After sexual activity I get sleep deprivation. Because my joints are tense. I think sleep deprivation is one of the things that makes POIS worse. When I don’t have to work and don’t havy any social obligations I take an afternoon or early evening nap. When I wake up the POIS symptoms get weaker.
I use antiobiptics a lot for my prostate infcections. I have to use it for 3weeks. But after 2 weeks I sometimes get a knock. When I wake up I am very tired and feeling cold. It’s just like POIS but the day before I didn’t had any sexual activity or ourasal. That night I didn’t sleep well. I couldn’t sleep. And when I was asleep I think I wasn’t in a deep sleep. Because I wake up twice.
I think POIS effects your joints. Then you get tense. If you want to fell asleep you have to be relaxed.
So what if you get rid of the sleep deprivation after having sexual activity? Then maybe you have to use a sleeping pill. I never used a sleeping pill after an O. Because I don’t want to use more than 10 pills in 1 year. Because those pills get you addicted. I only use them for early travelling or before a long flight. Because I can’t sleep in a plane. Even when I use sleeping pills. So did someone take a sleeping pill after sex? And did it help when you woke up? I am jot encouraging to take sleeping pills because they are addictive. Even if it relieves the POIS a lot it isn’t the solution. But it will increase our knowledge about POIS.