Author Topic: Muon's Case  (Read 181587 times)


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #180 on: April 19, 2021, 12:58:57 PM »
I get the suspicion that the Groin problem (one of my first symptoms before hell broke loose) could be related to a regional vasomotor dysfunction of a main artery, same as lower back. Feels like something is getting blocked (or change of tension) upon triggers like exercise, stress, heat, light pressure on affected area or body positions that put pressure on these (my mother who find it difficult to sit at a 90 degrees angle might have a similar issue, pinched tissue + weak vessels?), and POIS, like it doesn't respond properly, leads to weakness, fague minor pain and uncomfortable sensation. Plus veins on bicep did not respond well to blood pressure measurement lately with air cuff. Some pain in the body could be vascular related. I can also feel friction of blood flow in legs every now and then. The spasm in body, especially prevalent in legs, could be vasospasms.

Side note: I don't get these events anymore:
During POIS, pressure builds up in low part of spine, process could take tens of minutes. Moving around may delay this, unable to prevent this while asleep. Up to a threshold point that pressure is getting released and at the same time one leg shocks as if lightning shoots through it. Depolarization? Polarization builds up due to demyelination? (inflammation?). Or sympathetic outlfow issues in spine? Still have pressure in lower spine upon triggers but it doesn't keep building up, it doesn't reach the former mentioned threshold level.
When sitting on some surfaces or putting one leg over another the leg that is held over the other always gets numbish tingly and I feel like there is something going on in the left hip area I also had around that area but in the back side some sort of weird pain in 2018/2019 winter when being outside a lot


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #181 on: April 19, 2021, 01:18:55 PM »
I ingested my own semen. All of it. Nothing happened.

Edit: Had gut/belly pain later on that same day (ingested at mid-day) and flatulence but that could have been due to food as well.
When I was a teenager I ingested my own semen and afterwards my stomach and digestion completely shat down just like when sick with a stomach bug but except it was like a 100% stomach shutdown...

Had stomach/digestion and throat, gut peristaltic shutdown due to hot weather once. Crossing legs gives problems in groin area as well yes.


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #182 on: April 22, 2021, 07:12:57 AM »
Upon orgasm something gets amplified and/or doesn't get back to baseline in time. Similar behaviour for arousal, it peaks at the centre of my head, thereafter the arousal flare affects other parts of the brain--> impression that chemicals keeps hanging around in brain ('submerged'/'engulfed') after arousal flare. (Does orgasm affect microglia or blood flow in rest of brain?)

Anyway I'm stuck with low grade lingering inflammation troughout the body out of POIS. Starting to add 3x2 capsules/day of Neuroprotek to cromolyn (allergoval) as of this day.

Or could this (bold text) be vascular instability + vascular inflammation inside the brain? The vascular instability is already present in the rest of the body. Most of the muscle weakness might be vascular related as in muscle hypoperfusion-->weakness + hypoxic triggered low grade lingering inflammation?


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #183 on: April 28, 2021, 11:47:55 AM »
Chapter about hypoxia: Mast Cells and Skin and Breast Cancers: A Complicated and Microenvironment-Dependent Role

Mast Cell–Mediated Stimulation of Angiogenesis

POIS-induced vascular inflammation, injury, Ischemia?:

My Grandma's vascular dementia, aneurysm and TIA's:

"Brain ischemia is insufficient blood flow to the brain, and can be acute or chronic. Acute ischemic stroke is a neurologic emergency that may be reversible if treated rapidly. Chronic ischemia of the brain may result in a form of dementia called vascular dementia.[7] A brief episode of ischemia affecting the brain is called a transient ischemic attack (TIA), often called a mini-stroke. 10% of TIAs will develop into a stroke within 90 days, half of which will occur in the first two days following the TIA."


"My first lab abnormalities in 13 years have came back after ordering Dr Shoemakers tests. MSH ADH hla acth/cortisol tgfb1 c4a c3a vegf mmp9 to name the major ones. All but mmp9 for me was quite abnormal, indicating a chronically unregulated inflammatory state, caused most likely by the water damaged home I lived in for 30 years and possible repeat exposure to toxic algae blooms or an undiagnosed lyme infection." Ref

"An inadequate flow of blood to a part of the body may be caused by any of the following:

Thoracic outlet syndrome (compression of the brachial plexus)
Atherosclerosis (lipid-laden plaques obstructing the lumen of arteries)
Hypoglycemia (lower than normal level of glucose)
Tachycardia (abnormally rapid beating of the heart)
Hypotension (low blood pressure, e.g. in septic shock, heart failure)
Outside compression of a blood vessel, e.g. by a tumor or in the case of superior mesenteric artery syndrome
Sickle cell disease (abnormally shaped red blood cells)
Induced g-forces which restrict the blood flow and force the blood to the extremities of the body, as in acrobatics and military flying
Localized extreme cold, such as by frostbite or improper cold compression therapy
Tourniquet application
An increased level of glutamate receptor stimulation [14]
Arteriovenous malformations and peripheral artery occlusive disease
Rupture of significant blood vessels supplying a tissue or organ.
Anemia vasoconstricts the periphery so that red blood cells can work internally on vital organs such as the heart, brain, etc., thus causing lack of oxygen to the periphery.
Premature discontinuation of any oral anticoagulant.
Unconsciousness, such as due to the ingestion of excessive doses of central depressants like alcohol or opioids, can result in ischemia of the extremities due to unusual body positions that prevent normal circulation

Well I don't have 2 heads (thank God because headaches on 1 head is enough!!!) But I am one that gets severe headaches after sex.  It is all over my head. It is not in one spot. In the past it would start out like my head felt deprived of oxygen or something and was very dull achey brain foggy confused feeling. It almost felt as if my brain was burning. I do not sleep well when it is like this. I am very aware of my head the whole time as it feels injured. Normally I sleep like a rock. After a few days of this my headache moves into a more classic headache where it's just painful like a really bad headache. Oddly enough I welcome that because I know I'm out of the first stage and will be better in a few more days. I have to say though since starting testosterone I am not experiencing these kind of severe headaches.  My hormone doctor is being extremely conservative with my medication and I'm not to happy about that.  My testosterone level is still only testing at 4. She has me on such a light dose. I'm going to see my OBGYN on Thursday to discuss my hormone levels with her.

My younger brother:
2020 Dec: Episode of schizophrenia/depersonalization, psychosis, whole body weakness, breathing difficulties. All together and went on for days. He told me he had the impression that there was a lack of oxygen in the brain and thought he passed out a few times.
Also had burning feeling in brain in the past. OCD-like behaviour during psychosis.

Muon's Bell's palsy; impaired microcirculation of facial nerve?:
Plasma Endothelin Level in the Acute Stage of Bell Palsy

Heather also had a low level of Testosterone which can be a risk factor for endothelial dysfunction in men (and women?):
Low Testosterone Level Is an Independent Determinant of Endothelial Dysfunction in Men
« Last Edit: April 28, 2021, 01:34:56 PM by Muon »


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #184 on: April 29, 2021, 12:13:16 PM »
I get the suspicion that the Groin problem (one of my first symptoms before hell broke loose) could be related to a regional vasomotor dysfunction of a main artery, same as lower back. Feels like something is getting blocked (or change of tension) upon triggers like exercise, stress, heat, light pressure on affected area or body positions that put pressure on these (my mother who find it difficult to sit at a 90 degrees angle might have a similar issue, pinched tissue + weak vessels?), and POIS, like it doesn't respond properly, leads to weakness, fague minor pain and uncomfortable sensation. Plus veins on bicep did not respond well to blood pressure measurement lately with air cuff. Some pain in the body could be vascular related. I can also feel friction of blood flow in legs every now and then. The spasm in body, especially prevalent in legs, could be vasospasms.

Side note: I don't get these events anymore:
During POIS, pressure builds up in low part of spine, process could take tens of minutes. Moving around may delay this, unable to prevent this while asleep. Up to a threshold point that pressure is getting released and at the same time one leg shocks as if lightning shoots through it. Depolarization? Polarization builds up due to demyelination? (inflammation?). Or sympathetic outlfow issues in spine? Still have pressure in lower spine upon triggers but it doesn't keep building up, it doesn't reach the former mentioned threshold level.
When sitting on some surfaces or putting one leg over another the leg that is held over the other always gets numbish tingly and I feel like there is something going on in the left hip area I also had around that area but in the back side some sort of weird pain in 2018/2019 winter when being outside a lot

Perhaps pelvic-floor exercises could help loosening things up?
Male, INTJ. POIS symptoms: red eyes, ear-pain, anxiety, speech problems, pale/ugly skin, stiff neck, double chin, tinnitus, light sensitivity. POIS even after stimulation without O.


