Author Topic: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread  (Read 273726 times)


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #620 on: February 11, 2021, 09:52:02 AM »

Page 52/61 from the file you provided:
"NOTE: The presence of Candida in the GI tract diverts Pyruvate away from its preferred pathway (Kreb's Cycle), and results in less cellular energy."

I did get a stool test back after I posted about starting Azithromycin, which stated that there was a large amount of fungus/yeast that was microscopically visible in my stool - much more than the baseline expectation for yeast in a stool sample - but it was unable to be cultured potentially because the yeast didn't survive the GI tract (other stool tests have said no yeast detectable, but those previous ones only checked for culture, not under a microscope).

Not sure what the implications of the large amount of dead yeast in my stool (maybe it was from small intestine... SIFO?), other than I will now start an antifungal regimen and hope it somehow helps.

I wonder whether blocking pyruvate decarboxylase helps. I have no idea how to interpret your results. DBH, COMT, MAOA could be problematic regarding catecholamine degradation. ATG16L1 associated  with Crohn's. IL-13, IL-5: Allergies/Th2 activation. I'm clueless about these SNPs, I don't understand the basic principles of these. 


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #621 on: February 11, 2021, 10:19:14 AM »

Page 52/61 from the file you provided:
"NOTE: The presence of Candida in the GI tract diverts Pyruvate away from its preferred pathway (Kreb's Cycle), and results in less cellular energy."

I did get a stool test back after I posted about starting Azithromycin, which stated that there was a large amount of fungus/yeast that was microscopically visible in my stool - much more than the baseline expectation for yeast in a stool sample - but it was unable to be cultured potentially because the yeast didn't survive the GI tract (other stool tests have said no yeast detectable, but those previous ones only checked for culture, not under a microscope).

Not sure what the implications of the large amount of dead yeast in my stool (maybe it was from small intestine... SIFO?), other than I will now start an antifungal regimen and hope it somehow helps.

I wonder whether blocking pyruvate decarboxylase helps. I have no idea how to interpret your results. DBH, COMT, MAOA could be problematic regarding catecholamine degradation. ATG16L1 associated  with Crohn's. IL-13, IL-5: Allergies/Th2 activation. I'm clueless about these SNPs, I don't understand the basic principles of these. 

I have thought all these four and a half years my symptoms are because of candida overgrowth but doctors never tested for this no matter how many times I told them to check for fungal infections, I also have seen dead candida strands in my stools. My stools frequently  have bubbles float, cloudy water, and at the worst times they have been liquid and my brain felt infected. My arabinose levels (candida indicator) were over double the highest range in the OAT test I did a year ago. Arabinose levels are much higher in autistic boys than non autistic boys.


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #622 on: February 11, 2021, 10:27:29 AM »
I wonder if the pyruvate to lactate ratio is out of balance and skewed towards pyruvate. They don't test for C. Albicans overgrowth because there is no definitive test for it, only for systemic infection but we are not talking about that.


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #623 on: February 11, 2021, 10:28:41 AM »

I have thought all these four and a half years my symptoms are because of candida overgrowth but doctors never tested for this no matter how many times I told them to check for fungal infections, I also have seen dead candida strands in my stools. My stools frequently  have bubbles float, cloudy water, and at the worst times they have been liquid and my brain felt infected. My arabinose levels (candida indicator) were over double the highest range in the OAT test I did a year ago. Arabinose levels are much higher in autistic boys than non autistic boys.

Anti fungals like oregano oil help me when I'm feeling really sick/infected. Luckily my stools have improved a lot in the last year after taking oregano oil, one month of nystatin, bentonite clay from the functional medicine practitioner I saw a year ago, and from changing my diet.

The problem with Nystatin is that it only treats candida in the gut, and not systemic candida, I tried to get fluconazole off my gp but the most he could give was five days worth which I took in september.

There was one active member(can't remember his name) a few years ago on here who took a course of fluconazole for a few months and he never returned to update, his profile also got deleted.


