do not understand Portuguese, but I see that you explain the diagnosis criteria in it.
You may be interested to know that, in our quite limited list of Doctors who knows about POIS and have an interest in POIS research, there is one in Brazil , Dr Keity Souza Santos ( immunologist ). For more information and her contact information, see in the POIS Dr list, at
https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=2575.msg22338#msg22338 ( She is at #9 in the list)
Also, if you are a medical student, I suppose that you so not have major cognitive symptoms while in POIS, or that they do not last long. What are your main symptoms? Allergy-like, emotional, physical ?
I, for one, have no cognitive symptoms ( mostly physical and emotional), so I had no problems going through my pharmacy course in university, but most POIS sufferers have significant cognitive symptoms, and in some case, cannot go on with any college or university program, even if they have very good intellect out of POIS, as NE can become a big issues then.