Author Topic: Ideas on Herpes Induced POIS  (Read 153000 times)


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Re: Ideas on Herpes Induced POIS
« Reply #80 on: July 31, 2018, 04:27:20 PM »
I think that in POIS, an infection (i.e. from a virus or bacteria) is what predisposes us to a stress induce immune response (youtubevideo), and that infection would have to be associated with the location of the vascular/arterial injury. This happens a lot with heart surgery. The amount of immune response that a patient has after surgery depends on how sterile/clean the doctor's equipement was and the air quality (bacteria content). The location of the infection is key to the symptoms, and different locations of infection will produce different diseases (Ref). So if an infection caused your urinary bleeding at age 12, then there could be reason to associate it with POIS.

Hi nanna1,

thanks a lot for your explanation. What I have trouble understanding is why the particular vascular stress during ejaculation/orgasm should trigger POIS symptoms but not, for example, exercise (although there are some people who experience POIS-like symptoms after exercise).

Regarding the infection hypothesis more generally: I think I first experienced POIS after returning from a trip to Ghana, after which I had some digestive issues (some of which remain). Maybe I have caught an infection there.

Thanks again for your explanation and your effort!
« Last Edit: July 31, 2018, 04:42:11 PM by BluesBrother »
Used to have brain fog, flue-like symptoms, un-refreshing sleep, extreme exhaustion, muscle and joint pain, digestive problems, social anxiety, urge to urinate frequently.
Used niacin in the past. Now using nanna1's maintenance stack. Exhaustion and brain fog now main problem. 3-day POIS cycle


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Re: Ideas on Herpes Induced POIS
« Reply #81 on: July 31, 2018, 11:43:41 PM »
Hi Bluesbrother

You might have got H-pylori infection from Ghana as you've got digestive problems.

Helicobacter pylori can also be a cause of POIS.  It can cause inflammation and disease in many parts of the body apart from the gut and has the ability to remain latent/dormant in humans forever.  It can infect the respiratory tract including sinus cavities and also can cause neural inflammation.  The gut issues,sinus issues and brain fog etc  can be due to persistent Hpylori infection which becomes active after orgasm.

Below are some links which explain H-pylori and neural problems.

Many of our members have posted about this earlier and H-pylori definitely deserves a lot more of our attention.


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Re: Ideas on Herpes Induced POIS
« Reply #82 on: August 01, 2018, 02:47:52 PM »
You might have got H-pylori infection from Ghana as you've got digestive problems.

Hi aswinpras06,
thanks a lot for your thoughts and the links. Very interesting.

I have been tested negatively for H-pylori based on a stool sample, but the test took place more than 10 years after the visit to Ghana. Maybe it could still be possible that I had an infection back then, which did lasting damage to the brain-gut axis? Still, the question remains why ejaculation/orgasm triggers an immune response.
Used to have brain fog, flue-like symptoms, un-refreshing sleep, extreme exhaustion, muscle and joint pain, digestive problems, social anxiety, urge to urinate frequently.
Used niacin in the past. Now using nanna1's maintenance stack. Exhaustion and brain fog now main problem. 3-day POIS cycle


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Re: Ideas on Herpes Induced POIS
« Reply #83 on: August 02, 2018, 01:58:05 AM »
Thank you nanna1.  I was reading through this, did not understand whether taking copper with glutathione is useful
or harmful?  It says I think that Copper binds with Herpes virus, and glutathione inhibits Copper. 
a) I am taking 70% of daily value of Copper as a supplement, is that sufficient.
b)  I take both Liposomal Glutathione 500mg as well NAC extended release 600 mg from Jarrow, and 100% DV Selenomethione 
Hi Swell,
  Copper is an essential mineral. However, the effects of copper are the exact opposite of glutathione. Copper is a pro-oxidant and glutathione is an anti-oxidant. So for what you are trying to achieve, I don't think copper will be helpful. In "Long-term herpes relief and permanent virus removal strategies", I describe a process where copper can selectively oxidize/cut viral RNA. But this requires excessive amounts of vitamin C only achievable by IV. Please keep posting about your antioxidant experiments!
« Last Edit: August 02, 2018, 02:05:38 AM by nanna1 »
POIS clusters: 1,3,4,5,7
POIS criteria: 1,2,3,4,5
2 stacks that give me complete relief of POIS symptoms are listed here: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
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Re: Ideas on Herpes Induced POIS
« Reply #84 on: August 02, 2018, 09:16:07 AM »
Hi Bluesbrother

