Author Topic: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread  (Read 267744 times)


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #60 on: August 22, 2018, 03:00:35 AM »
@Muon; other poisfellows,

Month ago blood tests (IFA method) shows I have Mycoplasma Pneumoniae infection. The test showed only IgM reactive, while IgG negative. Did some course of antibiotics (azithromicyn) at 500 mg daily for 6 days, and a month after I retested again. The test still showed only IgM reactive, while IgG again negative. I retested recently again too, 6-7 weeks since initial diagnosis of the bacteria, and it still shows only IgM reactive, and IgG negative. Why am I not developing IgG positive response? Has anyone had any similar experiences? Docs are telling me different things, some are saying that I dont have a Mycoplasma Pneumoniae infection because in some cases IgM could be positive for up to a year after initial infection without any reason, and usually IgG develops in all the cases. Also, xray of my lungs indicate I have bronchitis. I am not a smoker or anything so the bronchitis has to be caused by an infection. What is going on?



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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #61 on: August 22, 2018, 06:27:45 AM »
That's weird quotz. What about PCR testing, have they tried that method yet?


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #62 on: August 22, 2018, 09:23:49 AM »
@Muon, Nope havent tried that method yet. I will try it in the following weeks.


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #63 on: August 23, 2018, 10:30:30 AM »
Hello Aswinpras06,
I think you have posted that comment in the wrong thread. Perhaps it's better to delete your last comment from the results thread and move the specific part about the bronchiectasis diagnose to your prior comment within that same thread (with editing).

Hi Muon

My doctors have diagnosed my condition as bronchiectasis based on ct scan and have given me asthma medications for 3 months until review.  My ct scan report is there in my drop box folder.  I will ask them about inflammatory cytokines,prostaglandins,High ECP and th1/th2 testing in my next review meeting.
What you can do as well is investigating IgG subclasses. Your total IgG is high so the sum of IgG subclasses might be high as well. With other words a specific IgG subclass might be responsible for your high IgG level. You need tests where they are able to measure high levels though because most of these tests are designed for low levels (deficiency).

I had one time for two weeks long asthma type symptoms as well. My doctor gave me:
250 microgram/10 microgram
Dosis Aerosol, suspensie

I can't remember anymore how much times I applied (the freq of intake was related to the freq of flare ups) it per day, but it helped somewhat.

I also had for one whole week contstant coughing (it felt as if I had very dry lungs and inhaled air triggered the coughing, like it irritated the lungs somehow) and it resolved by itself. This was a total different situation than the asthma like symtoms were they gave me the medicine. The doctor ordered a scan for the lungs but they couldn't find anything unusual. POIS can trigger flare ups of lung symptoms in me but they are fairly short lived (bronchoconstriction or dilation???).

Could your enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes have anything to do with a dysfunctional adaptive immune system?
When is your next meeting, after those 3 months? It would be interesting to see what IgG subclass is elevated while your total IgG is high at the moment.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2018, 10:38:32 AM by Muon »


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #64 on: August 24, 2018, 09:12:32 AM »
Hi Nas,

  Neutropenia (low neutrophil levels) is a rare condition. Hopeoneday mentioned that low neutrophil counts seemed to be a pattern in some of the POISer medical data. So I did a statistical analysis on the current data donated by POISers at "Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results". This includes 5 POISers who have posted Complete Blood Count (CBC) count data. I excluded one POISer data set because the CBC test was taken during a non-chronic infection/disease (outlier). Here are the results so far:
  The above chart shows the prevalence of low neutrophil levels (neutropenia) for individuals in the United States of America (USA) according to ethnicity (Hispanic 0.38%, white 0.79%, black 4.5%) and individuals with POIS (60%) from this forum. The data for neutropenia in the USA was taken from "Prevalence of neutropenia in the U.S. population: age, sex, smoking status, and ethnic differences."

  The error bars (confidence intervals, sample errors) for the population samples were calculated using the population proportion estimate with a confidence interval of 90%. This means that we can be 90% confident that the real percent of POISers with neutropenia lies within those error bars. But note that the confidence interval (error bars) for POISers and the general population do not overlap. This is a statistically significant result. The more POISers that submit their CBC test, the smaller the error bars will become and the closer we will get to the true probability of neutropenia among POISers. This could end up becoming the first bio-marker for this disease. But we need more data! A sample size greater than 10 people is ideal.

  I would like to do this statistical analysis for other interesting parameters as well. But there is not enough medical data for those parameters to reduce confidence interval. In some cases, the sample size is only 1. In any case, thanks Nas for asking. I hope this answers your question.

