Has anyone tried taking super-high dose vitamin D (like way above 10000 IU) for an extended period of time?
Has anyone had their vitamin D levels tested?
Any one done something similar to the Coimbra Protocol?
The Coimbra protocol supposedly can cure many many autoimmune diseases, it involves taking a ton of vitamin D (he starts patients off on 1000IU of vitamin D for each kg of bodyweight per day), also gets them to take lots of co-factors for vitamin D and has patients restrict calcium intake. Obviously don't do something like this without a doctor.
Apparently people seem to get better when Parathyroid hormone levels get to a low but healthy range, with high vitamin D levels, and normal calcium levels.
There's lots of interesting research on the effects of vitamin D on the microbiome and intestinal wall.
https://www.coimbraprotocol.com/general-informationI've taken doses of around 30000-50000 IU as a one off and it seems to remove alot of the symptoms of POIS, not been tested for vit D deficiency but I spend way too much time indoors to not be deficient.
It seems that to get your vitamin D levels up to a healthy level you need ALOT more than most RDA's and you'll probably also have to supplement co-factors (magnesium etc) see: