Hi I'm new to the forum and just wanted to see if anyone has been going though the various symptoms I've had to deal with for around ten years of my life.
Any sexual arousal leads to a tense build up in my head nose and eyes. My eyes get red and start to water. My nose also waters. My eyes feel loopy and I feel somewhat sick. After orgasm everything in amplified. My joints hurt, I have a headache in various places around my head, and my eyes are even more red and watery. I am also very sensitive to light. I'm almost afraid to be in places with bright lights. My eye floaters become very noticeable and looking at a bright computer screen physically hurts my eyes and amplifies my headache. My body feels cold and aches. My headaches can become so bad sometimes that I can't think properly and social situations give me a lot of anxiety. I have taken indomethacin for the headaches before orgasm and I think it is somewhat effective but not entirely. I am still sensitive to light and my body overall just feels weak. I also have tried allergy medication because I saw that worked for someone on here but I don't think that is helping a whole lot if at all. I also tried niacin but nothing has really come from that either.
It's just weird to me, I know something is wrong with the way my body handles sexual arousal and orgasm, I have no idea what it would feel like to have an orgasm and not feel weak, sad, and in pain for at least the next 6 days. I feel like I'm caught in this cycle and I'm just really lost and not sure what I'm supposed to do. I might also have some form of anxiety but that is mainly because of whatever this is.
Does anyone have any suggestions on treatments that have worked for you. I do feel like this could be a matter of I need to be taking some medication on a regular basis. I've talked to two doctors and both prescribed me with headache medication which wasn't a complete failure. I'm going to see another doctor soon and I'm not sure how to approach explaining it this time around. I don't know if this is a testosterone issue or what. All I know is I need to get myself some help because I get in this cycle of just feeling sick all the time and not doing anything about it.
Thank you guys