Note (8/9/2018): I made a correction based on Quantum's suggestion. I change the words "whole blood cell (WBC)" to the more accurate term "complete blood count (CBC)" in this post.

Nana, this is briliant. In day or two , i will put here some more sugestions and ideas, when i get out from brain fog.


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #65 on: August 29, 2018, 11:39:59 PM »
Hi Simon66,

  Thanks for sharing your medical information. You mentioned that you had Lymphocytes tested.
CD3, CD4, CD8 all normal.
   You also mentioned that you had bacteria and virus infections tested. Usually, these blood test contain more information than what you have posted such as titer levels, ranges and lab notes. To do statistical analysis, we would need more information than the words "normal" and "negative" because these words don't give enough information to do pattern recognition or outlier detection. Most of us who have posted our medical data have posted photos, screenshots and PDFs of our data.  The images and PDFs of medical data that other POISers have submitted have also helped to insure that there is no publication bias in the information that they share.

   Your willingness to share your information is appreciated. Since it seems that you have more information in your test about white blood cells, viral infections, hormones, etc... than what was shared, would you help us by sharing photos, screenshots or PDF images of the medical data that you reference in your medical information? This would be very helpful to quantify and compare your medical data with the data that others have shared. Moreover, outside researchers who may be viewing the medical data thread would feel more comfortable and more attracted to studying POIS if there are images of the medical data. There is a big movement right now in the scientific community to eliminate publication bias ( So if we type out the test results by hand, scientist and doctors who view our medical data thread will want to know what information from the original data was left out (and why it was left out). Images of your data would help to validate the completeness and context of the information shared. In any case, thanks for being willing to share.

   One final request. In order know the context of the information being shared on the medical data thread, a detailed description of symptoms is very helpful to all. A description of your symptoms not only helps to interpret your data, but it also helps others relate to the type of POIS that you have. You may have symptoms that other POISers have, but they may not have associated those symptoms with POIS until you share. You can help others learn more about their disease, and they may share and help you learn more about yours. Some examples of symptom descriptions can be found here (Muon, nanna1). Would you share with the POIS community your symptoms (chronic and post orgasm)? Thanks again for your contributions. :)
« Last Edit: August 30, 2018, 01:41:12 AM by nanna1 »
POIS clusters: 1,3,4,5,7
POIS criteria: 1,2,3,4,5
2 stacks that give me complete relief of POIS symptoms are listed here: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
Find medical test:


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #66 on: September 27, 2018, 03:57:16 PM »
Hi guys, i will post here data who i am colect from here and NS to.
My idea is to find posible comon paterns from medical test results of poisers.
As we can so from small data we hawe one side of poisers hawe in comon alomoust 90%
same patern from test results, odher side the odher same results , etc...

My idea is also to Nana1 (thanks in advance) put colected data and posible
paterns in table("make a software") , in that tabele we can put test results of poisers wich hawe
the same patern, one side, odher side mix, "normal"  etc...


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #67 on: September 27, 2018, 04:00:00 PM »
Low ceruloplazmin

members -simon66
(low ceruloplazmin could mean low in coper in seru or coper toxicity no bound coper)

Trouble speaking or swallowing
Lack of coordination
Stiff muscles
Changes in behavior
Extreme tirednes


Low ceruloplasmin (at least 6 people from test results hawe low CP posible patern)
low CP not good coper bonding.

The post from lapoise:

Actually we don't have any common marker that could explain our symtoms .
 No markers, no consideration from medical community. I got low testo,
 I had 5 endocrino around me asking question, 2nd result came righ,
 they don't even answer my calls. There is already at least 6 people that are low in CP ;
 Low CP is problem with copper, problem with copper can be something else that Wilson.
Its really not a symtoms..low ceruloplasmin mean that  you have copper hanging around
 in your body an potentially making damage to you liver and brain.

Medical community about mineral, neurotransmitors, vitamin deficiency, etc :
 forget about it, They know nothing about all that...and what is not know,
 does'nt exist.For med in here if I don't have an organ faillure with blood test
 come 10X the range, then I'm perfectly fine and get SSRI prescriped(wich will
 probably make the problem worse).
So research is great of course, and I hope they will find something but I keep digging
 myself anyway(and learning stuff meds don't know

Korean study - low testosterone hi estradiol

E2 (pg/mL)   86.98*   0?39.8
Prolactin (ng/mL)   1.09*   2.1?17.7
Testosterone (ng/dL)   10.49*   241?827
LH (mIU/mL)   8.03   1.5?9.3
FSH (mIU/mL)   17.15   1.4?18.1

Noticed igg3 low.


