
Feel all warm and fuzzy inside, and it's actually not POIS! I actually have a personal announcement to make: Niacin works for me. It works WELL. I said before that it didn't seem to work for me even though I was getting the flush. But I was not waiting long enough after the flush to O, and for the past two weeks I've been reaping the benefits of HIGHLY reducted POIS symptoms! It was as simple as that, get the FULL flush (face exploding kind, I need at least 500 mg at fasting to attain this, and i need 4-5 hours fasting), and wait at LEAST 20 minutes for the flush to abate. It hasn't fully hit me, the implications of this, but it's starting to. I'm getting a little emotional just write this...!
Near the top of my things to do with the amount of life that I will get back with this is to advocate for treatment of this illness. I've tasted POIS freedom, and I don't want to have to deal with it ever again! That means an even better solution than niacin flushing HAS to be found! AND word has to spread, and it IS spreading virally like a disease! (bad analogy? =p)