H-pylori is present in half of world population and only in a very few it causes disease. It is stated that it had been present in humans for over more than 50000 years.  Its role in human gut is still not known completely, except  that it causes peptic ulcers and gastritis.  Non-gut related infection by H-pylori is even rare, but very much possible based on recent researches. It can cause sinus issues, brain fog and the digestive problems which are mostly present in pois sufferers.

So once you are found stool negative for H-pylori it does not mean you are completely cured of it.  It can remain in other parts of the body (eg. in the respiratory tract).  Also you can get reinfected very easily from others.

For the answer for your second question why pois causes immune dysfunction, it may involve different factors and it not the same for everyone with pois.  By the way pois is not the only disease which causes immune system dysfunction there are plenty of other diseases as well like diabetes,asthma or even  stress can cause the immune defense to  malfunction. 

Many among us have have found a way of preventing this.  you can try out them and find which works for you.


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Re: Ideas on Herpes Induced POIS
« Reply #85 on: August 02, 2018, 09:25:19 AM »
That was a great explanation Nanna, but why does all that end up in brain symptoms? For instance, if I have an infection in my genitals then symptoms in the genitals is only logical, but to suffer from so much cognitive symptoms? That makes less seance.
Hi Nas,
  I'm sorry for the confusion, I was talking about several different concepts in the same post. Most of the symptoms that you can feel, come from the immune system (glial, mast, white blood cells) (post). An infection/reactivation in the genitals will produce chemotaxis of white blood cells to the genitals and cause symptoms in the genitals. An infection/reactivation in the brain will produce chemotaxis of white blood cells to the brain and cause symptoms in the brain. Infections of the spinal cord are the exception since the spinal cord routes signals from the organs to the brain (post, figure).

  Flu-like symptoms usually have flu-like causes. Obviously this is not always true. But I just found this image from Qiagen of how the immune system responds to flu-like infections (viruses at the top of image). In the bottom left is wording that summarizes the hypothesis of POIS that I currently think is supported by our medical data and could improve how we treat the disease.
Figure from QIAGEN: NF-kappaB Activation by Viruses
« Last Edit: August 02, 2018, 09:42:10 AM by nanna1 »
POIS clusters: 1,3,4,5,7
POIS criteria: 1,2,3,4,5
2 stacks that give me complete relief of POIS symptoms are listed here: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
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Re: Ideas on Herpes Induced POIS
« Reply #86 on: August 02, 2018, 09:43:34 AM »
Hi BluesBrother,

What I have trouble understanding is why the particular vascular stress during ejaculation/orgasm should trigger POIS symptoms but not, for example, exercise (although there are some people who experience POIS-like symptoms after exercise).
  I am one of those people that used to have exercise-induced flu-like symptoms. But for some reason I don't have them anymore even when I am not taking my supplement stack. There are certain vascular differences between sex and exercise; penile erection being one of them. I believe that the critical area for POIS to be triggered is somewhere in the lower brain area. But in all truth, right now I think that our knowledge of the mechanisms behind POIS is limited by the lack of medical data from POISers.
  Currently, there is a thread where some POISers have volunteered their medical documents so that the POIS community and friends of the POIS community can carry out "crowd research" on this disease (please see Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results). This thread is inspired by medical data posted to the medical data thread. I have also posted my medical data and a description of my symptoms there. This is important, because the more POISers post there data, the more answers we can have to questions like the ones you are asking.
  One troubling habit I have noticed on several forums (POIScenter, NS, reddit/POIS) is that POISers tend to post their medical results only when there is something unusual or they test positive for some disease. I think this feeds false-positive-hypothesies of POIS. For example, it is well known that lecithin helps many POISers reduce their symptoms. This benefit of lecithin motivates those who have genetic test showing MTHFR mutations (which in some cases don't affect methylation) to post their gene profiles. Those POISers probably have a lot of other normal (negative) medical test results of other parameters that they don't share because maybe they think it was not interesting. But the normal medical results are often more important than the abnormal results. Lecithin can reduce my POIS symptoms, but my blood test show that under-methylation does not cause my POIS (see 12. Methylation/homocysteine blood test:). So even if undermethylation doesn't cause the disease, overmethylation (or some other mechanism) can help it. I did see one POISer (on reddit) with a normal MTHFR gene profile and these genes are usually redundant. This could mean that for every one person who post genetic profiles showing mutations, there could be ten or more people who don't share their genetic profile because they don't see any abnormal mutations or the results disagree with the under-methylation theory. In the scientific community, we call this Publication Bias. I think Publication Bias is the reason years of POISer experimentation on the forums don't lead to more knowledge of what POIS is. We need normal and negative medical test results just as much as abnormal and positive results to be posted. This will not only allow us to answer questions like yours, but also develop more targeted therapies for the disease.

  In your case, you were able to rule out the possibility of H. pylori being the cause of your POIS because you tested negative for the bacteria. If you had tested positive for the bacteria, no decision could be made about the role of H. pylori in your case. So your normal medical result actual contain more information. I also tested negative for H. pylori several times (7. Gut health and IBS:). Sorry, I have rambled about the scientific method long enough. This is the kind of stuff I talk about on my job, (process of discovery). I am passionate about the approach of using process-of-elimination to rule out everything a disease is not. But thanks to anyone who was patient enough to read all this, LOL!  :D
Regarding the infection hypothesis more generally: I think I first experienced POIS after returning from a trip to Ghana, after which I had some digestive issues (some of which remain). Maybe I have caught an infection there.
  If you don't have cold sores (HSV-1), genital herpes (HSV-2) or shingles (HHV-3), then it is probably not those viruses. EBV (HHV-4) and CMV (HHV-5) are associated with gastritis and gastrointestinal ulcers in some cases and can infect endothelial cells. I'm still studying properties of EBV. CMV (HHV-5) and HHV-6 both establish latency in endothelia (digestive tract and blood vessels). There are some bacteria that can be triggered by norepinephrine (Ref1, Ref2), but I don't know much about them other than that. Muon has been posting about bacterial infections, so maybe he knows more about them. I hope this was helpful. Let me know if you have any new ideas or suggestions. I am willing to learn and willing to be wrong.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2018, 10:13:38 AM by nanna1 »
POIS clusters: 1,3,4,5,7
POIS criteria: 1,2,3,4,5
2 stacks that give me complete relief of POIS symptoms are listed here: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
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Re: Ideas on Herpes Induced POIS
« Reply #87 on: August 02, 2018, 04:20:49 PM »
Here nicely expl... i posted this link erlier and here again.

Intresting corelation wtih drug mestinon, CFG, ME, POTS patiens and POIS ( fvew members cured, some helped).

Celebrex -is a COX2 inhibitor, which blocks an enzyme that is part of the production of prostaglandins. When glial cells become activated, they produce neuroexcitatory mediators - molecules that turn on nerve cells. According to the vagus nerve infection hypothesis, infection of vagus nerve ganglia causes activation of associated glial cells, which in turn overly-excite the vagus nerve via these mediators. Prostaglandins are one of these neuroexcitatory mediators, along with proinflammatory cytokines, nitric oxide, reactive oxygen species, glutamate, and nerve growth factor. Beside the antiinflammatory mechanism of COX2 inhibition, herpesviruses upregulate COX2 to aid with its own replication (e.g., Reynolds & Enquist 2006 Rev Med Virol 16).

VanElzakker believes that any infectious agent with an affinity for nerve tissues can cause a vagus nerve infection, including HHV-6, Epstein-Barr virus, Varicella zoster virus, Chickenpox, certain kinds of enteroviruses and even Borrelia, the bacterium that causes Lyme disease. He thinks this could explain why no single infective agent has been isolated as the cause of CFS, even though all of these agents have been associated with disease.[4]___

Does enybody of you remeber of tic bited meny years ago, or similar bug who cary many nasty imunocompromised stuff in his body?

What about INTERFERON for pois?

Ampligen - a drug that stimulates the production of natural interferon.

Tulsi- naturall interferon producer.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2018, 04:29:19 PM by Hopeoneday »


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Re: Ideas on Herpes Induced POIS
« Reply #88 on: August 02, 2018, 05:54:18 PM »
Here nicely expl... i posted this link erlier and here again.

Intresting corelation wtih drug mestinon, CFG, ME, POTS patiens and POIS ( fvew members cured, some helped).

Celebrex -is a COX2 inhibitor, which blocks an enzyme that is part of the production of prostaglandins. When glial cells become activated, they produce neuroexcitatory mediators - molecules that turn on nerve cells. According to the vagus nerve infection hypothesis, infection of vagus nerve ganglia causes activation of associated glial cells, which in turn overly-excite the vagus nerve via these mediators. Prostaglandins are one of these neuroexcitatory mediators, along with proinflammatory cytokines, nitric oxide, reactive oxygen species, glutamate, and nerve growth factor. Beside the antiinflammatory mechanism of COX2 inhibition, herpesviruses upregulate COX2 to aid with its own replication (e.g., Reynolds & Enquist 2006 Rev Med Virol 16).

VanElzakker believes that any infectious agent with an affinity for nerve tissues can cause a vagus nerve infection, including HHV-6, Epstein-Barr virus, Varicella zoster virus, Chickenpox, certain kinds of enteroviruses and even Borrelia, the bacterium that causes Lyme disease. He thinks this could explain why no single infective agent has been isolated as the cause of CFS, even though all of these agents have been associated with disease.[4]___

Does enybody of you remeber of tic bited meny years ago, or similar bug who cary many nasty imunocompromised stuff in his body?

What about INTERFERON for pois?

Ampligen - a drug that stimulates the production of natural interferon.

Tulsi- naturall interferon producer.

Celebrex is one of the onyl medications that are designed to block COX 2 specifically, but the problem is that it is not widely available in many countries. Any alternative that is much better available ? Perhaps T cells inhibitors like Cyclosporine?


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Re: Ideas on Herpes Induced POIS
« Reply #89 on: August 03, 2018, 11:08:55 AM »
Currently, there is a thread where some POISers have volunteered their medical documents so that the POIS community and friends of the POIS community can carry out "crowd research" on this disease (please see Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results). This thread is inspired by medical data posted to the medical data thread. I have also posted my medical data and a description of my symptoms there. This is important, because the more POISers post there data, the more answers we can have to questions like the ones you are asking.

Hi nanna1,

thanks a lot for your remarks. I completely agree with what you write about the need to collect test results, both normal and abnormal. I have posted mine here:
Used to have brain fog, flue-like symptoms, un-refreshing sleep, extreme exhaustion, muscle and joint pain, digestive problems, social anxiety, urge to urinate frequently.
Used niacin in the past. Now using nanna1's maintenance stack. Exhaustion and brain fog now main problem. 3-day POIS cycle


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Re: Ideas on Herpes Induced POIS
« Reply #90 on: August 07, 2018, 08:03:24 PM »
Hi All,

  As some of you know I shared some of my medical data here. A lot of progress is being made in terms of identifying Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome markers using medical data on the thread "Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results". More specifically Whole Blood Cell (WBC) counts seem to be very important. WBC test measure red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and other parameters. We could be close to identifying (and statistically validating) the first biological POIS marker. This is huge! Currently there are no statistically verified markers for POIS other than shared symptoms.

  If you have any medical data that you are willing to share, this will be very helpful. It doesn't have to be WBC test, feel free to share whatever you feel comfortable sharing (WBC, viral/bacteria/fungal test, autoimmune panel, hormone, MRI, etc...). Take any precautions to protect your identity such as removing name and date of birth. Also a big thanks to BluesBrother and aswinpras06 for sharing their medical data on the data thread. :)
« Last Edit: August 08, 2018, 07:54:23 AM by nanna1 »
POIS clusters: 1,3,4,5,7
POIS criteria: 1,2,3,4,5
2 stacks that give me complete relief of POIS symptoms are listed here: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
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Re: Ideas on Herpes Induced POIS
« Reply #91 on: August 08, 2018, 08:59:45 AM »
Hi All,

  As some of you know I shared some of my medical data here. A lot of progress is being made in terms of identifying Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome markers using medical data on the thread "Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results". More specifically Whole Blood Cell (WBC) counts seem to be very important. WBC test measure red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and other parameters. We could be close to identifying (and statistically validating) the first biological POIS marker. This is huge! Currently there are no statistically verified markers for POIS other than shared symptoms.

  If you have any medical data that you are willing to share, this will be very helpful. It doesn't have to be WBC test, feel free to share whatever you feel comfortable sharing (WBC, viral/bacteria/fungal test, autoimmune panel, hormone, MRI, etc...). Take any precautions to protect your identity such as removing name and date of birth. Also a big thanks to BluesBrother and aswinpras06 for sharing their medical data on the data thread. :)

Thanks Nanna for your continuous effort.
Until now I only see low white blood cells count as an indicator of POIS but other than that, could you further elaborate which markers of POIS are which?


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Re: Ideas on Herpes Induced POIS
« Reply #92 on: August 08, 2018, 09:45:19 PM »
Hi Nas,

  Neutropenia (low neutrophil levels) is a rare condition. Hopeoneday mentioned that low neutrophil counts seemed to be a pattern in some of the POISer medical data. So I did a statistical analysis on the current data donated by POISers at "Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results". This includes 5 POISers who have posted Complete Blood Count (CBC) count data. I excluded one POISer data set because the CBC test was taken during a non-chronic infection/disease (outlier). Here are the results so far:
  The above chart shows the prevalence of low neutrophil levels (neutropenia) for individuals in the United States of America (USA) according to ethnicity (Hispanic 0.38%, white 0.79%, black 4.5%) and individuals with POIS (60%) from this forum. The data for neutropenia in the USA was taken from "Prevalence of neutropenia in the U.S. population: age, sex, smoking status, and ethnic differences."

  The error bars (confidence intervals, sample errors) for the population samples were calculated using the population proportion estimate with a confidence interval of 90%. This means that we can be 90% confident that the real percent of POISers with neutropenia lies within those error bars. But note that the confidence interval (error bars) for POISers and the general population do not overlap. This is a statistically significant result. The more POISers that submit their CBC test, the smaller the error bars will become and the closer we will get to the true probability of neutropenia among POISers. This could end up becoming the first bio-marker for this disease. But we need more data! A sample size greater than 10 people is ideal.

  I would like to do this statistical analysis for other interesting parameters as well. But there is not enough medical data for those parameters to reduce confidence interval. In some cases, the sample size is only 1. In any case, thanks Nas for asking. I hope this answers your question.

Note (8/9/2018): I made a correction based on Quantum's suggestion. I change the words "whole blood cell (WBC)" to the more accurate term "complete blood count (CBC)" in this post.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2018, 11:06:37 AM by nanna1 »
POIS clusters: 1,3,4,5,7
POIS criteria: 1,2,3,4,5
2 stacks that give me complete relief of POIS symptoms are listed here: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
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Re: Ideas on Herpes Induced POIS
« Reply #93 on: August 09, 2018, 04:34:12 AM »
Thanks for the clarification Nanna,
But what can we conclude from Neutropenia? Is it a sign of Sarcoidosis? Do we have an inflammation in lymphatic regions or deficiency in Neutrophils production? What does that exactly tell us when it comes to POIS?


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Re: Ideas on Herpes Induced POIS
« Reply #94 on: August 09, 2018, 07:26:37 AM »

I want to take this exam contribute to the data.
How long after orgasm should I collect blood? I usually have POIS effects quite prominent on the first day after orgasm. If I go to the laboratory at 8:00 in the morning, what time should I have the orgasm?
My POIS only happens with masturbation. Normal sex does not generate POIS symptoms. My POIS is related to me mood and the health of my cervical spine. Dopamine/Inflammation/Body constitution (genetics) are factors that contribute to POIS.


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Re: Ideas on Herpes Induced POIS
« Reply #95 on: August 09, 2018, 07:59:29 AM »

I want to take this exam contribute to the data.
How long after orgasm should I collect blood? I usually have POIS effects quite prominent on the first day after orgasm. If I go to the laboratory at 8:00 in the morning, what time should I have the orgasm?

Probably at 7:00 Fernando.
Good luck with trying to talk to people lol.


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Re: Ideas on Herpes Induced POIS
« Reply #96 on: August 09, 2018, 09:01:18 AM »
Hi Nas,

  Neutropenia (low neutrophil levels) is a rare condition. Hopeoneday mentioned that low neutrophil counts seemed to be a pattern in some of the POISer medical data. So I did a statistical analysis on the current data donated by POISers at "Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results". This includes 5 POISers who have posted Whole Blood Cell (WBC) count data.

Hi Nanna, when talking about "Whole Blood Cell ( WBC) count",   are you referring to White Blood Cell count ?   "WBC", usually, refers to White Blood Cells count ( see ).   I know this is named differently in different clinical settings, and has many names ( complete blood counts, full blood counts, etc...), but for the benefit of all members, just wanted to make it as clear as possible.  In the end, the absolute count of neutrophils and the differential value in % vs all white cells will be included, whether you have a Complete Blood Count/Whole Blood Cells count, or a White Blood Cells count

I have blood tests results from 2013, for my business insurance, but was not in POIS acute phase at the time of this test.  My neutrophils were normal, at 3,0 10^9/L  ( normal 1.8-7,0) , and % of all neutrophil for total white blood cells was 53% ( normal range 40%-80% - ref: ).   So I suppose that your hypothesis is that neutrophils get lower while in POIS acute phase?
You are 100% responsible for what you do with anything I post on this forum and of any consequence it could have for you.  Forum rule: ""Do not use POISCenter as a substitute for, or to give, medical advice" Read the remaining part at


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Re: Ideas on Herpes Induced POIS
« Reply #97 on: August 09, 2018, 12:47:17 PM »
I was reading about neutropenia.
Neutropenia can occur if the person is affected by an allergic reaction. So what is the purpose of seeing the number of neutrophils? If POIS is an allergic reaction, everyone with POIS is supposed to have neutropenia but this will not lead us to something new. Am I right?
My POIS only happens with masturbation. Normal sex does not generate POIS symptoms. My POIS is related to me mood and the health of my cervical spine. Dopamine/Inflammation/Body constitution (genetics) are factors that contribute to POIS.


