I think its a great idea for some of us to meet up and talk about our POIS in a organized fashion. I also realize that many guys want to remain anonymous, yet if we have a very organized platform w/ a licensed psychological professional who can direct conversation in a productive manner (ex. AA). I think the awkwardness of not knowing or maybe only surnames/first names would be much alleviated by a sex therapist whom I happen to know. She has experience w/ two other POIS sufferers besides myself in the last 10 years. I am from Northern New Jersey and very open about my information and story, even if you do not want to share, that is fine, I am not adverse to talking strictly about solutions to other problems like what works for who, research grants, exposure to the public, learning about others and raising money. Even so, there is a huge psychological component to POIS which effects everyone differently. We could also speed up the conversation tremendously with face to face contact and a human level of trust.
From Northern New Jersey, message or email me if you want to set up a group in the region.