Author Topic: [UPDATED:Last update May, 23rd.] Antivirals.  (Read 26205 times)


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[UPDATED:Last update May, 23rd.] Antivirals.
« on: March 25, 2018, 11:40:35 AM »
Original Post:
I hate to come with false promises. especially this is not the first time i say i have found something that helps with POIS. I always look for results with any medication i use, so i get excited at any kind of enhancement then i post about it.
I have always wanted to use an antiviral for POIS but didn't know what to use. I have a very vivid memory of a very bad chicken pox i had when i was a kid. I still have an enlarged lymph node since that infection. may be POIS has something to do with it, or not.

I been recently exposed to a hepatitis B infected patient. I had been vaccinated against hepatits B but i decided to take an antiviral that works for hepatits B as an extra precaution. that antiviral is lamivudine. But here is the thing, When i was at the pharmacy i also bought Acyclovir because " it might be the time to try it out ", my mind was at the whole viral infection thing.
I used acyclovir after three days of using lamivudine.
I noticed mind clarity on the first day of using acyclovir (zovirax) and it was at its best on the fourth and fifth day. i took 400 mg every 12 hours. I'm on my eighth day now. Something is really thrilling about this medication. Am I finally healing from POIS? is POIS a dormant virus and i have to use acyclovir forever? Is it a coincidence? I really don't know. I just hope this is a true treatment that would probably end your and my suffering. I wanted to share the information with you guys ASAP. i will be back with updates later.



I still take lamivudine and Acyclovir. I notice the improvement after taking acyclovir.
I have a mind clarity that i haven't got in 10 years or with any other drugs It's not a placebo effect.

My analysis:
-one of the antivirals works. Most probably the acyclovir
-There is a dormant virus that activates according to the state of my body. Sometimes the mind disruption lasts for weeks. The more the stress i live in, the worse my pois is.
-they are all connected to eachother; my mind, my body, my immune system, my nervous system..etc. That's why many medications seem to work and seem to show improvement.

My recommendation(It's not based on any scientific or medical evidence, only based on my own experience, so it's everyone's responsibility to follow this advice, which comes from a deep sense of sympathy with everyone with whom i share the POIS misery

A 10 day course of an antiviral like acyclovir. 400 mg twice daily should be enough. NO orgasm during that period. Get enough sleep. You might feel fatigue with the drug. Rest and avoid stress, physical or psychological, as much as possible. get an orgasm on the 11th day and continue with acyclovir.

Update #2 on May 23rd:
Cut off lamivudine long time ago because it was only for prophylaxis. I also cut zovirax off one month ago. Back on zovirax three days ago. AMAZING RESULTS. almost forgetting i have POIS, which is something i have realized that I always remember because of the chronic brain fog.

Note: Zovirax (acyclovir) is also available in injection form but i never tried it.
Works best when i don't eat anything for long time before i take it. I eat something small before it take it though.

Good luck.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2018, 12:04:36 AM by POISrival »
POIS is my worst enemy


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It?s just a curious coincidence that I?ve also come to a decision to give acyclovir a try following nanna?s guess in the thread regarding his supplement stack. I?m on it since Wednesday morning this week, I?m taking 200mg every 4-5 hours. Normally my symptoms are mostly muscle pain related, I haven?t noticed any huge difference in that domain thus far, though what taking acyclovir has changed is eased sinuses congestion and it feels like I have my odor sense back in full for the first time in years...

Didn?t post about it since had nothing huge to share, but since the thread is already here.. will keep you updated. Thanks for your message, POISrival.


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Interesting POISrival,
It's weird because we were just talking about the possibility of a viral infection in Nanna's thread, and now you say that an anti-viral has helped with your POIS.
I'm not sure how exactly though, my best guess is that having an anti-viral helps eliminating the virus and thus preventing the immune system from attacking the virus and causing inflammation.
I have recently been loosing hope on treating POIS and decided to just deal with it. But this gives me new hope and even if it didn't work out and turned out not to be true, it's still valuable to have hope in such desperate circumstances.


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For me it's hard to believe Pois is caused by a virus.
Anyway, all is possible.
Let's see if it will help in several weeks and let's see what other members think about this.
Maybe it a has something to do with liver functions I don"t know.