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #185 on: May 23, 2021, 02:53:59 PM »
I get these kind of questions via PM every now and then. I will answer them here.

Are you satisfied from doing desensitization to yourself?
Yes, a doctor did the procedure.

Is there any problem for you?
No adverse effects from what I know.

Is your pois relapsed at all?
No. But note that it didn't cure the pois.

What specialist does this kind of "treatment"

Are you sure pois is an allergic disease?

Can you possibly give me a schedule of injections (dosage,...)
I have not written it down. I have asked the doc if he could provide me with his latest scheme but I never got an answer back. There is some information in #5 and #22:
But these are dated there is a more efficient one. (I believe the doc told me once that he thought that 1:8000 could be used as well for a starting dilution.)

Where of my body should I inject my semen?! No one willing do this to me and i cant live with this condition
Forearm. You need a special needle which is thin and flexible (can't remember the name). It's important you don't hit an artery. You inject it just under the skin and the angle of injection is almost parallel to the surface of the skin. The problem is that you need to start at a high level of dilution with saline (1:40.000). If low dilution is used then you can fall into shock, an epipen might be necessary.

Willem did it at home but sublingual, which is easier to do. Scroll down to nakedscientist-->Willem:

There are other methods which you should try first like in the thread I gave you or given in the one below before moving on to desenz procedure (which should be carried out by a MD) :

Note that a doctor could analyse which protein fractions are responsible for allergic/sensitivity reactions. These fractions could be isolated and injected instead of the entire semen sample (=selective desensitization). This method is used for women.

The IgG4 has never been investigated whether it is POIS desenz related. It could be used for therapy:

Rapid immune therapy also exist. This desenz accident also occured:
This response could be similar to rapid desensitization.

This link could be helpful:

how much improvement you got from desensitization?!
5 year long desensitization treatment 2010-2015 (permanent improvement, the amount varies with type of symptom. Fatigue is by far the most improved symptom, perhaps 80% reduction. For other symptoms it's harder to estimate how much they have been reduced, for most of them I think maybe around 50% but this is a very rough estimate). My POIS was quite extreme.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2021, 03:24:32 PM by Muon »


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #186 on: May 30, 2021, 11:11:51 AM »
Reset behaviour regarding multiple orgasms could be linked to values of parameters depicted in table dropping post O. POISers should be questioned about reset behaviour.


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #187 on: June 16, 2021, 03:14:03 PM »
Neuroprotek targets stress susceptibility (including center of head), anxiety (I have flares, not chronic) and depression (I have episodes, not chronic). Subtle improvement of exercise intolerance. It doesn't seem to prevent the delayed POIS wave in any way. My mother stopped taking it and her anxiety came back. No side effects, not for me nor for my mother. It adresses a few other things I described somewhere a few posts back, page 11. It calms down reactivity to food on my tongue (I bite on 1 capsule). Oh...I didn't have major mood/emotional swings, it pushes me in a neutral state. There is also a slight improvement in following verbal conversations.

I think I used:
3 weeks 2x1 capsules
3 weeks 2x2 capsules
~5 weeks 3x2 capsules

I feel it's a supplement for the long term.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2021, 03:41:46 PM by Muon »


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #188 on: June 24, 2021, 02:31:50 PM »
Are you still not taking any B vitamins?
You once mentioned you can't tolerate B complex, but I think so many people benefit from (several of the) B vitamins, why should it be different for you?
Taking individual ones to find out what helps and what not (for me B1 for sure helps, Choline also as a pseudo-B-vitamin)


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #189 on: June 24, 2021, 02:47:46 PM »
I feel it's a supplement for the long term.

It's very interesting you mention the improved mood swings.

"NeuroProtek® contains the flavonoids: Luteolin, Quercetin, and Rutin."

This is very interesting. I took a similar one on-and-off (now back on) because they were out of stock:
"Quercetin (aus Sophora japonica L.), ..., Vitamin C (L-Ascorbinsäure), Citrus-Bioflavonoide (aus Citrus aurantium L.), Bromelain (aus Ananas comosus L.), Hagebutte Extrakt (Rosa canina L.) frucht, Acerola Extrakt (Malpighia glabra L.) frucht, Rutin (aus Sophora japonica L.)."
I'm also eating dandelion salad every few days which contains Luteolin.

My mood swings went a lot better in the last weeks but I had attributed it to the Saffron extract and (recently) to stopping coffee and taking higher dose B1.
But maybe the above mentioned things also help and I just did not notice it so much.

For me this supplement is also a keeper..


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #190 on: July 22, 2021, 02:23:14 PM »
CFS patient from phoenix rising PM box:

"Certain D2-like receptor antagonists can apparently make it physiologically impossible to orgasm, if this source is to be believed.

I am considering asking my GP about it. Orgasms are becoming so debilitating that I'm open to shutting down the entire system at this point.


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #191 on: July 23, 2021, 01:03:09 PM »
 I've spoken to a cardiologist because I developed cardiovascular episodes on cold exposure this year. She proposed a selection:
For vasodilation:
Lowering heart rate via funny currents:


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #192 on: August 06, 2021, 02:53:52 PM »
Still got problems in area lower back at spine, 24/7. Urge to urinate, even when bladder is empty.


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #193 on: August 08, 2021, 04:20:16 PM »
(Removed by admin for off topicness, sorry.)
« Last Edit: August 09, 2021, 02:41:19 AM by berlin1984 »


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #194 on: August 09, 2021, 10:30:32 AM »
Still got problems in area lower back at spine, 24/7. Urge to urinate, even when bladder is empty.

I just realized I have this too! I never thought of mentioning it in relation to POIS, but it appeared in the last 2-3 years. Sometimes when I go to bed (probably because of the change in position) I have to get up to urinate 4-5 times even though when I get to the bathroom I realize my bladder is empty or almost empty.
26-year-old Spanish woman with POIS symptoms for the last 13 years.
Suffering from exercise intolerance since April 2020.
My case thread, with medical tests results.


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #195 on: August 09, 2021, 11:30:42 AM »
Still got problems in area lower back at spine, 24/7. Urge to urinate, even when bladder is empty.

I just realized I have this too! I never thought of mentioning it in relation to POIS, but it appeared in the last 2-3 years. Sometimes when I go to bed (probably because of the change in position) I have to get up to urinate 4-5 times even though when I get to the bathroom I realize my bladder is empty or almost empty.

You should copy your comment to your thread as well.


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #196 on: August 11, 2021, 06:05:25 AM »
Had a Cardiac CT scan. Blood vessels were clean. No calcium deposits. Blood vessels were a bit constricted during measurement, they gave me sublingual nitroglycerine, I felt that it did something to my brain and facial muscles on the left half of my face. Starting today with a calcium channel antagonist; Diltiaz HCL AUR 120MG T RET, 1 per day.


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #197 on: October 14, 2021, 03:38:01 PM »
Starting today with a calcium channel antagonist; Diltiaz HCL AUR 120MG T RET, 1 per day.

Quit taking it yesterday. No effect on any of my symptoms.

My brain feels drained, stress and pois can induce this. My brother (the one with POIS) complains about a drained brain as well. He is on medication (need to look up name), his prolactin is 4 times the upper limit probably due to the medication. His POIS has gotten worse.

I get the impression that my brain is not able to optimally supply the body. It feels like there is difference in tension in certain muscles, especially the right side of the lower back. Once that is tense, I can feel the urge to urinate. At the same time the glans penis becomes sensitive in a wrong way (not sexual related) to friction. The center of my head feels activated.

If I had to make a guess I would say the supply could be related to blood or neurotransmission. Plus there is a waterbed effect going on. When tension in one part of the body is normalized, it then could shift to somewhere else.

I had a conversation with someone. Had to raise my volume because of background sounds. Tension of facial muscles in left half of face disappeared for the most part and wasn't able to control these facial muscles for a moment, like a balloon losing air and gets flabby. The brain was involved as well, it comes from the brain. Lack of some kind of brain juice?

Low grade chronic stress affects center of head. Body gets stiffer. Harder to move.


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #198 on: October 21, 2021, 06:21:30 AM »
My older brother (not the POIS one, age: 41) starts to develop memory problems and fatigue.


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #199 on: October 21, 2021, 10:00:05 AM »
My older brother (not the POIS one, age: 41) starts to develop memory problems and fatigue.
Do you think that there is any common genomic link with you and your other brother having POIS, and that in his case, it would be a late-onset, and not related directly to sexual activity?
You are 100% responsible for what you do with anything I post on this forum and of any consequence it could have for you.  Forum rule: ""Do not use POISCenter as a substitute for, or to give, medical advice" Read the remaining part at