Damn that sounds amazing, being 100% POIS free, congratz to you man!
What were your T levels before starting Hormone treatments, how did you find out it was Low T causing your POIS.
My problem is I am only 17 and live in a country that doesn't give out T like clinics in USA and my total t was 500ng/dl 1 year ago even tho I feel it is even lower now. I suspect my free T might be low though since I suffer fatigue and anxiety even out of POIS now.
two years ago i'v found clinical study at pubmed where they showed how libido is strongly connected to prolactin level
so i tried cabergolin and it gave me ability to restore much faster after big O
it also made my pois a little bit less but that my experiment with cabergolin lasted only for 1 month
i had terrible pois life especially during last two years
so i started to search for remedy
one day i stumbled upon peaktestosterone site(long after i'v found poiscenter) where they describing the same damn symptoms that i had
then later i'v read at reddit that many guys are being on clomid for years and have wonderful result
so i decided to give it a try
my journey started at the end of october 2018
before starting clomid i made my bloodwork:
my test was 330 ng/dl ref(250-836),
without cabergoline my prolactin was was 275 mkME/ml ref(86-324)
with cabergoline 0.25/0.125 mg per week it dropped down to 56my E2(estradiol) was 12.5pg/ml ref(11.26-43.25)
cabergoline and clomid gave me strong relief for upto 50% i was able to restore my enegry and mood two times faster after big O, two days instead of 4 days (its like a base after which i feel my self much better but still experience some fatigue full restoration usually took 7 days)
then cuz i felt it was not enough and (also i already understood i'm on the right path) i added androgel - and this combo sent me to the sky just in 20 minutes after androgel application
but this paradise lasted only for one week
in january i made my next bloodwork and it showed almost the same results(a little bit better) so my body adjusted to androgel and clomid combo
since 28 of january i'm on real HRT(hormone replacement therapy): testosterone cypionate injection + HCG injection+ cabergoline
i can say i got rid of all general pois symptoms like mental and physical fatique, bad mood etc
but its not the end
right after big O my energy and mood remains at around 60-70%(not like when i were not on HRT when after big O my energy and mood plummeted to 10-20%), i still need to sleep well usually 10 hours - feel my self quite good no bad mood no fatique,(after good sleep energy and mood restored for 70-85% and i'm able and have will to go to gym) but i still feel i lack of something i cant describe ..
and i'm fully restored in two days (like if i were abstinent for 7 days being not on HRT)
after two days i feel no more that i lack of something and i'm at 100% of energy and mood
after all these experiments i'm even more confident that a human is just a sophisticated chemical soup that is why i'm still here with you to find my ultimate cure
i have several theories but they require some money to spend for some supplements ...
p.s. in my country Testosterone, HCG and many other drugs considered as "strong" and sold only by prescription
so i'm buying them a bit "unofficially"

its legal to have it for yourself although not legal to sell
recently i'v found a good doc finally(i had bad experience with docs before) who will give me the official prescription and i will be able to buy pharmacy grade remedies