Author Topic: Muon's Case  (Read 181438 times)


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #120 on: February 07, 2021, 03:14:35 PM »
2 posts back about brainstem:

Relationship Between Amyloid Precursor Protein in Seminal Plasma and Abnormal Penile Sympathetic Skin Response in Lifelong Premature Ejaculation

Decreased density of 5-HT neurons in the dorsal and median raphe nuclei also has been identified in APPswe/PS1DeltaE9 transgenic mice.27 Most cell bodies of 5-HT neurons are located in the brainstem at the level of the dorsal and median raphe nuclei and play an important role in ejaculation.4, 28 The decrease of these neurons might result in dysfunction of the 5-HT system. Moreover, higher Ab levels might be associated with decreased 5-HT.


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #121 on: February 11, 2021, 06:57:31 PM »
Example of a recurrent pattern at the moment:

1) Subtle low grade stress is going on for a while--->
2) Subtle low grade burning sensation at various places on the body close to the skin, comes up and increases intensity gradually over time if stress is still present--->
3) Breathing rhythm gets gradually derailed
4) Getting cold and body doesn't adapt properly to the change in environmental temperature when switching different rooms with different Temperature
5) Glans penis feels sensitive in a weird way (increased sensitivity to friction, like clothing)
6) Other tissue can be affected by 1 as well (like throat gets dry)

Example of downward spiral:
3 can increase 1. 1 increases 2, the latter makes 3 worse.

This cycle can be broken once you neutralize stress. If the stress is present for a certain duration threshold then 3 keeps going on even if you decrease stress levels. Then you are stuck with ANS/breathing dysregulation symptoms which you will have to wait out before they reside.

My take: Stress--->Neuroinflammation of small sensory/autonomic nerve fibers.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2021, 07:37:51 PM by Muon »


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #122 on: February 12, 2021, 11:10:49 AM »
Stress-->Th2 response (stress related to immunosuppression as in data I got from POIS induced measurement?)

Through the above mechanisms, stress might influence the onset and/or course of infectious, autoimmune/inflammatory, allergic and neoplastic diseases.

These results initially indicated that stress may induce the skewing of the Th1/Th2 balance toward Th2-dominant immunity, which stimulates the occurrence of infectious diseases and allergic disorders.

Some infections might protect the host from Th2 responses. The host could react by increasing Th1 activity which counteracts the Th2 response from POIS. Some people reacted less to POIS during influenza.

A second orgasm makes symptoms worse because the first one already skewed it a bit towards Th2.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2021, 12:16:38 PM by Muon »


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #123 on: February 20, 2021, 01:05:54 PM »
My mums autistic behaviours are increasing everyday and same with her high anxiety and low mood, she will not take any supplements now when I offer them to her. She keeps telling me she is fine and to leave her alone but she clearly isn't, its pretty frustrating. Her mum died of motor neurone disease and I worry about her developing something similar as her body clearly isn't functioning properly. Its likely she has many of the same gene mutations I do, if only she listened to me it probably would be cheaper to fix her health now rather than wait for a disease to develop down the line.

She helped her friend move out of a very moldy apartment the other day when she got back she had a butterfly rash on her face which I had never seen on her before which is quite concerning.

My mother gets these flares of butterfly rash on her face, mostly when stressed. You see this symptom in Lupus which is autoimmune. HOD's mother got Hashimoto's disease. Keep observing her behaviour, my brother got psychosis recently. I thought she liked the supplement? What was the name of the motor neuron disease?


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #124 on: February 20, 2021, 01:21:00 PM »

My mother gets these flares of butterfly rash on her face, mostly when stressed. You see this symptom in Lupus which is autoimmune. HOD's mother got Hashimoto's disease. Keep observing her behaviour, my brother got psychosis recently. I thought she liked the supplement? What was the name of the motor neuron disease?

Yeah she improved massively on the EPA for the first week, then she went back to her normal behaviours I guess either because she was started taking a lower dose/less frequently or just environmental/diet factors overpowered the good effects from it. Now she's finished the bottle, I might buy her more but she would never buy any for herself as she has no self awareness to realise how much it improved her, and she spends no money on taking care of herself. I forgot to add she has been hyperactive her whole life she can't stop doing errands/tasks like she is wired sometimes.

I asked her the name of the motor neurone disease and she didn't know, but it was one that killed her mother.

I offered her to take liposomal glutathione today to see if it improved her behaviour but she refused to take any.

Yeah maybe the butterfly rash could have just been from the stress of helping her friend move rather than the mold. When moving a bit of furniture in my house with her, you could clearly see in her facial movements/expressions her body/nervous system couldn't handle the stress of carrying something heavy like a chest of draws. I am also aware that is a sign of lupus which is why it concerned me.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2021, 01:39:52 PM by Iwillbeatthis »


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #125 on: February 22, 2021, 06:08:13 AM »
I believe lupus is a food/stress/gut related issue. You should listen what Pharmacist Ben Fuchs has to say about it here.


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #126 on: February 22, 2021, 07:11:23 AM »
I believe lupus is a food/stress/gut related issue. You should listen what Pharmacist Ben Fuchs has to say about it here.

Agreed I think most autoimmune conditions are due to this.


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #127 on: February 22, 2021, 03:30:25 PM »
I believe lupus is a food/stress/gut related issue.

Stress as a trigger of autoimmune disease
This:"Unfortunately, not only does stress cause disease, but the disease itself also causes significant stress in the patients, creating a vicious cycle."

Stress proteins:


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #128 on: February 24, 2021, 11:28:24 AM »
Tried a bit of a green smoothie containing pineapple and spinach, pineapple gives me diarrhea, spinach does other things. Haven't touch those ingredients for years.

I had to run to the toilet in ~ 1 hour after ingestion and had solid brown stool (yesterday's food) covered in green diarrhea. It was tolerable after ingestion until it hit a particular spot in my intestines. I won't touch that stuff anymore. Still highly sensitive to those ingredients especially pineapple. IBS.

1 hour is also the timing that I start to feel bad after ingestion of foods like certain brands of chocolate (where other foods can start triggering local symptoms in oral cavitiy or stomach upon contact for example).


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #129 on: February 24, 2021, 04:52:05 PM »
SEV/SE-mediated impairment of T-cell responses regarding my cytokine depression after O?

Seminal exosomes (SE)
SE have already been implicated as immunosuppressive, inhibiting lymphoproliferative responses (2), the activity of phagocytic cells (11) and natural killer cell function (12). Thus, the immunosuppressive properties of seminal plasma appear to reside at least in large part within its exosome fraction.

POIS cascade?:
Microvesicles contain cytokines that can induce inflammation via numerous different pathways.[38] These cells will then release more microvesicles, which have an additive effect. This can call neutrophils and leukocytes to the area, resulting in the aggregation of cells.[3][42] However, microvesicles also seem to be involved in a normal physiological response to disease, as there are increased levels of microvesicles that result from pathology.

I don't think a doctor or anyone on this forum considered the involvement of seminal exosomes in POIS. 
« Last Edit: February 24, 2021, 05:16:43 PM by Muon »


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #130 on: February 25, 2021, 02:01:27 PM »

Long standing low grade (oral) mucosal activation accompanied with dryness.
Sometimes I can wake up with a well-developed layer of mucus in oral cavity. Thickness will be decreased withing a few minutes after waking up. Consuming food while layer is intact will give no contact sensitivity, friction or irritation. Consuming food while layer is diminished will induce symptoms. Not eating will still give a sense of low grade activation (has to do with wake and sleep state, as soon as I wake up subtle activation creeps in). Stress will induce or increase sense of activity in mucosal layer and makes me more reactive to food upon contact. Edit: Tongue is more reactive than rest of oral cavity at his moment.


1)Intestinal B cell-activating factor: an indicator of non-IgE-mediated hypersensitivity reactions to food?
2)Food Intolerance of Unknown Origin: Caused by Mucosal Inflammation? A Pilot Study
Intestinal Epithelial Barrier Dysfunction in Food Hypersensitivity
Food intolerance and mucosal inflammation

Take a look at the first two papers: BAFF could be involved. Increased (local) IFN-g is being mentioned and could be induced by BAFF. These things play a role in delayed hypersensitivity (non-IgE). Food sensitivities were present before the onset of POIS. Low grade mucosal inflammation? And could this be translated to the male genital tract (MGT) as well? Does a mucosal inflammatory mechanism sensitize the MGT to components of semen?