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #624 on: February 11, 2021, 02:00:32 PM »
I upgraded from the free version of the Nutrahacker gene mutation report that I posted earlier and bought the complete Complete gene mutation report. I've attached the complete report bellow, it gives advice on what supplements to take and avoid. It doesn't really seem more helpful than the free version was.


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #625 on: February 12, 2021, 08:43:51 AM »
Regarding folic acid and food; aren't grains high in folic acid? And what does it mean to have an active vitamin B12 elevated regarding methylation?
« Last Edit: February 12, 2021, 09:03:23 AM by Muon »


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #626 on: February 12, 2021, 09:31:16 AM »
Regarding folic acid and food; aren't grains high in folic acid? And what does it mean to have an active vitamin B12 elevated regarding methylation?

Grains have fortified folic acid added to them, green vegetables have methyl folate. Have you done a methylmalonic acid test it can show if your body is absorbing the b12, a homocysteine test would be useful also. You may have a functional b12 deficiency despite having high levels.  I'm not sure about your second question but I do know folate is required to bring b12 to the cells.

I found the MTHFR reddit to be helpful on methylation they can answer your questions or b12 wake up fb group is good also.

I've just found out from my gene anaylsis that I can't take folinic acid, which explains why I wasn't feeling good on the brain gain folinic acid supplement.
L methyl folate also makes me feel bad which is the one it suggests I take however I was always swallowing a pill and never tried sublingually. Now I'm taking a tiny bit from a 400mcg pill under my tounge and it works much better.  I've seen other people advise you need to start with small amounts usually until your body adjusts.

It also suggested I take hydrox b12 which I also reacted badly to in the past but again I'm starting with a tiny dose now and all together they seem to work well. I'm taking b minus from seeking health for the other b vitamins.

I think if people in here focused on fixing their methyl cycle defects in here I think they would have a lot less problems, methylation is really important.

Methylation issues can also be the cause of autonomic dysfunction
« Last Edit: February 12, 2021, 09:34:11 AM by Iwillbeatthis »


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #627 on: February 12, 2021, 10:39:42 AM »
Have you done a methylmalonic acid test it can show if your body is absorbing the b12, a homocysteine test would be useful also.
From what I understand is that if B12 is high, MMA is low and vice versa. Unless you have a small bowel syndrome which could lead to both an elevated B12 and elevated MMA. Homocysteine is normal, MMA has never been tested.

You may have a functional b12 deficiency despite having high levels.
Yes Simon66 told me the same thing.

Methylation issues can also be the cause of autonomic dysfunction
I suspect that my autonomic dysfunction is due to neuroinflammation.


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #629 on: February 20, 2021, 10:14:47 AM »
The report says I have a Focus score of 1.0. And it says that score is equal to lymphocytes/50 cells. Something like that.

Hi guys, little feedback, i did biopsy of sample from stomach week a go when i did gastroscopy where they found gerd, duodentitis, erosive gastritis which is manifested by bleeding. Today came results from biopsy.

"Two pieces of gastric antrum mucosa were received. The integumentary epithelium is neat, the fovea converge towards one end (erosion) and the glands are of adequate thickness. In the lamina propria above the glands are scarce lymphocyte infiltrates and slightly smaller foci of bleeding. H.pylori is negative. DG. GASTRITIS CHRONICA EROSIVA"

Are these truly lymphocytes and if so, what kind of lymphocytes are we dealing with? Altered local chemokine signaling/gradients could attract these cells. What molecules are capable of attracting lymphocytes leading to infiltration? Something that could be explored. More POISers could be dealing with tissue infiltration if cytokines/chemokines are involved in POIS.

If sIL-8 plays a key role in male genital tract (MAG) inflammation/infection then it might lead to infiltration of leukocytes in the MAG (and thus to barrier disruption?). Interleukin 8 and the male genital tract This doesn't make sense in female cases though.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2021, 10:37:41 AM by Muon »


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results
« Reply #630 on: February 20, 2021, 12:21:20 PM »
New Bicom Bioresonance results this week:

Recommended supplements (deficiencies): Vitamin E, B5, manganese, glutamin, Antimycotis, Salvestrols
Issues: Straine intercellular tissue, fungus (not candida)

Forgive me for being skeptical but how can such a thing give such specific readings based on Electromagnetic fields alone. I know that Electromagnetic fields do have an effect on our cells and bodily functions but it seems very suspicious to me that it can give you such accurate/specific readings and suggestions based on that alone. I saw a video before of someone testing it on a material object and it still gave that a reading eg: it assumed it was a human.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2021, 12:33:55 PM by Iwillbeatthis »


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #631 on: February 20, 2021, 12:35:04 PM »
New Bicom Bioresonance results this week:

Recommended supplements (deficiencies): Vitamin E, B5, manganese, glutamin, Antimycotis, Salvestrols
Issues: Straine intercellular tissue, fungus (not candida)

B5 is needed for or contribute to:
- Production of adrenal and pitutary-hormones
- Production of antiinflammatory substances (cortisol)
- Production of stommach acids
- Normal blood sugar levels
- Healthy skin
- Prevent inflammation of the periosteum
- Antioxidant activity
- Increases stress resistance
- Antihistamin effects to reduce allergy reactions
- Important for B2 production
- Lowers colesterol and triclycerides

I experience issues with almost all of those things. However I have taken B5 in supplements at thousands times higher dose than RDI for a long time, but I believe the uptake is really bad because of my intestinal problems.

Vitamin E needs bile and pancreases enymes to be absorbed. I think my bile-production in POIS is greatly reduced since the stool gets yellowish during and after POIS (decreased fat-absorption). B5 is said to be "easy absorbed by the intestines" though. No toxic doses is known. Over 10 000 mg/day might cause diarrhea.

Vitamin E deficiencies (of whitch I share many):
- perifer neuropathy
- muscle and joint pain
- arthritis
- allergy
- dermatitis
- exzema
- dry hair
- har loss
- enlarged prostate
- migraine
- digestional problems
- vein inflammation
- varicose veins

Manganeese contribute to:
- production of dopamine from tyrosine
- production of tyroxine (most important thyroid gland hormone)
- important for adrenal fuction
- importat for bone- and tissue production
- good blood coagulation

Glutamin is known for healing the guts. Researchers of this study conclude that:

"Glutamine is a major nutrient to maintain intestinal barrier function in animals and humans. Depletion of glutamine results in villus atrophy, decreased expression of tight junction proteins and increased intestinal permeability. Moreover, glutamine supplementation can improve gut barrier function in several experimental conditions of injury and in some clinical situations. Furthermore, preventive effects of glutamine in experimental models of intestinal injuries have been recently reported. Despite promising data in experimental models, further studies are needed to evaluate glutamine supplementation in clinical practice. "

My thoughts: Either POIS is involved in intestinal permability (wich causes most POIS symptoms) or intestinal permability (because of stress) causes POIS symptoms. Or both things happens independently. Either way, healing the gut is extremely important and increasing liver/bile function and stommach acid (1 teaspoon sea salt every morning in hot water). Plus improving sleep by going to bed between 10-11 pm and not watching bright computer screens or doing mental work one hour before bed. Plus improving blood circulation by exercise/walks. Plus eating foods hight in cholesterols and low on sugar/starch.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2021, 01:14:32 PM by BoneBroth »


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Re: Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results
« Reply #632 on: February 21, 2021, 09:57:19 AM »
Forgive me for being skeptical but how can such a thing give such specific readings based on Electromagnetic fields alone. I know that Electromagnetic fields do have an effect on our cells and bodily functions but it seems very suspicious to me that it can give you such accurate/specific readings and suggestions based on that alone. I saw a video before of someone testing it on a material object and it still gave that a reading eg: it assumed it was a human.

It is what it is. A discussion of what it is could be held in another thread. There are dozens of frequence technologies, many developed by the russians. Some are more trustworthy then others. Bicom is one of the most serious companies and their equipment are the most expensive and used at hundreds of public hospitals, many in Germany. I have plenty of experiences of people who, with the help of theese technologies, have got rid of various serious and long term disease, that the public health could not come near to fix. What is less reliable is a cherry picked Youtube video that claims it has debunked something.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2021, 05:04:08 PM by BoneBroth »


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #633 on: February 25, 2021, 03:51:11 PM »
Intestinal B cell-activating factor: an indicator of non-IgE-mediated hypersensitivity reactions to food?

High levels of BAFF have been reported in patients with allergic disease (asthma) and autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus, Sjogren's syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic sclerosis, mixed cryoglobulinaemia, myasthenia gravis and coeliac disease.12-16 Overexpression of BAFF in animal models leads to B-cell hyperplasia, lymphoproliferation, hypergammaglobulinaemia and symptoms of autoimmunity.


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #634 on: February 27, 2021, 02:55:44 PM »
Muon, way back when I started my Magical TRT Mystery Tour, I had an MRI of the brain ordered by my endocrinologist, resulting in a find of Empy Sella Syndrome. Not sure if/where to post...
Obstruction of the CSF circulation may result in empty sella syndrome, with flattening of the pituitary gland and resulting hormonal changes.


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #635 on: February 27, 2021, 08:23:25 PM »
Muon, way back when I started my Magical TRT Mystery Tour, I had an MRI of the brain ordered by my endocrinologist, resulting in a find of Empy Sella Syndrome. Not sure if/where to post...
Obstruction of the CSF circulation may result in empty sella syndrome, with flattening of the pituitary gland and resulting hormonal changes.

Thanks, Muon!
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of weekly (52 weeks/year) testosterone self-injections.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business.


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #636 on: February 28, 2021, 05:55:16 AM »
According to the most common causes of fatty liver are:

  • Insulin resistance, pre-diabetes, type 2 diabetes
  • High intake of sugar and carbohydrate-rich foods
  • High intake of industrial seed oil high in omega 6 fat
  • Intestinal diseases such as celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO)
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Viral infections

I have SIBO. I drank a glass of white organic 12% wine yesterday and was surprised how much I could feel it for two hours after. And the night was horrible. Hight pulse and nightmares and headache. Was it the wine? Histamines? Weak liver?
« Last Edit: February 28, 2021, 07:16:32 AM by BoneBroth »


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #637 on: February 28, 2021, 06:23:47 AM »
I've seen people with MCAS saying they have sudden histamine dumps in the middle of the night so it's probably that. The ethanol in alcohol is also not good for people who have immune system conditions.


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #638 on: February 28, 2021, 10:42:29 AM »
Muon, way back when I started my Magical TRT Mystery Tour, I had an MRI of the brain ordered by my endocrinologist, resulting in a find of Empy Sella Syndrome. Not sure if/where to post...
Obstruction of the CSF circulation may result in empty sella syndrome, with flattening of the pituitary gland and resulting hormonal changes.

ME/CFS at the Intersection of the Nervous & Immune Systems (Lecture) - Michael VanElzakker, PhD


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #639 on: March 06, 2021, 07:24:24 PM »
Went to a neck therapist today and she concluded that I had tense neck muscles and could feel a narrowing in the blood supply to the brain, and vagus nerve, at the upper neck vertebra on the left side - a common problem among people with headaches she said. The whole spine/body was alittle assymetric too. I will have a treatment for that. Only adjusting the vertebra one millimetre might do a huge diffrence in the blood supply she said.

My neck is super fucked up and its defo contributing to my problems, I've been trying exercises to fix it recently. The osteopath said the muscles in front of my neck are way too mobile and that I need to strengthen them. What type of physician was the neck therapist?

When I went on sertraline a few years ago I started to get bad neck pain and stiffness from taking it. I started cracking my neck constantly for relief in dangerous positions, since then I've had some episodes which seemed like a mini stroke where the veins in sides of my head were swollen and painful to touch, neck pain and nausea and barely able to speak a few words. Luckily that stopped happening for a year now. these guys are really helpful and know their stuff. One vital thing I learnt which I was never doing is that you need to move you chin inwards before doing any type of neck stretch. Now I can do 360 head circles without any pain when having the chin tucked inwards(and I don't mean downwards into your chest)