Daveman is not online unfortionally..... 
I am in the mood for a fun trial!! but dont know how often and how long i can stretch it.
so...: does enybody know how often I can ejaculate after taken niacin and between howmanny hours?
(22:22:09) tantalus: does niacin protect me still after 3 or 6 hours?
(22:22:39) tantalus: so may i have more as only one time an orgasm?
(22:23:38) tantalus: and whot is the maximum time after taken niacine to have sex again?
dont let me wait to long
Tantalus, sounds like fun:)
My experiences is as many as you can handle in that time. If the current thinking holds true the Niacin should protect you.
Perhaps we're each different, but As I understand it, all the niacin is out of the system after 6 hours.
But it seems that there is a peak at about 1 hour and after that it starts to fade off, finally getting to zero after six.
So my guess would be that the best would be within about 3 hrs.
While niacin is in your system, it "Seems" to convert the niacin, during your orgasms, into somethign the system needs. Each orgasm uses up some of the niacin.
I can only do one, more than that and I feel the effects of POIS more strongly. Others have better luck, can do more.
I can do a second orgasm within 2 days (with niacin each time), but then have to wait about a week at least to "catch up".
But that's me.
let us know what happens in your case!!