Low coper(probly serum)

Copper Result : 9.3        reference interval: 12.5-25
Maganese Result : 8.2    reference interval: 9-40
Zinc Result : 9.8             reference interval : 11.5-20
Red cell Magnesium : 1.99 reference interval: 2.08-3.00     
B2 Result : 1.50 reference interval : <1.20 normal 1.20-1.30 borderline >1.30 deficient
Low coper(probly serum)


Low coper, low celuloplazmin, hi cortisol, low testosterone, low T/shbg ratio,
low aminoacids and some of them complitly mising( posible patern for poisers).

Ceruloplasmin [serum - trace] 16.4 mg/dl 18 - 34
Copper [plasma] 13.3 umol/L 12.5 - 25.0
CORTISOL *688.000 nmol/l 133.00 - 537.00
TESTOSTERONE 12.7 nmol/L 7.6 - 31.4
Testosterone/SHBG Ratio * 15.1 24 - 104


low testosterone, liwer enzaym hi(could be patern for poisers), he olso have glucose probl
(glucose problems posible patern for poisers)...
Hi tsh(olso posible patern).

The results from this blood test are:
Testosterone : Very low - 5.8 (minimum threshold of 8.0)
although increased from last time because I took this test in
the morning as overnight fasting was needed for the glucose test
Blood Glucose : High - 7.0 (max threshold of 6.0 for fasting)
Liver enzymes : High (dont know the values)
Thyroid : Normal (dont know the values)
 high TSH (Thyroid stimulating hormone)



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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #68 on: September 27, 2018, 04:01:25 PM »

Low testosterone hi estradiol, high tsh, neurotransmiters low ( posible paterns)
Diagnosed for subclinical hypotharoisam -high tsh, normal t3 and t4 levels(posible patern)
subclinical hypotharoisam(posible patern for poisers).

Last week I had my total testosterone, free testosterone,
 and estradiol checked.
My total testosterone and free testosterone are all significantly low,
 and I am estrogen dominant.

Had neurotransmitter tests done a couple weeks ago,
 and it stated that my norepinephrine, epinephrine, GABA, pea, glutamate, dopamine,
 and serotonin were all low and below the normal 'feel good' range.


Low testosterone

- Low Testosterone levels 242 ng/dl, very low for a 21 year old.


Low testosterone

I yust got back from my doctors today after taking some blood work.

  According to the tests, I'm at an extremely low level of testosterone.
  259 L when he told me it should be around 800 for my age - I'm 21.


low testosterone

I was referred to an Endocrinologist and although it was agreed that my testosterone
levels fell below the reference range 212 ng/dl (250-1100 ng/dl)


low white blod cels.

My doctor, looking at a bunch of lab tests, told me,
among other things, that my white blood cells are alittle low - for that,
it is better to be at cold temperatures,
this increases the amount of white blood cells.


low testosterone , hi estradiol, low t/shgb ratio, hi DHT( dht posible patern for some poisers)


I used it to compared to one of member who used zrt lab test
 named EDS for reference, last I read that he is on trt. There
 are a list of users from Demografx with members who also uses trt,
 I also saw Animus listed but looks like he did an operation?
 But anyways here my test below,

Me @ 2-3 days after O
Testosterone (Saliva) 110 pg/mL 44-148 (Age Dependent)
Cortisol (Saliva) 2.4 L ng/mL 3.7-9.5 (morning)
Cortisol (Saliva) 2.2 ng/mL 1.2-3.0 (noon)
Cortisol (Saliva) 0.5 L ng/mL 0.6-1.9 (evening)
Cortisol (Saliva) 0.4 ng/mL 0.4-1.0 (night)
Estradiol (Blood Spot) 38 pg/mL 12-56
Testosterone (Blood Spot) 229 L ng/dL 400-1200 (Age Dependent)
Ratio: T/SHBG (Blood Spot) N/A .7 - 1.0
DHEAS (Blood Spot) 245 ?g/dL 70-325
SHBG (Blood Spot) <15 L nmol/L 15-50
PSA (Blood Spot) <0.5 ng/mL <0.5-4 (optimal 0.5-2)
Free T4 (Blood Spot)* 1.7 ng/dL 0.7-2.5
Free T3 (Blood Spot) 3.6 pg/mL 2.5-6.5
TSH (Blood Spot) 0.5 ?U/mL 0.5-3.0
TPOab (Blood Spot)* 20 IU/mL 0-150 (70-150 borderline)

As you can see my testosterone is low at 229, low SHBG,
upper range of estradiol. This is when I feel the worse
I have another lab where I have no sexy time for 3 months,
look below.

