Yes , mercury and candida is beatufull combination. Me to hawe amalgam for whole life. Not good thing to have i mouth, a specualy us poisers, we should took them out.
Holistic aproach remowing is wery axpesnive, but it is only sawe way to remove.(tousends of euro costs).
Vsl 3, not so costly, about 50 units, a tougth hwo hawe insurance and doctor, he cold try for free.
I am working hard in wery sick condition, withouth insurance, and spend all my mony to testing suplements and food.
last thing i did inwest is cbd olil(75e) , did nothing for me.
Me hawe no isurance(because my ilnes), no doctor(no doctors for such ilnes in my country).
The poisers who liwe in country with good medicall care and insurance are lucky on that side.
I live in country where state do not care about not employed people(not giving them mony to survive if you cant work), and for exemple when i go in hospital they can not diagnose me for cronic fatigue ilnes and pots for exemple, there a no such a ilnes for them.