Author Topic: I found this  (Read 5087 times)


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I found this
« on: February 15, 2018, 06:16:54 PM »
I was reading this article about what porn does on brain and when I watched a list of symptoms that porn addicts claim I noted many similarities with cognitive POIS.

The list is at the bottom of the article, I post also there for ease:

Distress about escalation to more extreme porn
Difficulty maintaining an erection while putting on a condom
Delayed ejaculation
Loss of libido
Copulatory impotence (can get it up for porn, but not partners)
Frequent masturbation, little satisfaction
Uncharacteristic, worsening social anxiety or lack of confidence
Growing erectile dysfunction, even with extreme porn.
Morphing porn tastes that don't match sexual orientation (also triggering HOCD)
Inability to concentrate, extreme restlessness
Depression, anxiety, brain fog

These are symptoms of cognitive POIS but cognitive poisers experience them also with sex and non porn masturbation, in my life I never reached orgasm with a woman but in the past I had orgasms without porn and the symptoms of POIS were the same for what I remember, in the last months my orgasms were achieved always with porn and this gave me a doubt that I am a porn addict rather than a poiser but now I think perhaps that they are unaware poisers and the problem is not porn but orgasm, there is much confusion on the matter.


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Re: I found this
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2018, 07:12:58 PM »
Yes, a lot of confuzion. I think that porn damage are opioid receptors and i think that we hawe geneticly predisposition to that.
I am 8 years clear from porn but not clear from pois.
And i know this, all my friends 100% watch porn and they do not hawe pois!
I think for poisers is beter to abstinence from porn fo ewer.

An this- me newer hawe problems with libido, newer in my life hawe erectile disfunction, i can kep hard erection for 3 hours if neded, newer hawe NE( fwew time as kid) i allways fell good in sex and mastrubations...

All in all porn is not naturall and for me is more harm than good.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2018, 07:22:34 PM by Hopeoneday »


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Re: I found this
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2018, 01:43:40 PM »
Yes, a lot of confuzion. I think that porn damage are opioid receptors and i think that we hawe geneticly predisposition to that.
I am 8 years clear from porn but not clear from pois.
And i know this, all my friends 100% watch porn and they do not hawe pois!
I think for poisers is beter to abstinence from porn fo ewer.

An this- me newer hawe problems with libido, newer in my life hawe erectile disfunction, i can kep hard erection for 3 hours if neded, newer hawe NE( fwew time as kid) i allways fell good in sex and mastrubations...

All in all porn is not naturall and for me is more harm than good.

Sexual arousal and addictive drugs activate the exact same reward circuit nerve cells. In contrast, there's only a small percentage of nerve-cell activation overlap between addictive drugs and other natural rewards such as food or water. Turning on the same nerve cells that make sexual stimulation so compelling helps explain why meth, cocaine, and heroin can be so addictive.

Interestingly, heroin addicts often claim that shooting up "feels like an orgasm". Supporting their experience, ejaculation mimics the effects of heroin addiction on the same reward circuit nerve cells. Specifically, ejaculation shrinks the same dopamine producing nerve cells that shrink with chronic heroin use. This doesn't mean sex is bad. It simply informs us that addictive drugs hijack the exact same mechanisms that urge us back into the bedroom for a romp.

Unlike other non-drug rewards (yummy food or sugar), but similar to drugs of abuse, sexual experience leads to a long-lasting changes in the numbers and types of reward center glutamate receptors. Glutamate is the main neurotransmitter relaying information from key brain regions to the reward center. These neuroadaptations make the reward center far more more sensitive to sights, sounds, thoughts or memories associated potential sexual activity.

In addition, both sex and drug use lead to the accumulation of DeltaFosB, a protein that activates genes involved with addiction. The molecular changes it generates are nearly identical for both sexual conditioning and chronic use of drugs. Whether it's sex or drugs of abuse, high levels of DeltaFosB rewire the brain to crave "IT", whatever "IT" is. Addictive drugs not only hijack the precise nerve cells activated during sexual arousal, they co-opt the same learning mechanisms that evolved to make us desire sexual activity.

Thus, familiar talking points such as this actual comment fall apart: ?Well, lots of activities raise dopamine, so internet porn is no more addictive than watching sunsets or playing golf.? That?s a quote from an academic sexologist (with a very superficial understanding). Similarly, in sexologist Marty Klein's reply to a Zimbardo & Wilson article he claimed that the brain response to watching porn is no different than watching a sunset:

"Besides, our brain responds in this same observable way when we cuddle a grandchild or enjoy a sunset."

The Klein claim was long ago tested and debunked, in a 2000 fMRI study: "Cue-induced cocaine craving: neuroanatomical specificity for drug users and drug stimuli. The study had cocaine addicts and healthy controls view films of: 1) individuals smoking crack cocaine, 2) outdoor nature scenes, and 3) explicit sexual content. The results: cocaine addicts had nearly identical brain activation patterns when viewing porn and viewing cues related to their addiction. (Incidentally, both cocaine addicts and healthy controls had the same brain activation patterns for porn.) However, for both the addicts and controls, brain activation patterns when viewing nature scenes were completely different from the patterns when viewing for porn. Goodbye silly talking point!

The important take-away concept is that drugs can activate the "sex" neurons and trigger a buzz without actual sex. So can internet porn. Golf and sunsets cannot. For that matter, nor can good old rock & roll.

Very interesting.


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Re: I found this
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2018, 02:07:10 PM »
I get Pois before I watched porn.  ;)
Taurine = Anti-Pois