3 Month No O
Testosterone 337.3 ng/dL  249.0-836.0
TSH 0.76 uIU/mL 0.27-4.20
Cortisol AM 12.3 ug/dL 6.2-19.4
HGB A1C 5.7 % H 4.0-5.6

So it seems like my base testosterone is at low 300. High a1c,
 normal cortisol. I still think my testosterone is too low but my
 endocrinologist says otherwise. I weight 130 at 5'9.

My Saliva Test @ 2-3 days after O
17-OHP, SALIVA, AM 45.4 H 19.5 - 25.9 pg/ml

Here you see that my androstenedione or DHT is high. This
 is probably why some people who O also have acne flares.
 If you look at the forum, members also question does
 sex/masturbation causes acne. What I read so far is that release
 of prolactin also increases dht and that increase/cause acne.

I have another blood result coming up that includes wider spectrum
of different tests, I will update that once comes through.

15 minutes before ?O? at 10:00 pm ?       result = normal @ 0.4 (range 0.4 ? 1.0)
15 minutes after at 10:45pm ?          result = low @ 0.2 (range 1.2 ? 3.0)
The next morning - 9 hours after at 7:00 am ?    result = low @ 3.3 (range 3.7 ? 9.5)
The next evening - 23 hours after at 9:00 pm ?    result = low @ 0.1 (range 0.6 ? 1.9)
Estradiol ? result = high @ 58 (range 12 -56)
Testosterone ? result = low @ 342 (range 400 ? 1200)
Ratio T/SHBG ? result = low @ 0.3 (range 0.7 ? 1.0)
DHEAS ? result = normal @ 125 (range 70 ? 325
SHBG ? result = normal @ 36 (range 15 ? 50)
PSA ? result = normal @ 1.1 (range <0.5 ? 4)
Free T4 ? result = normal @ 0.7 ? 2.5)
Free T3 ? result = normal @ 3.4 (range 2.5 ? 6.5)
TSH ? result = normal @ 3.0 (range 0.5 ? 3.0)
TPO ? result = high @ 380 (range 0 ? 150 w/70 being borderline)


Low white blod cels, hyperinsulinemia with reactive hypoglycemia(sugar isues posible patern).

i have hyperinsulinemia with reactive hypoglycemia,
 my endocrinologist told me it's likely caused by a rare disorder
 but she stopped treating me because she had no idea what the underlying cause is.
 insulin levels are high, they are 58 uIU/ml but my insulin sensitivity is good so
 no diabetes. i got both symptoms from high insulin and reactive hypoglycemia.
 another significant factor is that blood worked showed that i have
a shortage of white blood cells.


Low testosterone.

He tested my blood for various specific things.
A few momths ago my regular doc tested my testosterone and it
came back a bit on the low side around 386 i think.


low white blod cels, low vitamin d (low vitamine d posible patern in poisers).

I have Vitamin D defficiency and POIS. Im not sure if they are related or not.
I also have a low white blood cell count.
My doctor has given me a prescription for vitamin D and hopes this will
correct the low blood cell count.


low testosterone

I got low testo, I had 5 endocrino around me asking question,
2nd result came righ, they don't even answer my calls.



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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #69 on: September 27, 2018, 04:03:30 PM »

Low testosterone

I also add that I have low testosterone and LH and FSH
levels below the normal, there is definitely something
wrong even in my pituitary gland .


low testosterone, low free T olso

I also have normal-low testosterone and low levels of free testosterone.

He olso hawe digestive isues( posible patern in most poisers)

My worst symptom is stomach acidity (irritable bowel?) and I don't digest food...
At night I feel bloated and my heart rate is high (maybe because of air pressure).


low testosterone, hi cortisol.

I am having low testosterone and light Cushing symptoms that make me feel weak.

Vicet m

general blod tests

Here is a general blood test result I got some months ago
 from my GP while I was experiencing minimal POIS symptoms.
 They didn't test testosterone unfortunately.

On the front it says "your 'inflamation, auto immune
' screen is negative." and it said everything was normal.
 I didn't know how to read a lot of it.

