Author Topic: Women with Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome  (Read 103858 times)


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Re: Women with Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome
« Reply #160 on: February 10, 2021, 01:06:18 PM »

2) No, I was very young when I first masturbated, less than 3 years old. I used to do it very often as a kid, probably daily, unless I was sick. I used to be sick pretty often too, which I later found out was caused by a food intolerance (a very bad one, almost an allergy) to soy.

Wow this is crazy I didn't know kids that young ever did that.


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Re: Women with Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome
« Reply #161 on: February 10, 2021, 01:10:36 PM »
Wow this is crazy I didn't know kids that young ever did that.
Probably a typo. I guess it's 13.


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Re: Women with Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome
« Reply #162 on: February 10, 2021, 01:15:53 PM »
Probably a typo. I guess it's 13.

I thought the same at first but she did say "really young" and as a kid, Iron feather can you clear this up lol.


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Re: Women with Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome
« Reply #164 on: February 19, 2021, 03:46:41 PM »

Female POIS Symptoms

I know that women are few and far between on this sub, but as a woman I would like to bring light to some of the symptoms I face with POIS. I have debilitating POIS. One orgasm can trigger up to a month of symptoms that mimic bipolar disorder and premenstrual dysphoric disorder. Abstaining from orgasming is the only cure I've found so far. While practicing abstinence all of these symptoms disappear. But here are the symptoms I find most noticeable.


General brain fog
Decreased ability to stay focused (ADD like symptoms)
Becoming significantly more disorganized


Manic Depression - rapid swings between high risk behaviors (drinking, unprotected sex, drugs) and paralyzing sadness
Urges to have angry outbursts
Apathy towards romantic partner
Decreased patience with my child
Suicidal thoughts (usually occurs after multiple orgasms in succession)
Increase of nightmares
Crying- so much nonsensical crying


Extreme fatigue
Allergy symptoms
Watery eyes
Sneezing fits
Itchy skin
Runny nose
Increased appetite
Back pain
Vaginal odor
Increased vaginal discharge
Acne break outs
Worse menstrual cramps
Increased menstrual bleeding
Weight gain
Increase of yeast infections and bacterial vaginitis
Increase of UTIs
Trouble regulating body temperature (especially feet)
Severely decreased libido
Vaginismus symptoms

So far for treatment I have tried Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Caffeine, antihistamines, Kratom. None of these have helped me.

"I have some questions for you.... Did you have POIS from the first time you started having sex or further along in time? If it is the latter can you tie it in to any substance, drug or other event going on in your life at the time? Have you had your hormone levels tested the day after an O? Hmmm you have increased appetite and weight gain. I have the opposite problem. Yes women are few and far between which has always intrigued me, what is different about those that do. If it is say a gut microbiome issue then women should be just as common as men with POIS."

"I can't pinpoint a start date, but I've experienced bipolar symptoms and chronic fatigue ever since I was in high school. I have masterbated since I was 13 (and during my teen years definitely experienced porn addiction- which is my theory on what may have created a hormonal imbalance). I did not actually have sex with a partner until 23, and that sex rarely gets me to an O. After abstaining from masterbating I began to realize I felt like an entirely different person. That made me really begin questioning the source of my chronic fatigue.

I have had blood work done and hormonal levels checked- all were normal. I have not had them checked immediately after an O. I can say that my emotional symptoms were non-existent during my pregnancy, although the physical and mental stayed.


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Re: Women with Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome
« Reply #165 on: March 23, 2021, 12:01:40 PM »
Posting this here, could be helpful to others.

I haven't been around much because I've been sick with POIS again, with crazy tachycardia and general weakness. I tried to start slowly exercising again and it was a disaster, I spent two weeks with a fever afterwards. I'm going to get a blood test done on Thursday, and I just realized that maybe you could recommend me something I could ask my doctor to test for. Is there anything specific that tends to come up wrong in the blood tests of people with POIS? I'm tired of doctors believing it's all in my head because all the parameters always come back perfect.

I've been reading old posts here and came across nanna1's theory about herpes and POIS. It fits what I think about POIS being some kind of infection in the nervous system.

Nanna made a small compilation:
Result thread:

If you think infection plays a role then you may want to investigate Th1/Th2 balance (IFN-g/IL-4):
(Cytokine panels could be checked for a disordered cytokine profile, see examples in thread above, fever is probably induced by cytokines)

POIS theories:
Ideas regarding parameters in the comment section:

SIBO test can be done if you suspect an overgrowth:

MCAS testing:

Options regarding the tachycardia:
-Alpha or beta adrenergic receptor autoantibodies (nobody has done these yet, seen in CFS and POTS patients):
-Increased plasma norepinephrine (measurement between laying down and standing position reveals increase)

VEGF if blood brain barrier permeability is increased and things are leaking through.

Your doctor probably don't got these tests. Btw if your Th1/Th2 balance shows a Th1 polarization it can mean you can have autoantibodies(virus can induce this, the Th1 response is due to viral infection) and probably of the adrenergic type since you got tachycardia see learner1 from CFS forum.

