Author Topic: Got Cured  (Read 86652 times)


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Re: Got Cured
« Reply #20 on: May 04, 2019, 06:50:40 AM »
I was suffering from pois for a long time and have been diagnosed with IBS. I been treating it last 4 months and significantly improved my symptoms.
Symptoms included
- Lose of weight.
After orgasm:
- Bloating and constipation.
- Depression and inability be social.
- Brain fog

What I would suggest is checking with gastroenterologist.
How I treated pois:
- low FODMAP diet.
- Yoga and stress control.
- I also took antidepresants but I it didn't help me much.
- Probiotics (Necessary!)
- Get enough sleep!
- Work out.

But most of all, I repeat, you should check with gastroenterologist!
You will see changes yourself.
Good Luck!

If your POIS ( Autoimmune ) is related to gut than change your diet ( eliminates anything that hurt your gut)  the POIS symptoms will subside.. but will come back if you introduce those stuff back.. that?s not cure.. am I wrong??

Yes you are. After you gut is healed (which will take some time) you can reintroduce your food confidently. Symptoms will be vanished. That's how IBS is treated.


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Re: Got Cured
« Reply #21 on: May 09, 2019, 03:11:30 AM »
Yup, that's what I think too now  ;D
Trust me I was on the edge of suicide.
I think for most of the cases, it's IBS.
That's why diet helped Going Less Crazy
or Yoga others, or some thought it was just in our heads.

IBS is connected to stress (which is "cured" by yoga) and Gut flora.
I have read 'Leaky Gut' theories on this forum but IBS is more close to symptoms of pois.

I just posted a similar cure I found a week ago using Apple Cider Vinegar along with Coconut Oil.  Like you I pretty much gave up hope of ever getting my health back but I'm still in shock how radical the change has been for me.  I had chronic IBS-C and I used Psyllium Husk daily with marginal relief and now more bloat and a big change in my bowel habits too.


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Re: Got Cured
« Reply #22 on: May 09, 2019, 03:37:48 AM »
Yup, that's what I think too now  ;D
Trust me I was on the edge of suicide.
I think for most of the cases, it's IBS.
That's why diet helped Going Less Crazy
or Yoga others, or some thought it was just in our heads.

IBS is connected to stress (which is "cured" by yoga) and Gut flora.
I have read 'Leaky Gut' theories on this forum but IBS is more close to symptoms of pois.

I just posted a similar cure I found a week ago using Apple Cider Vinegar along with Coconut Oil.  Like you I pretty much gave up hope of ever getting my health back but I'm still in shock how radical the change has been for me.  I had chronic IBS-C and I used Psyllium Husk daily with marginal relief and now more bloat and a big change in my bowel habits too.


Very nice to hear that you've found a cure.  Congrats!!

Can you explain about your acv ,coconut oil treatment method.  Like how many times you had them daily, before food or after food etc.  It will be very helpful for many of our members.  Also unlike medicines these are actually good for our overall health also.


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Re: Got Cured
« Reply #23 on: May 09, 2019, 12:35:23 PM »
I started by taking 2 tablespoons of coconut oil one Friday morning.  I noticed the following day that it caused an odd kind of bowel movement, soft oddly shaped.  I then started feeling the herxheimer effect.  Luckily I read that I can expect to feel off if I was indeed overrun with bacteria.  That whole weekend I felt severe flu-like symptoms.  Body aches, fatigue, ringing in my ears, no sinus symptoms though.  I then decided to get hold of some more natural antimicrobial concoctions.  I downed a tablespoon of ACV before having a light lunch on the Sunday.  Shortly after taking that I felt the worst I've felt in years.  Felt like I was gonna convulse and have a panic attack.  It was hard, but I managed to drink some water and started feeling better.  I then DRASTICALLY started feeling better by the evening.  Felt mental clarity of the scope I haven't felt in 7 years.  Didn't sleep much that night though but from the research I did it can happen as your body is dealing with its new microbiome(sleep is still a bit of a problem to this day).
Come Monday I noticed a feeling of calm and vitality and this was when I experimented to see what my POIS symptoms are like.  They were GONE.  Same thing on Tuesday.

This all happened not long ago and I'm still using Coconut Oil, ACV and I introduced Origanum Oil,Garlic Oil too.  I don't get such a strong herx effect no more, but I still get spouts of inflammation attacks.  I used to rely solely on Pharmaceuticals for any ailments and a year back I would grab a NSAID to deal with the inflammation.  I gave it all up and went all naturelle.  Turmeric is as good of an anti-inflammatory as any decent pill I've tried before.  The plan is to keep on doing this for about 2 months and then lessen the amounts of antimicrobials I'm taking, then only I'll introduce some Probiotics to my diet.


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Re: Got Cured
« Reply #24 on: May 23, 2019, 11:36:32 AM »
Is this still working for you? Most treatments initially work for a month and then wear off. How long has this cure been for and is it as effective as it was at your peak?
33 years old, POIS for around 12 years with increasing severity.
Major symptoms - Severe fatigue, back pain, unrefreshed even after 9+ hours sleep, pain behind eyes, very dry face, bald head with inflamed scalp, digestion issues and constipation. Very low testosterone and high glucose in blood tests


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Re: Got Cured
« Reply #25 on: May 23, 2019, 06:00:37 PM »
joelawerence, excellent point.

We’ve all seen the “placebo effect” take place with POIS treatments!
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of weekly (52 weeks/year) testosterone self-injections.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business.


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Re: Got Cured
« Reply #26 on: May 29, 2019, 02:02:55 PM »
Is this still working for you? Most treatments initially work for a month and then wear off. How long has this cure been for and is it as effective as it was at your peak?

If you're asking me, yes it still works and symptoms have been reduced even more.
One thing I would like to point out is you have to stop worrying about anything, ease yourself, calm your mind. This will ease your harden gut and it'll stop producing toxics.


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Re: Got Cured
« Reply #27 on: March 01, 2020, 01:15:47 PM »
I should also add an apple vinegar to the list of cures.
It basically removes bad microbes from your gut and improves your fungus nerves.   


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Re: Got Cured
« Reply #28 on: November 22, 2020, 02:04:04 PM »
I'm 100% cured.
I will write about it someday.
Only problem is no one is listening to me  ;D

I should clarify that you'll need to stay away from vinegar

Here's a quick tip to find out if you can be cured with similar cure like me.

Eat only boiled potato/meat for 3 days.
Than buy and start drinking "Aloe Vera Juice for IBS"
And do IBS yoga.
If that helps you with your symptoms than I know the cure. You have the similar story :)

Three Things:

Stay away from porn for your whole life. Masturbate once in a week and and use only imagination
Go to bed early and stay away from computer/phone before sleep
Start exercising

Also you guys really need to see a therapist cause It's deeply connected with Anxiety/Depression
(But don't worry it will be cured)

And here comes the MAIN CURE
you need antibiotic therapy for removing bad microbes.
Also you need to fix your gut.

I managed to cure my shit in Third World Country, it might be easier in yours

And last, be grateful for life, everything will be alright :)


P.S. Here's my discord

Find me and ask questions.


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Re: Got Cured
« Reply #29 on: November 22, 2020, 03:36:20 PM »
Reminds me of MCAS patients where some of them only have to avoid stress triggers.


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Re: Got Cured
« Reply #30 on: November 22, 2020, 05:10:54 PM »
What antibiotic did you use?


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Re: Got Cured
« Reply #31 on: November 22, 2020, 05:54:56 PM »
I'm working hard on my gut with the help of a FODMAP-Therapist. I have been diagnosed with SIBO.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2020, 03:43:43 AM by BoneBroth »


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Re: Got Cured
« Reply #32 on: November 29, 2020, 01:01:20 AM »
I didn't just take antibiotics - It would blow my gut. I was on heavy medication-filled diet, taking more than 15-types of pills. - Antibiotics, Probiotics, pills for protecting gut, liver,
Ferments, Bismuth subcitrate, esomeprazole etc.

For anxiety and depression which I suspect all of you guys have I would recommend:
Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy: David D. Burns



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Re: Got Cured
« Reply #33 on: November 29, 2020, 11:13:33 AM »
I have one question for you guys.
Do you fart a lot?
I'm serious. IBS and gut anxiety is connected to farting. I felt IBS symptoms when by gut was filled with gas.


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Re: Got Cured
« Reply #34 on: November 29, 2020, 03:15:43 PM »
:) Not alot, but the smell is really bad if I eat alot. I'm on a stage in my SIBO plan now where I supplement with probiotics. Are you bloating and does your belly sound like hollow if you clap it with your hands? Then there is probably air in the small intestine that does not get out. And the gas is produces by bad bacteria.


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Re: Got Cured
« Reply #35 on: December 30, 2020, 05:45:23 AM »
Hi there,

low fodmap seems to work for me too.

My background
22yo and pretty stressful last 10y at least with a gaslighting/bullying brother and high academic pressure. Physically speaking I was also long term sleep deprived. Similar to most I think POIS fully developed at least during puberty, with symptoms mainly cognitive (depression, anxiety, brain fog). Physically, periods of hair loss are well correlated with O's. Im balding with 22yo even though I am currently stress-free, work out and sleep pretty normally for the last couple months.
Unsuccessfully tried many supplements here on this forum, but only ginger made a big difference.

My theory
Someone here hit home describing POIS as O causing "tryptophan breakdown". While many here overthink the process down to a nuclear level, the main thing to understand is the following: tryptophan -> serotonin -> melatonin
Basically, my stress-damaged gut tolerates less stress (which O's are to some extent) and with every O tryptophan is not digested properly/destroyed in mythe gut. See these links:

With missing tryptophan, serotonin and melatonin aren't produced properly leading to depression and sleep troubles. You also can't just take tryptophan supplements because it's broken down again/"eliminated" in your body with every O.
Why am I so sure of the theory and of this in general? Just take collagen. (Collagen is popular with "leaky gut" people even though the science behind it is lacking) Nevertheless, collagen is used in science to clinically simulate depression (its effect on the brain). How? Well, collagen/gelating causes tryptophan depletion( Having taken collagen once, the immediate effects/impact on my body/brain felt EXACTLY like POIS, like if I had just had an O (which I hadn't for 2 weeks though)... Got depressed, anxious and foggy again with bad sleep.

My FODMAP experience
After ginger, the gut-relation seemed pretty prominent so I started no/low FODMAP diet for 6 weeks (week 5 now) just for fun and the change is tremendous (with ups and downs though normally). I am doing a strict elimination diet basically just eating eggs, meat, fish, greens, carrots, and paprika (rarely ginger) disallowing for any other foods diluting the diets effects (nuts, fruit).

POIS is 99% gone  which is insane because no single suggested treatment on this forum apparently eliminated mental effects completely except for IBS-related treatments as far as I know. Additionally, my previous "clinical depression" is gone completely as well. And the best health indicator for physical effects: Hair loss, is also gone. This change got rid of my brain fog finally (even non-POIS related) and the overall adjustment is relatively minor (diet).


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Re: Got Cured
« Reply #36 on: December 30, 2020, 06:31:31 AM »
Intresting, keto diet is bad for me.


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Re: Got Cured
« Reply #37 on: December 30, 2020, 09:10:15 AM »
Hi there,

low fodmap seems to work for me too.

My background
22yo and pretty stressful last 10y at least with a gaslighting/bullying brother and high academic pressure. Physically speaking I was also long term sleep deprived. Similar to most I think POIS fully developed at least during puberty, with symptoms mainly cognitive (depression, anxiety, brain fog). Physically, periods of hair loss are well correlated with O's. Im balding with 22yo even though I am currently stress-free, work out and sleep pretty normally for the last couple months.
Unsuccessfully tried many supplements here on this forum, but only ginger made a big difference.

My theory
Someone here hit home describing POIS as O causing "tryptophan breakdown". While many here overthink the process down to a nuclear level, the main thing to understand is the following: tryptophan -> serotonin -> melatonin
Basically, my stress-damaged gut tolerates less stress (which O's are to some extent) and with every O tryptophan is not digested properly/destroyed in mythe gut. See these links:

With missing tryptophan, serotonin and melatonin aren't produced properly leading to depression and sleep troubles. You also can't just take tryptophan supplements because it's broken down again/"eliminated" in your body with every O.
Why am I so sure of the theory and of this in general? Just take collagen. (Collagen is popular with "leaky gut" people even though the science behind it is lacking) Nevertheless, collagen is used in science to clinically simulate depression (its effect on the brain). How? Well, collagen/gelating causes tryptophan depletion( Having taken collagen once, the immediate effects/impact on my body/brain felt EXACTLY like POIS, like if I had just had an O (which I hadn't for 2 weeks though)... Got depressed, anxious and foggy again with bad sleep.