White Blood Count         6.2K/UL            4.5-11.0
Red Blood Count          5.01M/UL                 4.70-6.10
Hemoglobin            15.1 g/dl            14.0-18.0
Hematocrit            42.6%            42.0-52.0
MCV                       85.0 fL            80.0-94.0
MCH                       30.1 pg            27.0-34.0
MCHC               35.4 g/dl            32.0-36.0
RDW               12.3%            11.0-15.0
MPV                       9.6 fL            7.4-10.4
Platelet Count            332 K/UL                 150-450
Neut%               54.7%            42.0-75.0
Lym%               32.3%            15.0-40.0
Mono%               12.0%         H   3.0-11.0
Eos%               0.5%            0.0-7.0
Baso%               0.3%            0.0-3.0
Neu#               3..3 K/mm3         1.5-7.7
Lym#               2.0 K/mm3         1.4-3.9
Mono#               0.7 K/mm3         0.2-1.0
Eos#               0.0 K/mm3         0.0-0.7
Baso#               0.0 K/mm3         0.0-0.3
IG%                       0.2%            0.0-1.0
IG#                       0.01 K/mm3         0.00-0.10

Test Name                                Result                    Flag     Reference
Sed Rate                                  5 mm/hr                           1-15

NA                      138.0 mmoI/L         137.0-145.0
K                      3.70 mmoI/L         3.60-5.30
Cl                      97.0 mmoI/L      L   98.0-110.0
CO2                      26.0 mmoI/L         22.0-32.0
Glucose               88 mg/dl                 65-99
BUN                      16.0 mg/dl                     7.0-23.0
Crea                      1.00 mg/dl                 0.70-1.30
Ca                      9.6 mg/dl                 0.70-1.30
Total Protein            8.80 g/dl            H   6.30-8.20
AlbuminP                   5.40 g/dl            H   3.50-5.00
AST                      25 iu/l            15-46
Alkaline Phosphase         61 iu/l            38-126
ALT                      7 iu/l                L   13-69
T. Bilirubin                   1.20 mg/dl                0.20-1.30
cGFR-AA                   >60 ML/MIN/1.7      60-125mL/min/1.73m/S/2
cGFR-O               >60 ML/MIN/1.7      60-125mL/min/1.73m/S/2


Well, I have the first part of my blood test results(made some weeks ago).
 I have asked for a broad study, and it seems that the second part is coming later.
 The summary is: Nothing wrong. Everything is perfect!

All blood test results related to the liver function are OK,
 moreover, they are better than the first blood test I got
 prior to the use of the Niacin, a year ago, when I got some
 higher results (AST, ALT and GGT). i will post the values of some parameters:

VIT B 9 PHOLIC ACID - 5 ng/mL  [3-20]
VIT B 12 - 441,40 pg/mL [200-950]

Testosterone 6,83 ng/ml [2.80-11.99]
Free Testosterone 11,67 ng/dL [4.70-24.40]
Bioavailable Testosterone 387 ng/dL [130-681]

 I got probably higher results regarding the liver
 function because i made heavy exercise the days before
 after long time without exercising, this is what my Dr. thinks.


A lot of abnormality from tests.

-Ig M =      249%                        260%         (of the normal avergave)
-Ig G =       99%                            90%
-Ig A =       49%                           60%           
-Ig E =      190%
   C3 =      124%                            98%
   C4 =        73%                           42%

-adrenaline           <0.50 nmol/l         < 1.00
-noradrenaline        8.53 nmol/l       < 4.00             1443 ng/l      < 675
-dopamine            <0.50 nmol/l         <1.00

Unrina :

-adrenaline       0.02 umol/l           < 0.10
-noradrenaline   0.42 umol/l          < 0.50
-dopamine        1.34 umol/l           < 3.00

All the blood tests were done 2 hours after an O.
The red standards are the unusual ones !

Last blood tests abnormal standards (with an 2 O 12 and 10 hours before)
TGMH                           33.3 pg        (27.0 - 32.0)
VMP                              10.3 fl          (6.0 - 10.0)
Reticulocytes                 30 giga/l        (50 - 100)
Phosphatase alkalines    128 U/l         (37 - 111)
Cholesterol                    4.04 mmol/l   (4.40 - 6.45)
Albumin                        48.6 g/l        (38.0 - 46.0)

November 2011
D Vitamin = 10 ng/ml      (30 -100)


From what is he tested- all normal.

I am an active, healthy, 26-year-old American male.
 Unfortunately, all of my tests were in the normal range.

