Long time POIS sufferer...31 years old.
i've had horrible relationships because of POIS, they all ended in tears. I also didn't finish my study and lost all my jobs just daily living is very hard for me because POIS symptoms last about 6 days, once i get an erection it's pretty much game over. brainfog, fatigue and backpain is so intense i have difficulty completing the most simple tasks. I also believe that over time POIS gave me other non-POIS symptoms and other health problems.
So lately i met this girl where i used to work and she was really into me, love on first sight from both sides. So i asked her number and called her 3 days later but nobody picked up. What it comes down to is that she missed my call ( i wasn't sure if it was the right phonenumber or not ) I could have visit her because she works in a public place but i didn't... i was in doubt about my future and all the POIS problems.
I thought about how i needed to explain myself because i had POIS for a whole week, i was emotionally shutdown and felt nothing but depression because of POIS. i thought about meeting her parents and needing to explain myself how i don't finish my education, how i lost all my jobs and how i have this disease. I felt really negative about my future and kinda gave up, and didn't persuit her even tho we mutually fell in love with each one...... i made up all these excuses to myself, i also sincerely believed she gave me the wrong number but i could have visited her and ask her to hang out.
About 2 weeks later i ran into her again and told her i had the wrong number and made up all these excuses why i didn't contact her... i did everything to avoid talking about POIS or my situation in general. there are 10 ways to contact her but i only used 1...
I gave her my number but she proceeded to tell me she doesn't want to hang out anymore or me to call her, i tried to act normal and talked to her for 10 minutes but i started to get the feeling she didn't want me there, cold shoulder stuff.. I walked outside to the parkinglot and started crying and started to feel a range of emotions anger, dissapointment, guilt etc....i just shut down.
Once i got home i realized she was angry and dissappointed, she really was attracted to me and i hurt her feelings she probably felt rejected. i realized i wasn't my normal self because of POIS and medications. I got thoughts about how i sabotaged myself and rejected myself and hurt her in the process. I asked her number.... then i didn't contact her which is completely my fault. I feel like a scumbag for treating her this way... i feel like a scumbag for how i treated woman in general because of POIS.. i apologized to all my previous girlfriends so many times i feel i'm running dry of apologies.
I'm on the end of my rope , even tho i didn't hook up properly with this girl it feels worse than breaking off or getting dumped in my previous relationships, i can't explain myself to her, i can't contact her anymore.... i feel jaded... like i have no chance of changing POIS. I also think i'm more fucked up on a psychological/emotional level than i admit and thought about going to a psychologist for the 646th time. Before i knew i have POIS i tried many things to change my situation but once i got diagnosed i feel like i have no control over my life. I've had 5 relationships, dated some girls but probably rejected dozens , rejected 99 % of the girls i ran into because of my situation.
Even tho im taking anti-depressants right now i never felt this depressed or suicidal... i thought about removing my prostrate and testicles... thoughts about it if doctors reject i just sedate myself and cut them out myself. I'm also getting thoughts about going to switzerland and ending my life in a hospital. i just don't know what else to do , i constantly break down in crying. I don't have not much joy in life and don't talk to friends anymore, when i meet friends in the grocery store i feel no desire to hang out with them... it's just gone... This disease is eating a hole in my soul to the point where i really believe i'm better off when dead, it's robbing me of all my time , energy, social life, health and ambitions.
I tried explaining to people and woman but it has no use... they either won't understand or pretend to understand. I even got laughed at by family members/ people which really bothered me.
I feel like the trauma and pain has build up to a point where im fucked up beyond all recognition, my heart is pounding in my chest because of all the stress and shit. I looked in the mirror and don't even feel f*cking human anymore, everything i come in contact with seem to crumble to the point where i don't even want to contact people anymore. I also made some poor descisions that cannot be reverted or changed, usually out of desperation.
When i see other people deep inside i'm just glad they don't have to deal with this shit.... on the other hand i feel extremely alone and isolated it just hurts to see other people walking hand in hand with their girlfriend/wife. I turned from an ambitious, good looking, healthy and smart guy to someone who lost everything.. what just happened to me... what is this shit ? The years go by and i'm getting older i'm feeling like doctors will never find a cure, i feel completely scared, alone and desperate also because symptoms are getting stronger.