But you made a good job !
Taurine = Anti-Pois


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It seems the  acyclovir has only an antiviral effect.
A good point is the med is very well known, has a current usage (espcecillay genital herpes) abd has a low toxicity.

So, once you followed the cure, virus is eliminated forever and Pois symptoms must be cured forever. That's a good point.

Taurine = Anti-Pois


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Virus is a protein. Hard to get rid of from body but not imposible.
We must focus and resarch here multiple virus aproach, and make all posible testes by medicine.

After i mention here seweral time by my resarch that viruses could be the couse of pois for some of as- Than srtnly some people hawe a resarch imidiate after that , and some of them allredy making an action by acyclovir zorivax, AND THAT IS MY GOAL!


We must found a root couse a whot is compromising our imune system linked to the viral infections.

« Last Edit: March 26, 2018, 09:46:39 AM by Hopeoneday »


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  Thanks POISrival for starting a antiviral thread. I've been trying to read up on antivirals (acyclovir (Zovirax), famciclovir (Famvir), penciclovir (Denavir) and valacyclovir (Valtrex)). I'm just starting to learn about antivirals, so I am trying to catch up to the current knowledge. Here is an interesting article. I apologize for creating such a long post, but I just thought this might be interesting.

From Antiviral therapy of varicella-zoster virus infections:
"The median inhibitory concentration of acyclovir necessary to reduce VZV plaque counts by 50% (IC50) is approximately 3 ug/ml. After oral administration, acyclovir is slowly and incompletely absorbed with bioavailability of about 15-30%. Following oral administration of multiple doses of 200 mg or 800 mg of acyclovir, mean plasma peak concentrations at steady state are approximately 0.6 and 1.6 ug/ml, respectively. Plasma protein binding is less than 20%. Acyclovir penetrates well into most tissues, including the CNS....

...Valacyclovir is an orally administered prodrug of acyclovir that overcomes the problem of poor oral bioavailability and exhibits improved pharmacokinetic properties (Acosta and Fletcher, 1997). Valacyclovir, the L-valine ester of acyclovir, is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract via a stereospecific transporter and undergoes essentially complete first pass conversion in the gut and liver to yield acyclovir and L-valine. Using this prodrug formulation, the bioavailability of acyclovir is increased to about 54%, yielding peak plasma acyclovir concentrations that are three to fivefold higher than those achieved with oral administration of the parent compound. Oral valacyclovir doses of 500 mg or 1000 mg produce peak plasma acyclovir concentrations of 3-4 and 5-6 ug/ml, respectively...

...Acyclovir is an extremely safe and well-tolerated drug...Oral acyclovir therapy is rarely associated with either neurotoxicity or nephrotoxocity. Studies of patients receiving long-term acyclovir for chronic suppression of genital herpes have revealed no cumulative toxicity (Tyring et al., 2002)...

...The approved dose of oral acyclovir for chickenpox is 200 mg/kg (up to a maximum of 800 mg) 4-5 times daily for 5 days. Adults with herpes zoster (shingles) can be treated with oral acyclovir at a dose of 800 mg five times daily. The recommended dose of intravenous acyclovir for VZV infections is 10 mg/kg every 8 hours, although higher doses (12-15 mg/kg) are sometimes used for life-threatening infections, especially in immunocompromised patients. Dosage reduction is required in patients with renal insufficiency. Valacyclovir is available as 500 mg and 1000 mg tablets. The recommended dose for immunocompetent adults with varicella or herpes zoster (shingles) is 1000 mg three times daily for 7 days."

Gabin, if your POIS is virus related, a COX-2 inhibitor like aspirin (350mg) may temporarily relieve lingering muscle pain until the antiviral kicks in. I'm not claiming to know the cause of POIS, but just giving a suggestion.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2018, 09:24:21 AM by nanna1 »
POIS clusters: 1,3,4,5,7
POIS criteria: 1,2,3,4,5
2 stacks that give me complete relief of POIS symptoms are listed here: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
Find medical test:


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They gave me an anti-viral med (acyclovir sounds familiar) + prednisone for 2 weeks daily 14 years ago after Bell's Palsy struck me. Dose and type of anti viral med unknown, I have to look it up. It didn't had any effect on symptoms, but like I said I don't know the dose and type so this is not very helpful.


