That's how the game is played. And why do pharmaceutical companies spend all their miillion dollars on artificial substances? Are artificial substances mostly better than naturals? Of cource not! The other way around! Naturals has worked wonders for ages. Artificials are not recognized by the body and are treated as poison in 100% of the cases (for naturals maybe 1%, in the case of some herbs). Thats why there are never ending lists of side effects on drugs leaflets and basically nothing on naturals. So why all the money? Because of two simple reasons that anyone in the business will agree on:
1. The legislation (again, founded by mr competition-is-a-sin-so-make-drugs-based-on-our-oil John Rockefeller) demands them to cough up an enormous amount of money to have their drugs approved by the FDA.
2. They will only have their money back and make a profit if the products are patented, so they are mainly researching the effects of artificial substances on the body (not the side effects that show up on those poor voluntary people who get some pocket money for participating in the drug-studies). No natural substance can be patented, hence they do not put their money in that bag, (besides some side of product line).
If the drug, unlikely, becomes approved on the first run (and here's where research cheating playes a big role, since they have to statistically manipulate the results so the side effects doesn't look too bad on the FDA-application), the price of the product will be about a hundred times higher than a natural product (or therapy) that will do the same job. So, to connect to beginning of this thread, if POIS research is "kidnaped" by the medical establishment (which almost every other disease assosiations has been, because they always put a "scientific medical board" on top with orthodox MD's) the outcome will be as with all other diseases: There will be donation campaigns, there will be research in absurdum, there will be promises of cures in "only 10 years from now" Wooo! (its always 10 years ahead - short enought to iinstill hope, long enought to forget the broken promise). Then after 30 years there will be a very expensive prescription drug, that will soon be be stopped by the FDA due to "unexpected side effects" and deaths, and the circus starts over again untill they have something that doesnt cure a shit (cancer/HIV/type 2 diabetes/asthma/alzheimers blah blah blah...). Am I the only one saying this? NOO! The list of whistleblowing research MD's that are jumping off the mad big pharma train is growing longer every day.
Do I whine at the present POIS research? No! I'm not sufficiently familiar with this particular matter yet, tought I feel it's in the making. I just want you to understand what you might expect if things turnes out "as usual". And if noone has ever reflected over this matter before here, it might be about time someone does. Today I recieved "Nanna's POIS stack" products - 100 % naturals, no FDA fee needed, no 10 years waiting, cheaper then drugs, no prescription, no doctor wiseacre, works for many members, no adverse side effects (if any) - just as it should be.