Posted previously
“Hey Demo,
My name's Eric and I've been a member of the forum for a while now. I only learned about the UNL[&UCLA]/[NORD] study recently and decided to investigate. After learning of a few deficiencies as a result of limited funding (they weren't going to look into delayed onset symptoms and other autoimmune/inflammatory biomarkers) I decided to get in contact with them to see how much funding they would require to expand their study to cover the things I thought were important.
I asked them to give me numbers for how much they would need for the basic additions I requested along with any other ones they could think of for their "dream" study. They came back to me with some ideas which I thought were good.
I and my family's foundation have decided to fully fund the "dream" study! Before I gave them the go ahead, I had asked Quantum if he knew any medical researchers in the forum I could contact. That's why I'd gotten in touch with him prior. Thanks again Quantum!
I also reached out to an autoimmune researcher friend of mine for suggested expansions to the study and she gave me a few that Tierney [Dr Lorenz] and Nicole [Dr Prause] hadn't thought of so those might be added too.
The study will be tracking more inflammatory biomarkers, including delayed onset people, adding research assistants, larger sample size, etc. I've been asked not to share their hypotheses or the study proposal so I can't share those details. Suffice it to say, the study should be more comprehensive than before and hopefully allow for some real progress.
I'm personally deeply motivated to increase visibility and research for POIS (since it's taken away a lot of joy from my life). This study seems like a great start.
Thanks for all your hard work organizing this study! The funding is almost the easy part, I think what you did was incredible. Hope you keep up your good work!
Thank you, Eric!
Best wishes!