(O within 24-48 hours of testing. I can't remember exactly)

Test                  Result              Normal Range
Glucose                        85                  65-99
Urea Nitrogen               12                  7-25
Creatinine                    1.16                0.80-1.30
Sodium                       141                  135-146
Potassium                    4.3                  3.5-5.3
Chloride                      103                  98-110
Carbon dioxide             27                  21-33
Calcium                       9.8                  8.6-10.2
Protein, total               7.2                  6.2-8.3
Albumin                      4.8                  3.6-5.1
Globulin                      2.4                  2.1-3.7
Bilirubin                      1.0                  0.2-1.2
Alkaline Phosphatase    55                  40-115
AST                          18                   10-40
ALT                          17                   9-60

Testosterone Test
                        Result    Normal Range
Testosterone,         666             250-1100
total, LC/MS/MS

Testosterone, free   119.0          35.0-155.0



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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #70 on: September 27, 2018, 04:10:42 PM »

low testosterone hi prolactin

I took a blood test one week after release, POIS-free.
 My endocrinologist comments on my hormone test results:

"Your testosterone concentration is low and prolactin is high.
 If I cannot explain it by the medications/supplements you were taking I'll
 want to schedule an MRI of your pituitary gland."



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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #71 on: September 27, 2018, 04:16:08 PM »
Yohhn 21 from NS

Hi hawy metals

Here are my (out of range) results from a heavy metals urine test:
Mercury => High Normal
Nickel    => Very High
Lead     =>  Normal

Mercury => High
Nickel    => Very High
Lead     => High

NOTE_Kurtosis sed that several member who sent tests to him hawe low glutation.

Several POISers who sent me their medical results had low glutathione.
 Glutathione is increased by unblocking the methylation cycle,
consuming methylated folates, N-Acetyl Cysteine and other methyl
 donors such as sulphur-containing amino acids like taurine,
 methionine & its derivative SAM-e.  Glutathione binds to heavy metals
 and enables their excretion.



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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #72 on: September 27, 2018, 04:17:38 PM »
EDS from NS forum

Low testosterone , hi estradiol, low t/shbg ratio, tpo hi (posible autoimune tayroid)...

As promised, I am reporting back on the tests I had run with ZRT Labs.
 I selected the ?Comprehensive Male Profile II? that includes saliva and blood spot testing.

I tested Cortisol in the following manner:
15 minutes before ?O? at 10:00 pm ?       result = normal @ 0.4 (range 0.4 ? 1.0)
15 minutes after at 10:45pm ?          result = low @ 0.2 (range 1.2 ? 3.0)
The next morning - 9 hours after at 7:00 am ?    result = low @ 3.3 (range 3.7 ? 9.5)
The next evening - 23 hours after at 9:00 pm ?    result = low @ 0.1 (range 0.6 ? 1.9)

I sampled the blood spots 33 hours after ?O? so I knew it would be as bad as it gets for me.
The blood tests results were as follows:

Estradiol ?       result = high @ 58 (range 12 -56)
Testosterone ?    result = low @ 342 (range 400 ? 1200)
Ratio T/SHBG ?    result = low @ 0.3 (range 0.7 ? 1.0)
DHEAS ?       result = normal @ 125 (range 70 ? 325
SHBG ?       result = normal @ 36 (range 15 ? 50)
PSA ?          result = normal @ 1.1 (range <0.5 ? 4)
Free T4 ?       result = normal @ 0.7 ? 2.5)
Free T3 ?       result = normal @ 3.4 (range 2.5 ? 6.5)
TSH ?          result = normal @ 3.0 (range 0.5 ? 3.0)
TPO ?          result = high @ 380 (range 0 ? 150 w/70 being borderline)


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #73 on: September 27, 2018, 04:19:32 PM »
Robb23 from NS

Low testosterone, low shbg, low white blod cels, hi prolactin.

I took some blood tests last year and discovered I had low total testosterone,
 407 ng/dl on a scale of 400-1080 ng/dl. Results from two later tests were even lower,
 9.056 nmol/L and 9.682 nmol/L (on a scale of 6.07-27.1 nmol/L).
 Doctors said these levels were all "within normal range" but they look very low to me.
 Also low were SHBG (19 nmol/L scale 11-80 nmol/L), E2 (68.00 pmol/L scale 73.40-275.25 pmol/L),
 and my white blood cell count (4.5 x10^3/uL on a scale of 4.8-10.0 x10^3/uL).
 Prolactin was high (261.59 mIU/L scale 55.97-278.36 mIU/L). TSH was 2.5 uIU/ML
 (scale 0.35-6.00 uIU/ML) and later 1.780 uIU/ML (scale 0.27-4.2 uIU/ML).

Acronaym from NS

Low white blod cels neutrophils, diagnosed lyme disease

 I do have an irregular immune system though.
 What I do have is Lymphopenia with reduced Neutrophils,
 T Cells and Lymphocytes. The doctors did not do anything about
 it as I hardly ever get any infections anymore (which is weird
 in that now I never get a cold) so they seem to think the lower
 numbers are coping well. I was diagnosed with Lyme disease earlier this year,
 so that supposedly might explain my irregular lymphocyte subsets.

 As for STD, I got POIS before I had sex in my teens and I feel
 that is the same situation for quite a few others here.
 It is not an STD. I have had STD checks done in past years and came back clear.

« Last Edit: September 27, 2018, 06:55:41 PM by Hopeoneday »


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #74 on: September 27, 2018, 04:21:45 PM »
Jferr from NS

Wbc count in lower range

Pregnenolone:           196, (55-455)
Growth Hormone:      4.16, (0.01-0.97) Very High
Free Insulin:              2.2 Micro IU/mL, (1.4-14)

Norepinephrine:         271 pg/mL, [(70-750) - supine] [(200-1700) - standing]
Epinephrine:              18 pg/mL, [(Undetectable-110) - supine] [(Undetectable-140) - standing]
Dopamine:                 <10 pg/mL, (<30 no postural change) <---? Confused me

Free T3:                    3.4 pg/mL, (2.5-3.9)
Follicle Stimlating Hormone:  1.6mIU/mL, (1.3 - 19.3) Lower End
DHEA:                       3.2 ng/mL, (<13)
Progesterone:            1.07 ng/mL, (0.1-0.8) High
Prolactin:                   6.2 ng/mL, (2.6 - 13.1)
Vitamin B12:              560 pg/ml, (180 - 914)
Folic Acid:                  >20 ng/ml, (3.0-20) Mildly High
Cortisol, PM:              14.6 ug/dL, (3.1 - 16.7)
Total Testosterone:     422 ng/dL, (175 - 781)

Thyroid Tests
TSH:                         2.64 uIU/mL, (0.34 - 5.60)
ESR:                         1 mm/Hr, (0 - 15) Mildly High

WBC:                        5.8 1000/uL, (4.5 - 11.0)
RBC                          5.33 MiL/uL, (4.20 - 5.80)
Hemoglobin:              14 g/dL, (13.1 - 17.1)
Hematocrit:               43.4 %, (40 - 51)
MCV:                        81.4 fL, (80 - 100)
MCH:                        26.3 pG, (27 - 34) Low
MCHC:                      32.4 g/dL, (31.0 - 36.0)
RDW:                       13.5 %, (11.5 - 14.5)
Platelet Count:          164 1000/uL, (140 - 400)
Lymphocytes:           24.0 %, (17.0 - 40.0)
Neutrophils:              67.2 %, (48.0 - 75.0)
Monocytes:               6.3 %, (0.0 - 14.0)
Eosinophilis:             1.9 %, (0.0 - 5.0)
Basophils:                 0.6 %, (0.0 - 3.0)

NA:                          139 mmol/L, (136 - 145)
K:                            4.1 mmol/L, (3.5 - 5.3)
CL:                          102 mmol/L, (98 - 107)
CO2:                        28 mmol/L, (22 - 32)
Calcium:                   9.4 mg/dL, (8.4 - 10.2)
Bun:                         16 mg/dL, (7 - 26)
Creatinine:                0.90 mg/dL, (0.60 - 1.30)
eGFR:                       110 mL/mi/1.73 sq m, (>60)
Bun/Creatinine Ratio: 17.8
Glucose:                   88 mg/dL, (70 - 105)
Total Protein:            7.8 g/dL, (6.5 - 8.3)
Albumin:                   4.4 g/dL, (3.5 - 5.0)
Globulin:                   3.4 g/dL
A/G Ratio:                 
Total Bilirubin:           0.4 mg/dL, (0.2 - 1.2)
Alkaline Phos:           85 IU/L, (32 - 92)
ALT (SGPT):             16 IU/L, (10 - 40)
AST (SGOT):            22 IU/L, (10 - 42)

Lipid Profile
Triglycerides:           39 mg/dL, (35 - 160) Mildly Low
Chloresterol:            132 mg/dL, (100 - 200)
HDL:                        42 mg/dL, (29 - 71)
LDL (Calculation):     82 mg/dL, (62 - 130)

Glycohemoglobulin:  5.7, (0.0 - 5.9) Mildly High

Thyroid Tests 2
T3 Uptake:               41.30 %, (32.00 - 48.40)
T4:                          9.69 ug/dL, (6.09 - 12.23)
FTI:                         4.0
Total T3L                  131.12 ng/dL, (87.00 - 178.00)

These tests were taken the morning after orgasm when I'm usually feeling worst.
 I do want to mention that I lift 4 days a week or so and also take protein after
 my workout, I'm not sure if that could have affected these results. I'm not sure
if there are important things that I did not test for such as other hormones or
amino acids, but I tested for quite a bit. Any comments or suggestions are welcomed
 and appreciated.