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Hi Nanna, thanks for your invaluable inputs as always.
You are right, the only remedy that really helps me for now is Meloxicam (selective NSAID), other COX-2 inhibitors work as well, but to a lesser degree.


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...The approved dose of oral acyclovir for chickenpox is 200 mg/kg (up to a maximum of 800 mg) 4-5 times daily for 5 days. Adults with herpes zoster (shingles) can be treated with oral acyclovir at a dose of 800 mg five times daily. The recommended dose of intravenous acyclovir for VZV infections is 10 mg/kg every 8 hours, although higher doses (12-15 mg/kg) are sometimes used for life-threatening infections, especially in immunocompromised patients. Dosage reduction is required in patients with renal insufficiency. Valacyclovir is available as 500 mg and 1000 mg tablets. The recommended dose for immunocompetent adults with varicella or herpes zoster (shingles) is 1000 mg three times daily for 7 days."

Hey Nanna,
What kind of dose would you take of acyclovir in our case? i.e. a case of a dormant virus?   


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Interesting discussion.

For those who have decided to try treatment with an antiviral, like acyclovir, or better still, valacyclovir, be sure to note

- the dosage you take,
-the duration of your treatment,
- the side effects ( they are usually well tolerated and safe at standard doses, but are prescription-only medication in most countries, because they need dosage diminution in kidney failure, as there is a risk to cause an acute renal failure with usual dosage if you have renal impairment.)
- your usual POIS symptoms, and what have improved - or not - with this treatment, and if so, at what point in the treatment, and what % of relief you had, both in intensity and duration of the symptom.

And any other note you take during your experiment. Good data is important, so do not hesitate to write down all this information

I wish you the best outcome possible with these tests.  There is maybe a "POIS Type responding to antiviral therapy".

I am already convinced that there is an immune dysfunction at play in most POIS cases, but I think that there may be more than one possible trigger for this immune unbalance.  However, it is possible that a chronic, flaring up, infection like the ones herpes viruses cause can be one of these triggers, at least in some POIS sufferers. There has to be some other factors, because not every person with HVZ or HSV will have POIS after an ejaculation, but my view is that the more the immune system is messed up with, the more severe will be your POIS symptoms, if you are already prone to have POIS.   I am prone to POIS, so many things may have contributed to mess up with my immune system to a point that allows POIS to manifest:  the aluminum in the vaccines I had as a child, or the vaccine themselves? the mumuerous sinusitis/tonsillitis/otitis I had as a child ? The desens inections I had as a pre-teen for my severe hay fever ( allergy to grass)? HSV infection, or the multiple mouth ulcer I had since I am a child ?  I don't know.   

Personally, I have taken valacyclovir for herpes simplex relapse from HSV-1, commonly referred to as cold sores.  In my case, the sores always occur on the nose - I never had any on the lips ( this depends on where the virus hide in your nerves system).  Typical treatment for HSV-1 is short term ( 2 gram in one dose followed by another 2g dose 12 hours later), so cannot comment on effect on my POIS.  Clear trigger for my HSV-1 flares are too much sunlight without appropriate sunscreen, and emotional stress.  Contact with metallic objects in the usual area of flare ups is to be avoided as well ( for example, drinking in a metal can is a well known trigger for labial herpes flare up).   I always use zinc sunscreen on my nose, because, in addition to UV protection, zinc inhibits viral replication.   There is no apparent link between HSV-1 flare ups and my POIS.  I had POIS long before my first HSV-1 sores.   But the nature of this type of infection is to be dormant, so there is nothing definite I can say about this. 

In the herpes simplex family,  also exists HSV-2, which usually causes genital infections, so is known as genital herpes. It had a preference for hiding in nerve ganglia of the sacral regions.   It could be interesting to see if there are cases, on the forum, where POIS had appeared shortly after an HSV-1 or HSV-2 primary infection.

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There has to be some other factors, because not every person with HVZ or HSV will have POIS after an ejaculation, but my view is that the more the immune system is messed up with, the more severe will be your POIS symptoms, if you are already prone to have POIS.