I would do a cytokine test including Th1/Th2 balance if you ask me.


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Re: Women with Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome
« Reply #166 on: March 25, 2021, 08:45:43 AM »
Thanks a lot for all the info and for taking the time to put all of this together, the forum is a bit scattered sometimes and I hadn't found most of these things.

I had my blood test done today, I'll upload my results (and previous ones too) as soon as I have them. They couldn't test for some of the parameters I wanted, but I managed to convince my doctor to ask for all vitamins B, A, C and D, as well as IgG and IgM antibodies for all types of herpes, and the TH1/TH2 ratio you mentioned.

Forum is indeed scattered. Rule of thumb: Pinned threads contain the most relevant information including comment section. Th1/Th2 in combination with herpes...oke, let's wait and see.


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Re: Women with Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome
« Reply #167 on: March 25, 2021, 09:43:26 AM »
Nice, thank you IronFeather. I wish more people could convince their doctors to do more specific blood tests of this kind. It's a shame that most of them keep asking only for the standard and irrelevant stuff which never shows anything interesting.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2021, 11:51:25 AM by Prospero »


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Re: Women with Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome
« Reply #168 on: March 25, 2021, 03:22:32 PM »
Ironfeather has quite some cases of cancer in her family. IDO is overexpressed in cancer. IDO inhibits natural killer cell function. It might be a problem in viral infection where you need intracellular clearing. Increased Interferon gamma in response to a viral infection could work against you if IDO is overexpressed (not in individuals with normal IDO numbers), in that it upregulates IDO so that inhibition of NK function dominates. Like a trap. Just wanted to throw this out there before i forget it. Tryptophan could be low as a consequence.


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Re: Women with Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome
« Reply #169 on: March 27, 2021, 10:43:35 AM »
I just created a thread with all the info about my case, I'll update it along the way, and soon I'll add the results of my previous blood tests.

The lab did a disaster with this test though, they didn't take enough blood to analyze everything they needed, and for some reason they didn't even upload the TH1/TH2 to the results page, and only the HH1 and HH2 are showing (but not the HH3, 5 or 7, which my doctor also asked for). I'm trying to figure out what's happening, but maybe they don't have the equipment to test for these parameters...
26-year-old Spanish woman with POIS symptoms for the last 13 years.
Suffering from exercise intolerance since April 2020.
My case thread, with medical tests results.


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Re: Women with Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome
« Reply #170 on: April 19, 2021, 10:59:11 AM »
Among hormones, estrogens, glucorticoids and thyroxine are the best characterized modulators of the KP. Estrogens enhance TDO activity; enzyme activity is triplicated in women who are pregnant or are taking oral contraceptives Ref

"I truly thought I was the only woman alive experiencing this.  For me, this all started AFTER menopause (I'm 53) and no longer had to take birth control pills (I was on those for 20+ years).  I thought maybe those two things combined were causing this.


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Re: Women with Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome
« Reply #171 on: April 27, 2021, 07:14:07 AM »
Another female:

"does anyone know what treatment for women would be?

I have all of the debilitating symptoms of POIS. i assume i have high testosterone and thats why this is happening but am not certain


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Re: Women with Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome
« Reply #172 on: April 27, 2021, 08:20:58 AM »

Estrogen seems to be protective against intestinal inflammation. Could this explain the male/female ratio in POIS? What about females that do have normal to high estrogen and still got POIS? Could they have reduced expression of estrogen beta receptors. Impaired estrogen signaling?

"I truly thought I was the only woman alive experiencing this.  For me, this all started AFTER menopause (I'm 53) and no longer had to take birth control pills (I was on those for 20+ years).  I thought maybe those two things combined were causing this.

Estrogen and microglia:

Testosterone and microglia
« Last Edit: April 27, 2021, 08:56:01 AM by Muon »


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Re: Women with Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome
« Reply #173 on: May 23, 2021, 11:30:51 AM »

Quote from: brittneystaubin
For 24+ hours after masturbating (all external, not internal), I get very faint/lightheaded, as well as the symptoms of: fatigue, nausea, brain fog and inability to concentrate, low or no appetite, a small headache, and an intense bloating and tingling pressure in my uterus area. It gets worse immediately after eating anything (both the bloating and the weird pressure). But I am not able to drive the next day from this. I also have POTS and IBS-C.


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Re: Women with Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome
« Reply #174 on: November 03, 2021, 06:26:54 AM »
Probably a typo. I guess it's 13.

I thought the same at first but she did say "really young" and as a kid, Iron feather can you clear this up lol.

Oops, sorry I took so long to reply to this, I hadn't seen your question until now! Well, I realize I look like a complete perv, but yes, I meant 3 years old. I remember doing it at night, almost daily, somehow knowing it was something I had to hide from my parents. I didn't realize until many years later, around 11 years old, what I was really doing and that it had a name. It's so embarrassing looking back on it now, but I probably overdid it quite a lot between the ages of 3 and 11. I wonder if I damaged something, being so young and all, but it didn't ever cause me any problems until I was around 12-13 years old.
26-year-old Spanish woman with POIS symptoms for the last 13 years.
Suffering from exercise intolerance since April 2020.
My case thread, with medical tests results.


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Re: Women with Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome
« Reply #175 on: November 03, 2021, 12:47:04 PM »
yes, I meant 3 years old.
Is this normal (as in, do these sexual functions work at that age?) or is it a defect in sexual function development? I mean yes at that age you don't think at sexuality but I wonder if those functions even work properly at that age.


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Re: Women with Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome
« Reply #176 on: November 03, 2021, 01:36:46 PM »
yes, I meant 3 years old.
Is this normal (as in, do these sexual functions work at that age?) or is it a defect in sexual function development? I mean yes at that age you don't think at sexuality but I wonder if those functions even work properly at that age.

I googled around a bit (I hope I'm not on some CIA watchlist now!), and according to the info I could find, maybe it's not that abnormal. This site, for example, considers normal that kids masturbate between 5-9 years of age, and that kids aged 0-4 "enjoy touching their genitals". So, as embarrassing as the topic is, I believe that the basic sexual functions already work at that age. However, puberty definitely brings on some drastic changes and things are felt quite differently too.
26-year-old Spanish woman with POIS symptoms for the last 13 years.
Suffering from exercise intolerance since April 2020.
My case thread, with medical tests results.


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Re: Women with Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome
« Reply #177 on: December 27, 2021, 06:29:16 PM »
Posting for my wife, who's Multiple Sclerosis symptoms prevent her from posting herself.
She has been burdened with most of the physical and many of the mental/emotional symptoms of POIS since at least 1997.
After reading Dr W's study and many other POIS symptom descriptors, I was shocked at how well this fit my wife's symptoms to a tee.
We have always just called it "F*ck Dumb" as her most notable symptom has always been a marked decrease in various cognitive function, much as if she had an IQ that was controlled by a little knob in her head that gets turned down several notches immediately after an orgasm, regardless of source, and continues on for about 3-7 days, typically dependent on the number of orgasms she experienced at the onset and if she had any subsequent orgasms during the recovery period; the more orgasms, the longer the recovery time.
While you may want to immediately point to MS as the cause, keep in mind, she was 2nd in her graduating high school class, captain of the college color guard, and maintaining an A/B grade level in college when we first noticed these symptoms in 1997.  The symptoms are basically the same since day 1, 25 years ago when I started noticing them, so I don't find that it is likely a symptom of her MS. That and the fact every Neurologist specializing in MS we have seen and talked to about this, just looks at us funny and says "I've never heard of that...maybe she's just dehydrated after sex?".  Granted the symptoms have a greater impact on her and me now but that is not because they have seemed to get worse, more so that they have a bigger impact as she has less of a cognitive surplus to give up every time POIS strikes after an orgasm.  In other words, when she lost the equivalent of 20 IQ points as fully functioning genius with a normal IQ near 130, it wasn't a big deal to get through the day, however now that she is only working with about 95 IQ points, losing 20 of them can put a really big hiccup in your week.
She does have physical symptoms including fatigue, muscle weakness, muscle control, etc. however, these are markable separate from her MS symptoms in that she always seems to return to the MS symptoms baseline after the 3-7 days is over, with no remaining symptom distress from the POIS, that we can tell.
I have many theories on my wife's issues, but wish to do a LOT more reading on this forum before sharing to ensure I don't violate a posting rule or churn the waters needlessly.
Thank you for all your wisdom, and sharing your experiences. God bless.


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Re: Women with Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome
« Reply #178 on: December 27, 2021, 06:45:22 PM »
FoxyTree, thank you, and welcome to the forum!
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of weekly (52 weeks/year) testosterone self-injections.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business.


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Re: Women with Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome
« Reply #179 on: January 09, 2022, 11:34:15 AM »

"Hello. Just found this sub. Are women welcome here?

I am a 25 y/o woman with awful symptoms after orgasming.

The worst symptoms being: Chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, brain fog, inability to function. They worsen the more I orgasm/with higher frequency. I also get blurry vision, eye floaters, seems like I have lower immune function. Terrible impulse control as well. Feel agitated. Have trouble holding conversations compared to before. Just feel completely out of it. Symptoms usually last 3-7 days. But the last time I orgasmed many times in one session, had terrible mental health issues which lasted about 2.5 weeks. Almost felt severely bipolar which I have never experienced before in my life. Had EXTREME depression and anxiety, worst I've ever felt it. I'm about 90% sure the cause is orgasm, but I can't figure out why.

I'm not sure what to think. I am so confused. I try to abstain from PMO but it also stresses me out, also am on a very strict diet. Sometimes the stress/anxiety is just too much which leads me to relapse and gaslight myself, telling myself I don't have these symptoms or I'm making it up in my head. It is clearly very real but I don't know what to do about it or how to lessen the symptoms.

Am currently reading through the sub, just thought I would check in. Any thoughts or comments appreciated.

Admin EDIT: Added quotation marks and italic before there is misunderstandings :-)
« Last Edit: January 10, 2022, 10:48:04 AM by berlin1984 »