« Last Edit: September 27, 2018, 06:52:12 PM by Hopeoneday »


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #75 on: September 27, 2018, 04:23:08 PM »
CertainlyPOIS from NS

Hi acth, total t in lower side.

doctor was ****** about it
said i shouldnot worry about high ACTH because cortisol is not low.
results                              ref
cortiosl 14                       AM 4-22 UG/DL      PM  3-17 UG/DL
FREE T3  4.0                         2.3 -4.2 PG/ML
FREE T4  1.45                        .71-1.85 NG/DL
TSH     1.523                        .35 - 5.50 uIU/ml
FSH     .8                           1 - 12 miu/ml
lh      4.3                          2-12    miu/ml 19- 50
prolactin 8.4                        3-20 ng/ml
ACTH    60.0                    am 9 - 52  pm  4-35 pg/ml
thyroid peroxidase antibody <10      0 -35  Iu/ml

        Testosterone i have two different results, dont know why

F test    111   47 -244 pg/ml
% F test   2.5   1.6- 2.9
total test 446   280 - 1070 ng/dl
shbg   23         13 -71 nmol/l
dhea   15.0     dont know range         

other testorone

testosterone 431   400 - 1080 ng/dl
shbg 27   11 -80 nmol/l
testosterone  bioavailable   249.5   130.0  - 680.0
testosterone, free  87.76   47.0 - 244.0 pg/ml
estrone 21.8               9-36 pg/ml

Martin88 from ns

Hi Acth, elevated creatine( posible patern)

New tests results:
From the same batch I have made few weeks ago :
(POIS day 3, early in the morning, blood test in hospital)
ACTH 16.0 (2.0-11.0) pmol/L ,  I was surprised by this one,
 I don't know how to interpret this result..
Cortisol : 533 (138-690)nmol/L 

(POIS day 3, 24h urine test in hospital)
Creatinine 17.3  (7.1-15.9) MMOL/D
Cortisol, I'll repor

« Last Edit: September 27, 2018, 05:21:08 PM by Hopeoneday »


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #76 on: September 27, 2018, 05:22:56 PM »
The idea is to put all comon paterns and posible paterns in tabele.
I aplaugue to Nana1 ; )

Hi guys, i will post here data who i am colect from here and NS to.
My idea is to find posible comon paterns from medical test results of poisers.
As we can so from small data we hawe one side of poisers hawe in comon alomoust 90%
same patern from test results, odher side the odher same results , etc...

My idea is also to Nana1 (thanks in advance) put colected data and posible
paterns in table("make a software") , in that tabele we can put test results of poisers wich hawe
the same patern, one side, odher side mix, "normal"  etc...
« Last Edit: September 27, 2018, 05:25:05 PM by Hopeoneday »


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #77 on: September 28, 2018, 10:10:32 AM »
Thanks for your effort HOD,
It really seems that low testosterone is a common denominator in many of these tests results.
Hmmm, wonder why?


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #78 on: September 28, 2018, 07:37:52 PM »
Nas, treating my testosterone deficiency has been the key to my POIS progress for the last 10 years.

10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of daily (365 days/year) testosterone patches.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results - Discussion Thread
« Reply #79 on: October 11, 2018, 10:27:26 AM »
Hi All,

  I have updated my medical data post with new hormone test (testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, luteinizing hormone)(see 6. Hormone Tests (Thyroid and Steroid) and B12 section of that post).
  I also took a new bacteria infection test IgG for Toxoplasma gondii (see 4. Virus and bacteria test abnormal section of that post). The summary of the data is listed at the bottom of the post.

  My medical data is listed on the Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results thread.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2018, 10:33:26 AM by nanna1 »
POIS clusters: 1,3,4,5,7
POIS criteria: 1,2,3,4,5
2 stacks that give me complete relief of POIS symptoms are listed here: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
Find medical test: