Last weeks I have been trying what this Vitamine B3 can do for me.
I started with Vitamine B complex, one's a day 100 mg.
That seems to be very healthy and will be a base for other B?s. Though it does nothing to reduce on POIS symptoms.
Then I tried niacinamide, about 3 hours fasting and 1 hour before O. I used 500 mg the first time.
It was not very successful but my complaints were less then they used to be. About a 40 to 60 percent but they lasted still 4 days as always.
After that I increased the quantity several times up to 1500 mg yesterday and
today I didn't notice anything of POIS ! I hope this will last the coming days !

I also tried niacin.
First 100 and 200 mg which did nothing at all.
Then after 5 hours fasting and 300 mg about 50 minutes before O my POIS was somewhat reduced the next 4 days but not very impressingly. I had a rather strong flush with that 300 mg and therefore I didn't dare to raise the quantity further.
Though, I have to go on??.Today I noticed there are suppliers who have niacin 500 mg tablets available and they are sold well, so nobody seems to get any damage by the flush with that quantity !

Of course I am satisfied with the result with the niacinamide but I like the niacin flush for more than one reason.
At first I think it a very pleasant experience - particularly with cold wether.

It is also a kind of ?marker? indeed to know when it's O.K. Only, with high quantities the flush lasts very long, though decreasing.
I think when the peak has past it is time I can have an O.
A third thing has nothing to do with POIS and is a bit personal. I have a slowly increasing problem with my legs for years now, what makes walking difficult.
I noticed after a niacin flush a remarkable improvement. I don't expect a healing but it is worth to try what happens with regular use of niacin.
Before long I'm going to experience with a higher dose of niacin.