I want to share some important thing that happened to me after taking mestinon . my text is too long .sorry I cant help . but I shoud say that as time goes by , I can not be sure that what is my problem . because I saw near 6000 disease or syndrome had written and listed in Wikipedia website . most of them had symptoms like fatigue , insomnia ,headache , irritability , flue like symptoms , fever , muscle weakness or so on . they are very similar .(I didn?t read all of 6000 but took a look near 20 syndrome )
2 days ago I went a neurologist to ask him if I have MG OR CMS OR OTHER Disease and after only just tapping my knee nerve (patella tendon reaction ) , without doing any EMG (muscle and nerve test) test or requesting for ACHR antibody test , he told me you seem ok and you have not GM or CMS .he was not familiar with pois . but said may be you have Hypochondria (disease that patient think he or she has a special disease but there is nothing wrong ) .
Actually when I hear some words like that(you have not any health problem or its only your conception and feeling ) I feel myself very baadd. But despite his woeds I bought and took one mestinon 60 mg (pyridostigmin) .
Befor going on I should list the medications that I have used and took but they were not so effective :
Flouxsetine , propranolol , citalopram, clonozepam(revotril) , olanzapine , Narcofenil(provigil)
Dolouxetine ( had the best effect between those)
Also I should mention that this text is not suggesting any new idea for treatement or I don?t encourage and suggest any one using or testing mentioned medication . because each body has very special features and disorders and allergies .so we should take only healthcare profession words .we know that if we take 2 or 3 different medication together maybe those have interaction and makes us endanger .so please don?t take my words as suggestion
The new medication(mestinon) results were very noticeable and different from the past as below : (NO medication have affected me like this befor)
1- One of very important symptom is sleeping for near half of the day (even after that many hours I felt NOT FRESH).so the first important change that this medication made me happen was SHORTENING the need for sleeping (7 hour sleep a day and feel very fresh and no need to the word ?? MUST TO SLEEP?? . I mean I can stay awake without no effort . I have not experienced it before even by taking NARCOLEPCY DRUG called ??NARCOFENIL?? ).even after O there is no need for more sleep . this effect of mestinon in not written in any source . but may be there is relation between sleep mechanism and cholin .
When I wake up , I used to feel confuse near two hour in bed without doing or standing up .(near zero motivation) but after taking this medication , duration(THE TIME ) between waking up and standing on feet lasts up to 5 minutes . when I wake up , I have zero need to continue the rest of sleep .also sleep depth and quality has grown very well that Narcolepsy drug(modafinil ) had not affected like this .
3- One of my very important symptom of my pois is ??Being SLOW?? in every thing. Slow walking ,slow reacting ,eating , even slow car driving (( you know in driving car we don?t need to muscular force and energy because engine does it to us . but I could not drive my car in the speeds above 80 km per hour .I think its related to low speed of processing data in my brain .may be my brain cannot afford the processing information in high speed so it was tolerating to high speed actions ). But after taking this medication , all of a sudden that vanished and I can drive and tend to like driving in fast speeds .my family are saying to me ?? what happen to you . you drive very slow and carefully . but now you are completely opposite . ?? my task doing speed has very improved too . chewing ,eating speed has improved very well .
4- IRRITABILITY and changing in mood after O :
Decreased the duration and intensity of irritability near 40 percent .
5- HEART AND VASCULAR EFFECT : Another very HUGE important effect of this single medication that I would never expect from a (non ? heart and vascular medication) happened to me . I use to or used to get high heart rate even with doing middle heavy tasks and very soon became tired and get asthma like situation . for example walking up the stairs (3 floor for example) make me completely unable to continue the forth and become asthma like . I have done so many heart related medical tests before but results came back nothing(normal) .
But after taking this miracle drug I can do 3 time more than before at least , and without getting tired or asthma . and now I can understand other normal people .(because I was asking myself how they can do this without getting tired).
6- ASTHMA , shortness of breathing , muscular power and duration:
I reached noticeable results . after taking this medication , I can do muscular tasks without getting muscle tire . for example in bathroom when I wash my head , after a short time I used to get tired and my heart used to not allow me do more and had to stop .but now I can rise my hands and do wash my hairs for very longer than before I used to . I also used to have not enough oxygen (or air) during taking bath but now I can . I used to take propranolol (beta blocker for heart ) . but it doesn?t has such a greatest and miracle result as mestinon has .
Another example , when I wash my car (myself ) I used to get tired between the process and used to stop and rest for moments .but now without stopping and breaks I can do it the whole !
7- Motivation , Brain fog and cognitive effect and motivation :
In this term , I can say that my motivation and energy for doing new thins has improved noticeably . especially motivation
Improvement in abovementioned groups by only a single medication that I have never experienced such a vivid and noticeable positive effects , lead me to the idea that may be I have a BIG issue with DEAR CHOLIN . but sure 7 day of experience is not enough to say anything .but what I am sure is that this is not placebo effect .because I took many many medication with hopfully senses to cure but the placebo has not lasted for more than one day till now to me . but its 7th day of taking mestinon . I don?t know if I have cholin deficiency or if I have enough cholin but cannot absorb choline ? if I have genetic mutation in some genes related to CHOLIN .
But now I do have an important clue that many of my symptoms can affected by only and lonely CHOLIN .
I have been reading posts of POISCENTER forum every day. And want to thank all of members and ongoing discussion and specially ?? THIS TYPE ?? he considered me to read about MG AND CMS syndromes . the idea of taking mestinon also came from there to my mind .
Then I also found that mestinon is acting the same way like MYTELAS (both are cholinerase inhibator).mytelas is not available in my country and I don?t know which one can be most effective for me .(if you have idea pls share about the differences). So this type of pois treatment was also mentioned in quantum s CHART OF POIS TYPES
http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=2338.0 as number 4 .
I benefited very very positively from this forum .and I have been reading all the discussion (but my poor English doesn?t let me be fast in reading ). I want to ask all you members specially cholinergic members that what do you suggest for me with abovementioned situation . I ordered one supplement of 1200mg soy lecithin . I am taking 20mg vit B6 .1000 MG omega 3 (fish oil). Sometimes B12 tablet . one garlic a day .one boiled egg a day (near two week). also want to know which other supplement can be beneficial to cholin members . would you suggest B9 ? B2? (if so , please mention the generic and business name of it ). To be honest I have not a good experience and relation with my country doctors . because they don?t know enough or don?t need to know more (because money is coming any way ). for examples non of them suspected me about cholin or other possible related issues . non of their medication has worked . until I discovered and tried it from web(THANK TO THE POISCENTER) . briefly, taking doctors notes and cautions is very important but if they are real DOCTORS !!!!.i am sure that US and European citizens have very standard rules in health systems and my be you citizens have a more educated more standard healthcare system an doctors but me not . for example here in my country doctors do not connected through the computers to patient s whole documented details so that they have NOT a brief and total information of patient health and treatments history . each doctor has his her own office and you can have access to them by paying to them .they don?t need to know about your detailed past health documented history . there are GOVERNMENTAL hospitals .but they too have not connection for your past experiences too .i think this system exist in US OR EUROPEAN OR developed countries . so I have big problem to explain myself to them(SO CALLED DOCTORS ) .they only say there is nothing wrong with you . so I don?t know how to ask them give me the related blood tests or so on (they are denying every thing ) . the only way I found useful will be here I am sure. using other members experiences .so long story short , please give me your suggestions about what type of blood test or other test should I take ? ACHR ab ? genetic DNA mutation ? which codes of DNA is related would you think in terms of CHOLIN ? I also suspected myself having POTS syndrome (NOTE: POTS İS NOT POIS) .because when I read POTS syndrome symptoms ,
http://www.potsuk.org/symptomshttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postural_orthostatic_tachycardia_syndromeMany of POTS suffers can treated by MESTINON or prydostigmin.
See other POIS member post :
http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=2219.msg18216#msg18216PoTS may be under diagnosed in those with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and is estimated to affect around 25-50% of people with CFS. It has been suggested that these two conditions may be part of the same group of conditions with similar causes.
So in conclusion at least until now I have to distinguish the most real one symptom that I have . but it is possible only by doing genetic DNA tests that I have not had any one .
I should try to know more about POIS , CFS , POTS , MG OR CMS ., Mast cell activation syndrome because they are connected to each one I thinks ?. i will share my experiences as soon as i can find anymore .but do not forget , only a word of your view can help me to reach the fact in shorter time ,
At the end i want to mention that this is only 8 days of experiments . and may be they wear off after some days or special duration for whatever reason . i dont know completely who of members cured by cholin (FLOPPY BANANA AND THIS TYPE maybe) but i want you explain me the difference between mytelase or prydostigmin or huperzin or galantainin or so on ... i confused that wich one is base cure . the only reason why i selected mestinon was i only knew that name and not more types at that time .
i wonder your whole views ? im waiting your views

Thank you very much for reading till here the end line