Hey Quantum

I think Nanna did mention that in a Normal case of a dormant herpes the immune system is too weak to combat the virus, thus shingles occur. A POISer's immune system is supposedly stronger, thus the body attacks the virus in the neuron host cell and that's where inflammation occurs.
So perhaps people who had HVZ and HSV do not have POIS because 1- The ejaculation process does not cause a stress trigger reaction from the dormant virus. 2- When Shingles do eventually occur the immune system is too weak to attack the virus head on.


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I think that we are clousure and clousure to solution, lets kiks this shit ilnes aaaass.


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There has to be some other factors, because not every person with HVZ or HSV will have POIS after an ejaculation, but my view is that the more the immune system is messed up with, the more severe will be your POIS symptoms, if you are already prone to have POIS.

Hey Quantum

I think Nanna did mention that in a Normal case of a dormant herpes the immune system is too weak to combat the virus, thus shingles occur. A POISer's immune system is supposedly stronger, thus the body attacks the virus in the neuron host cell and that's where inflammation occurs.
So perhaps people who had HVZ and HSV do not have POIS because 1- The ejaculation process does not cause a stress trigger reaction from the dormant virus. 2- When Shingles do eventually occur the immune system is too weak to attack the virus head on.

Hi Nas! 

thanks for your answer.

I think you are referring to this post by Nanna: 

Your comment, and Nanna's post, lead me to make some reflections about how we can qualify the way we refer to the state of the immune system and how it reacts in POIS.

Shingles do usually manifest when someone's immune system is too "weak" to keep it at bay.  In immunocompetent subjects, with normal, well balanced immune system, the virus is kept dormant.  For me, a weak immune system is really when there is not enough resources, not enough soldiers available for the fight, like when you do not have enough white blood cells in your blood, like in AIDS.  The body then become vulnerable to all kind of infections, like in AIDS.

I would not use the term "weak" or "strong" to describe the state of the immune system in POIS, because you can have a strong, healthy immune system, with a well-controlled behavior, and will have neither shingles nor POIS.  To my knowledge, blood tests are normal in POIS, neither too much white cells or too low - if not, this would have been reported a while ago by members.

In POIS, my hypothesis is that, rather than a "power" issue, it is rather that some regulatory mechanism is not working properly, and the system is unbalanced.  Many people have a very competent and strong immune system, far enough to prevent shingles, and to not have POIS.  I still think that there must be something more specific in POIS, there is an immune dysfunction that is not present in normal, well-functioning immune systems, no matter how "strong" they are.  As a comparison with a car, I would say that it is not the power of the engine that has to do with crashing into a tree, but a problem with the steering system of the car.  The immune system is a very, very complex system, with many different feedback loops, one controlling the other.   If there is some dysfunction somewhere in those cascades, problems occur.   If the dysfunctions of the immune system leads it to cause unwanted productions of numerous pro-inflammatory immune messengers ( cytokines, histamine, TNF alpha, etc...), you feel ill, because of this uncontrolled inflammatory reaction in your body.  Your immune system have taken a bad path, or a bad direction, somewhere along the way, because of a "steering system" issue, and the usual control feedbacks didn't prevent this immune frenzy to occur... and we crash into the POIS wall...

I think he critical part, for defining a clear pathophysiology for POIS, is to explain how ejaculation can lead to trigger an inflammation reaction ( how can ejaculation cause a "steering problem" in the immune system function).   Even if we have some hints that DNA viruses could be implicated in POIS, we would still have to figure out what, in ejaculation, triggers the systemic symptoms we see in POIS.   It is clear that, out of POIS, most members have no particular symptoms, and are quite healthy if abstaining for long enough and have no NE.  But, in those time, those dormant viruses are still present in the body. and the immune system have them in check, in a proper way, since they do not manifest.   

Then comes ejaculation, and act on the body,  eoither on the immune system or neurological system or hormonal system, in a way that we don't know of, and cause a dysfunction to happen, somewhere in the complex machinery of the immune system.

In Nanna's hypothesis ( see above link to his post), this triggering mechanism would be linked to " a combination of high prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and low cyclic AMP ".   As seen in is diagram, the PGE2 would be the stress trigger that activates the JNK gene, which than promote demethylation of the methyl groups which were keeping the DNA viruses dormant, thus causing a reactivation of the virus, a flare up.  Usually, flare ups of DNA viruses are local manifestations, like cold sores of shingles .  I am open to this hypothesis by Nanna, but since there is, to my knowledge, no known reactivation of DNA virus leading to systemic symptoms like in POIS, this would be a first in medical science, so it is too early to conclude anything about this.   

