My hot flushes may be caused by Ankylosing spondylitis (bekhterev's disease).
Since my POIS like period I have lower back pain. A doctor said it is the Sacroiliac joint. I also have a bowing posture. My head and my back bows a bit down. First I want to wait for other blood results before asking my doctor to send me to an AS-doctor.
Now the connection with POIS. Could the SI joint pain caused my POIS? Or did I damaged the SI joint after having POIS because of masturbation? People with AS also have problems with sex and there are a few symptoms that are the same, like prostate infections and light sensitivity.
Fernando from Brazil said he thinks his POIs has to do with his spine problems.
There could be more kinds of POIs and more types of causes.
(AS) is a type of arthritis in which there is long term inflammation of the joints of the spine.[2] Typically the joints where the spine joins the pelvis are also affected.[2] Occasionally other joints such as the shoulders or hips are involved.[2] Eye and bowel problems may also occur.[2] Back pain is a characteristic symptom of AS, and it often comes and goes.[2] Stiffness of the affected joints generally worsens over time.[\quote]