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Re: Ideas on Herpes Induced POIS
« Reply #98 on: August 09, 2018, 10:04:40 PM »
Thanks for the clarification Nanna,
But what can we conclude from Neutropenia? Is it a sign of Sarcoidosis? Do we have an inflammation in lymphatic regions or deficiency in Neutrophils production? What does that exactly tell us when it comes to POIS?
Hi Nas,

  Low white blood cell counts can occur when the immune system is taxed and/or overwhelmed by something. However, I think it is too early to form conclusion about these results. We need more data. But here is a link for those who want to read about potential causes:

Hi Quantum,

  Thanks for specifying the correct name for the test (Complete Blood Count, CBC). The term "whole blood" is a technical term used to distinguish between types of blood test (blood plasma, serum, whole blood). But as you pointed out, the correct name for the test I was refering to is "complete blood count".
All of the blood cell numbers are important for this analysis. For example, several people show normal platelets but abnormal white blood cells (leukocytes, WBC). Both platelets and white blood cells are made from the same bone marrow and same stem cells. So the normal platelets helps to rule out disfunction of bone marrow or stem cells. Also, lymphocytes levels could indicate infection status. There is a lot more information in the CBC than neutrophil count. I don't think neutropenia causes POIS. But it could be that whatever is causing POIS is also taxing or compromising the immune system.

  I would encourge anyone who has CBC test to share even if they are normal. I don't want to try to prove any theories. The statistics will show which patterns are valid and how important are. But if people know whether or not they were experiencing POIS and which day of POIS when the CBC test was taken, that would be useful info. :)


I want to take this exam contribute to the data.
How long after orgasm should I collect blood? I usually have POIS effects quite prominent on the first day after orgasm. If I go to the laboratory at 8:00 in the morning, what time should I have the orgasm?
I don't know the conditions underwhich each person took their CBC test. So I don't know the precise answer to the question. I didn't time my test around an orgasm, but before 2017 I was almost always in a pseudo-POIS fatigue/pain state that got worse after O. My guess is that the exact hour is not so critical. But to anwser Quantum's question, I'm not even sure what the dependence is on acute and chronic phases of POIS. Right now I'm just doing data analysis on whatever data is available. No clear interpretations yet.

I was reading about neutropenia.
Neutropenia can occur if the person is affected by an allergic reaction. So what is the purpose of seeing the number of neutrophils? If POIS is an allergic reaction, everyone with POIS is supposed to have neutropenia but this will not lead us to something new. Am I right?
  So far we don't have any data (published or on the forum) showing POIS to be caused by a specific allergy. There are many circustances that can cause neutropenia, but I think we should stick to the circumstances for which there is POISer data (published or on the forum). Neutropenia is extremely rare and that alone is significant. But I think the best thing is to look for statistical markers that can differentiate POISers from non-POISers. The results are open. So once we are sure we have a clear bio-markers, then people can interpret the results, form hypothesies and develop therapies how they see fit. :)
« Last Edit: August 09, 2018, 10:06:57 PM by nanna1 »
POIS clusters: 1,3,4,5,7
POIS criteria: 1,2,3,4,5
2 stacks that give me complete relief of POIS symptoms are listed here: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
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Re: Ideas on Herpes Induced POIS
« Reply #99 on: August 11, 2018, 11:04:04 PM »
This is from the "Mayo Clinic: Sex Headaches" page under the Causes section:

Quote from: Mayo Clinic: Sex Headaches: Causes
Any type of sexual activity that leads to orgasm can trigger sex headaches.

Abrupt-onset and slow-to-build sex headaches can be primary headache disorders not associated with any underlying condition. Sex headaches that come on suddenly are more likely to be associated with:
  • A widening or bubble in the wall of an artery inside your head (intracranial aneurysm)
  • An abnormal connection between arteries and veins in the brain (arteriovenous malformation) that bleeds into the spinal fluid-filled space in and around the brain
  • Bleeding into the wall of an artery leading to the brain (dissection)
  • Stroke
  • Coronary artery disease
  • Use of some medications, such as birth control pills
  • Inflammation from certain infections
"Sex headaches" are also called "coital headaches"
« Last Edit: August 11, 2018, 11:11:19 PM by nanna1 »
POIS clusters: 1,3,4,5,7
POIS criteria: 1,2,3,4,5
2 stacks that give me complete relief of POIS symptoms are listed here: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
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