Hi, I suffer POIS since 11 years old, I'm from Chile, I'm currently 18 and I just started University.
I'm abstaining from masturbation but the one thing that still brings me POIS are the night ejaculations that are kind of uncontrollable.
I'm trying to follow a free dairy and junk food diet and I fail to follow the gluten free no carbs diet since I need to eat a lot because I didn't ate good as a kid, I also think that not drinking breastmilk could have produced me POIS.
I also suffer asthma (I only have problems if I run a lot or I'm in my POIS period, in fact without POIS asthma is almost non existent), and it get worsen in my 3 day POIS period.
I'm pretty confused on what methods to follow, also the most of the methods are before the O and my problems are mainly NE so it's hard to take something before NE, I would like relief methods for when you already have the symptoms.
I tried Niancin but I don't know If I used it well since It didn't prevented POIS (I took it like 30 mins before or so) but I got red face.
For now I'm using eye drops, blistex, nose drops to relief the symptoms as well as honey, drink a lot of water, natural juices, date fruit for my throat problems, also with POIS I have respiration problems and brain fog that I can't fix.
Why I posted this on relationships? Well I will tell you.
I just met a girl and I want to date her but I have always the fear on having a POIS attack in the night (Night ejaculation) that could ruin the next 3 days, also I feel that the attraction to her is less when I have POIS idk why, POIS kind of makes me more anti social.
I really want to fix this since If I don't fix my POIS I will waste my youth like many others did, and I don't want to have a shitty life, I often ask myself Why the F I had to have this weird syndrome that almost no one has and almost no one understands.
My father is medic, I told him about my Pois, but he saw that a lot of you suggested strong medicines he started to doubt that POIS even exist and now he is saying that being tired after the O is normal, so I stopped talking to him about this.
I have clear gut problems since a nutritionist said so but her diet didn't removed my POIS also another doctor said I have a weak immune system so that is very similar to what you have said here.
I will try to get CBS oil as someone suggested, and maybe try that enema method that a YouTuber suggested.
I need help pls, can someone suggest me a diet or a medicine or something that relief the symptoms when you already have them.
I feel that I will waste my youth, I have the opportunity to get a gf and I don't want to waste it because of POIS, I'm kind of desperate at this point, I thought POIS would be cured as the years passed but It doesn't, I already wasted my school years by been always at home except for going to school (I was always late because I felt tired with the POIS).