My FODMAP experience
After ginger, the gut-relation seemed pretty prominent so I started no/low FODMAP diet for 6 weeks (week 5 now) just for fun and the change is tremendous (with ups and downs though normally). I am doing a strict elimination diet basically just eating eggs, meat, fish, greens, carrots, and paprika (rarely ginger) disallowing for any other foods diluting the diets effects (nuts, fruit).

POIS is 99% gone  which is insane because no single suggested treatment on this forum apparently eliminated mental effects completely except for IBS-related treatments as far as I know. Additionally, my previous "clinical depression" is gone completely as well. And the best health indicator for physical effects: Hair loss, is also gone. This change got rid of my brain fog finally (even non-POIS related) and the overall adjustment is relatively minor (diet).

So, you basically are doing a low-carb-high-fat (ketogenic) diet?


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Re: Got Cured
« Reply #38 on: December 30, 2020, 11:09:59 AM »
Hi there,

low fodmap seems to work for me too.

My background
22yo and pretty stressful last 10y at least with a gaslighting/bullying brother and high academic pressure. Physically speaking I was also long term sleep deprived. Similar to most I think POIS fully developed at least during puberty, with symptoms mainly cognitive (depression, anxiety, brain fog). Physically, periods of hair loss are well correlated with O's. Im balding with 22yo even though I am currently stress-free, work out and sleep pretty normally for the last couple months.
Unsuccessfully tried many supplements here on this forum, but only ginger made a big difference.

My theory
Someone here hit home describing POIS as O causing "tryptophan breakdown". While many here overthink the process down to a nuclear level, the main thing to understand is the following: tryptophan -> serotonin -> melatonin
Basically, my stress-damaged gut tolerates less stress (which O's are to some extent) and with every O tryptophan is not digested properly/destroyed in mythe gut. See these links:

With missing tryptophan, serotonin and melatonin aren't produced properly leading to depression and sleep troubles. You also can't just take tryptophan supplements because it's broken down again/"eliminated" in your body with every O.
Why am I so sure of the theory and of this in general? Just take collagen. (Collagen is popular with "leaky gut" people even though the science behind it is lacking) Nevertheless, collagen is used in science to clinically simulate depression (its effect on the brain). How? Well, collagen/gelating causes tryptophan depletion( Having taken collagen once, the immediate effects/impact on my body/brain felt EXACTLY like POIS, like if I had just had an O (which I hadn't for 2 weeks though)... Got depressed, anxious and foggy again with bad sleep.

My FODMAP experience
After ginger, the gut-relation seemed pretty prominent so I started no/low FODMAP diet for 6 weeks (week 5 now) just for fun and the change is tremendous (with ups and downs though normally). I am doing a strict elimination diet basically just eating eggs, meat, fish, greens, carrots, and paprika (rarely ginger) disallowing for any other foods diluting the diets effects (nuts, fruit).

POIS is 99% gone  which is insane because no single suggested treatment on this forum apparently eliminated mental effects completely except for IBS-related treatments as far as I know. Additionally, my previous "clinical depression" is gone completely as well. And the best health indicator for physical effects: Hair loss, is also gone. This change got rid of my brain fog finally (even non-POIS related) and the overall adjustment is relatively minor (diet).
Hi Kid, thanks for sharing.  Let me know in a couple of months if you are still POIS-free ( or almost POIS-free), I would like to add your diet in the diet section of my chart of POIS Types ( at ).  It would be interesting to underline that you had POIS-like symptoms when taking collagen, which could be a hint to predict if someone else could benefit or not from this diet.
You are 100% responsible for what you do with anything I post on this forum and of any consequence it could have for you.  Forum rule: ""Do not use POISCenter as a substitute for, or to give, medical advice" Read the remaining part at


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Re: Got Cured
« Reply #39 on: January 08, 2021, 04:21:10 PM »
I'm happy for you kid, good luck!

Another question, I'm deadly serious:
Did you guys worry about things in early years after you orgasmed? Like "I smell bad, I'm bad dirty wanker" etc. Did you suffer from humiliations?
I think there are connections.

You guys need to treat stress and anxiety and heal your gut. That worked for me