However, I think all this discussion,  here and is Nanna's thread, is very constructive, and the more ideas we exchange, the more dynamic the discussion is, and the more we progress toward a better understanding of POIS.  And, for example, if some members get consistent results after some months of antiviral therapy, we will have made some progress.  Even if they don't have any results, we would still have made some progress.

So, here is my present contribution to this interesting conversation: first, that it is more a matter of a dysfunction in the control of the immune system that is at play in POIS, than a problem of being too strong or too weak.  And, second, that for a DNA virus hypothesis of POIS to become a major step forward compared to a more general hypothesis of a immune dysfunction in POIS, the specific link between ejaculation on one side, leading to an immune dysfunction, that, in turn, leads to a DNA virus reactivation, have to become clearer.

My position is a little bit more conservative.  For me, the presence of a chronic viral infection is one of many contributors that will cause those who are prone to POIS to get to the "critical level" needed for POIS to manifest. In this hypothesis, a bad diet with irritating chemicals and too much sugars and too few vitamins, too much emotional stress, not enough exercise, and so on, opportunistic infections, methylation issues, bad SNPs, are all contributing to POIS manifestation, by each increasing overall leve of inflammation in the body.   In this hypothesis there is, apart, from these contributing factors, one or more specific, rare factors, that makes someone prone to have POIS.  I say "rare factors", because POIS is a rare syndrome, and having a dormant DNA virus infection is not rare, eating too much sugars is endemic in Occidental diet, as well as bad diet, and, to some extent, lack of exercise, and too much stress has now been accepted as the new 'normal" in our modern society.   So, if all those contributing factors are present for almost everybody, there must be something more "rare" in order to have POIS.

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Acourdin to Mouns case t1 dominence it could be this reason for pois in some of as-

 Inflammation after the following: Strep, mono (EBV), HPV, herpes, pneumonia, H. pylori or Cytomegalovirus. These are common infections that also invoke the Th1 system; in some people with a genetic predisposition like myself, the immune system remains active after these infections. In some environments, this may have been a survival advantage since you?d be more likely to survive into adulthood and bear offspring [R, R, R, R, R, R].

Mouns found this wery intresting -  Mycoplasma, the Most Common Lyme Coinfection

Me - Newer been sik in my life till 12 year old , tick byted in testicle at age 12-13 ,
after that at age 13-14 severe pneumonia(on both wings) long period of taking antibiotics, after that sick all the time-ewry litle time sick from fluu and infections of tonzils etc, it took me 8 yars fom that that my imunity overcam that sicnes,  after pneumonia I get severe problems with acne (SEVERE!)(than again some kinds of antibiotics (some people conected acne tablets for couse of pois) those acne are last from my age 13-14 to 21-22.

On normal people imunity is etle down after some kind of infections.
In as poisers- imunity is stayed dominant(t1 for exemple acording from mouns labalatory tests) and overactive from diferent kind of infections. Some of as hawe light pois some of as severe, depend of all this stuf mention in this sites.


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The problem is that my data comes from one person. There is no way you can draw conclusions about it because there is no statistic basis. And what we don't need is another single patient case report with IgE results. As long as doctors are stuck in the classical IgE thinking related to POIS and won't explore more options then we won't be making any progress.   


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No conclusions yust resarching poisible route couses for some of as.

Moun i agre with you, but how can we expect that western medicine help as?
Western medicine cant cure ewan reumatoid artritis! And we exspect that someone find permanent cure for us?
They give my modher cortisol for artritis ???
It is rare because rare genetics predisposition( my opinion).
« Last Edit: March 28, 2018, 01:41:30 PM by Hopeoneday »


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I would not use the term "weak" or "strong" to describe the state of the immune system in POIS, because you can have a strong, healthy immune system, with a well-controlled behavior, and will have neither shingles nor POIS.  To my knowledge, blood tests are normal in POIS, neither too much white cells or too low - if not, this would have been reported a while ago by members.

