Author Topic: New study shows Gum disease link to Alzheimer’s  (Read 9977 times)


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Re: New study shows Gum disease link to Alzheimer’s
« Reply #20 on: August 30, 2020, 01:47:32 PM »
All I can say is I had a bad experience with antibiotics and would strongly avoid if at all possible.

I'll try to counter potential problems by taking NAC (I've read this makes them have less side effects) and usual multivitamins.
I'll also take several different probiotics (and fermented foods)..
hopefully it works out.

If you have more details on what you took and what the result was, I'm curious.


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Re: New study shows Gum disease link to Alzheimer’s
« Reply #21 on: September 12, 2020, 12:37:00 PM »
I can?t remember the name of the antibiotic , I think it may have been amoxicillin..

My recollection was , my gut and stomach power reduced , and I just felt low on energy after it for quite some time..
not sure if it was placebo effect , but am sure it negatively effected my gut microbiome.


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Re: New study shows Gum disease link to Alzheimer’s
« Reply #22 on: September 17, 2020, 01:27:26 PM »
So I took the Amoxicillin+Metronidazol some time ago. The Metronidazol I think messes your brain up quite a lot. I would recommend not expecting to be able to work much. I was even too scared to drive a car. (google for the words Metronidazol confusion, it apparantly even has the power to destroy dopamine+serotonine..)

But I pushed through it and survived the 7 days.
I took plenty of probiotics (both food probiotics and probiotic drops from the pharmacy) once per day, some hours away from the previous and next antibiotic dose.
I also took NAC and Vitamin B to counter the Metronidazol effects.

So I think my digestion is fine, It didn't havoc my gut.

My gums don't bleed anymore when flossing and also don't seem to feel inflamed and hurt anymore. I also didn't get headache anymore since then.

For POIS it did not change that much, maybe I don't get sore throat anymore?
It's definitely a piece in the puzzle (making POIS worse) but not the root cause for sure.

The biggest positive health effect I have right now is still the increased salt+electrolytes+fluid(German alcohol free wheat beet) intake I'm doing.


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Re: New study shows Gum disease link to Alzheimer’s
« Reply #23 on: September 17, 2020, 04:58:43 PM »
It sounds like a positive outcome .. v positive .. glad your gums are better , it must be a great feeling .

I personally feel it is like a tapestry and a wholistic healing , you have to concentrate on all parts of your health and fitness to be optimal to stand a chance of getting through it ... and even if there is a cure , a lot of us will still take months to be able to process it , because of our old patterns and maybe other health issues ..

I think to stand a chance of getting over the line with pois , then we do also need to work on a base level of good fitness & health .

It takes me a long time to get to good levels of running and many times after a pois state all of my gains in running are gone and I have to start again from square one it feels like .. but I am taking this all a lot more conciuosly  now ..

I am working on building my vitamin D levels up , which I knew was low .. and I want to maintain them.. this is something totally new for me, but I think it?s crucial.

I have to keep on top of gum and mouth health .. this is a reminder for me to mouthwash before going to bed !

I haven?t tried regular niacin yet.. but maybe I will add that into my routine in October .. already have a lot of things I am supplementing right now.


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Re: New study shows Gum disease link to Alzheimer’s
« Reply #24 on: March 16, 2021, 05:36:47 AM »
It sounds like a positive outcome .. v positive .. glad your gums are better , it must be a great feeling .

Thank you :-)

I'm trying to have this professional teeth cleaning once per year now. They do all kind of stuff mechanically and chemically to clean the mouth.

I'm also doing a ozone based gum therapy. Hurts a bit (and I have to go there 3 times) but I think it's worth it.

Those ozone (O3) treatments are supposed to kill off bacteria and viruses by oxidizing them. This is the same concept as nanna1's high dose vitamin C infusions.
Also the same concept as Rizol therapy.


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Re: New study shows Gum disease link to Alzheimer’s
« Reply #25 on: April 10, 2021, 03:03:02 PM »
After my last teeth cleaning session at the dentist in february/march, I also had 3 sessions of cleaning gums with an ozone lamp.
At the first session it was with an annoying feeling (like a zap) at several spots in my mouth.
In second and then third session, it was much better.

Since then, I don't have mouth pain anymore on day after orgasm.
(The mouth pain already improved after the antibiotic treatment, but now it's even better)

So in my theory where orgasm triggers bacteria growth and/or lowers immune system, this ozone therapy helped because it killed pathogenic bacteria and virus.