Hey Quantum,
I apologize for my bad wording of technical terms that are way ahead of my league, but I can basically explain to you that "strong" means a healthy functional immune system, and "weak" is a less functional immune system due to aging or other factors.

I think he critical part, for defining a clear pathophysiology for POIS, is to explain how ejaculation can lead to trigger an inflammation reaction ( how can ejaculation cause a "steering problem" in the immune system function).

It's true Quantum, but if we would follow the theory of a virus infection then we must realize that there is a clear stress trigger that causes POIS to manifest, and my point is that it's not necessarily related to ejaculation; it can be food like gluten, Nicotine in my case, Hot water, UV light, etc.. Thus, yes, it is a case of the immune system being malfunctioning. My guess is that a component shared within these triggers is the main cause or perhaps all are triggers for different reasons. To be fair this is the part where things get complicated and is perhaps too difficult to dissect without proper research instruments.

In Nanna's hypothesis ( see above link to his post), this triggering mechanism would be linked to " a combination of high prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and low cyclic AMP ".   As seen in is diagram, the PGE2 would be the stress trigger that activates the JNK gene, which than promote demethylation of the methyl groups which were keeping the DNA viruses dormant, thus causing a reactivation of the virus, a flare up.  Usually, flare ups of DNA viruses are local manifestations, like cold sores of shingles .  I am open to this hypothesis by Nanna, but since there is, to my knowledge, no known reactivation of DNA virus leading to systemic symptoms like in POIS, this would be a first in medical science, so it is too early to conclude anything about this.

That is true Quantum but again, POIS is one of the rarest illnesses to exist on this earth, and since the theory suggests that POIS is not shingles rather a pre-shingles mechanic where the immune system attacks the DNA virus and the host neuron cell with it. My guess is that the reason why the DNA virus is activated briefly then gets instantly attacked, is that during ejaculation the immune system weakens slightly due to the unknown mechanics that leads to the stress trigger.

My position is a little bit more conservative.  For me, the presence of a chronic viral infection is one of many contributors that will cause those who are prone to POIS to get to the "critical level" needed for POIS to manifest. In this hypothesis, a bad diet with irritating chemicals and too much sugars and too few vitamins, too much emotional stress, not enough exercise, and so on, opportunistic infections, methylation issues, bad SNPs, are all contributing to POIS manifestation, by each increasing overall leve of inflammation in the body.   In this hypothesis there is, apart, from these contributing factors, one or more specific, rare factors, that makes someone prone to have POIS.  I say "rare factors", because POIS is a rare syndrome, and having a dormant DNA virus infection is not rare, eating too much sugars is endemic in Occidental diet, as well as bad diet, and, to some extent, lack of exercise, and too much stress has now been accepted as the new 'normal" in our modern society.   So, if all those contributing factors are present for almost everybody, there must be something more "rare" in order to have POIS.

I understand your conservatism Quantum and it is necessary so we can be more careful and critical of our findings. For me though being desperate in these last days, you don't understand how much more hopeful I've become even if it turned out not to work I'm still thankful for even having the delusion of a remedy - yes, I'm unfortunately that desperate. For us we have to be much more risk takers and crazy theorizers so we can move the status quo and try new things and build hope to keep going on.
Essentially if we managed to test all POISers for a dormant virus or any related infection and we came out with positive results that will be much more important IMO to set our path forward with POIS.   


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The problem is that my data comes from one person. There is no way you can draw conclusions about it because there is no statistic basis. And what we don't need is another single patient case report with IgE results. As long as doctors are stuck in the classical IgE thinking related to POIS and won't explore more options then we won't be making any progress.

Agree Muon, we need more tests for Dormant viruses or other related infections to be the last nail in the coffin.
I personally one of these people who jumped on that bandwagon but mostly because I don't have any remedy and I can yet find a solution. But that shouldn't treat this as a fact, after all there were many theories of POIS that failed to work for everyone and this can be a case of one of them.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2018, 01:49:27 PM by Nas »


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Of course that is our goal. Mouns is from Germany, the one of the bests helt care on the world! And they cant help him! Whot we expect?
We must resarsh hard and use all medicine test posible and do conections.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2018, 02:01:46 PM by Hopeoneday »