In conclusion, increased levels of BAFF in blood and gut lavage fluid suggest that BAFF might be a new mediating mechanism of hypersensitivity reactions to food. Significantly higher levels in non-atopic compared with atopic patients and no correlation between BAFF and IgE levels suggest that BAFF might be particularly involved in non-IgE-mediated reactions. Locally and/or systemically distributed BAFF affects Th1 and Th2 responses and might have an impact on both local (gastrointestinal) and systemic (extraintestinal) symptoms in patients with self-reported food hypersensitivity.

1)Increased IgG4:
The fact that the increase in BAFF was seen particularly in patients without indications of IgE-mediated atopic disease is interesting. BAFF is an important regulator of B-cell activation, proliferation, immunoglobulin CSR and immunoglobulin production.

1)"non-IgE-mediated or delayed-type hypersensitivity is much more difficult to diagnose26 and, maybe as a consequence, seldom recognized in clinical practice"

2)"Besides patients with FA, we could identify another patient subgroup with FH that was characterized by very low local IgE titers, low TNF-a, but increased proinflammatory IFN-g values. The significance and importance of the increased IFN-g values and a possible correlation with dysbiosis will be analyzed in a follow-up study"

Reduction of POIS symptoms by gluten-free diet in some POISers:
Wiki: In patients with celiac disease, serum BAFF levels are reduced after a gluten-free diet.[28] The same reduction could be present in the recently defined “Non Celiac Gluten sensitivity”

Type IV reactions can start 24h post trigger. Healthcare and research do not take this potential timing into account regarding measurements.

Healthcare doesn't investigate this. Absolutely worthless.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2021, 08:22:15 AM by Muon »


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #131 on: February 26, 2021, 03:26:06 PM »
Immunophenotypical Characterization of a Brazilian POIS (Post-Orgasmic Illness Syndrome) Patient: Adding More Pieces to Puzzle
"The majority of these cells are expressing CD38+, which suggests that the activation in this patient is more likely to happen via the CD38 molecule and there is no clinical explanation to that finding"

"CD38 is most frequently found on plasma B cells"
Plasma cells produce IgG4. CD38 signaling involved? Cytokine receptors and CD40 are involved in Immunoglobulin class switching.

"CD38 can be a major regulator of NAD+ levels
These reaction products are essential for the regulation of intracellular Ca2+ (Decreased cytokine levels after O-->decreased [Ca2+]i?, CD38 activation on T-cells or indirect via changes in NAD+ metabolism?)
CD38 within the brain enables release of the affiliative neuropeptide oxytocin.
When nicotinic acid is present under acidic conditions, CD38 can hydrolyze nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP+) to NAADP.
Nicotinamide riboside (NR) and nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) are NAD+ precursors, but when NR or NMN are administered, CD38 can degrade these precursors before they can enter cells.
mice overexpressing CD38 exhibit reduced NAD+ and mitochondrial dysfuntion.

POIS-->CD38 signaling-->Depletion of NAD+-->fatigue (link to ME/CFS?). Niacin can interfere (how?).

It's present in semen:
Seminal CD38 is a pivotal regulator for fetomaternal tolerance

Redlabs-->CD38 serum levels
CD38 docks to CD31 and CD16.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2021, 03:47:55 PM by Muon »


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #132 on: February 26, 2021, 03:50:13 PM » :

"In addition, we characterize two CD38 inhibitors: quercetin and apigenin"


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #134 on: February 27, 2021, 08:32:16 AM »
You have to try to rebalance your whole body.
If you work only the lumbar part, you will not have the expected result.
A bad posture requires a lot of energy from our body. I believe that the vagus nerve works hard to try to return the correct posture.
A wrong tension in our muscles ends up causing a stress on the body that activates defense systems that are related to inflammation. Try to do the work of improving posture throughout the body, I believe it will be of great value to achieve the target (cause of the problem).

Same here. Plus the "inflammation" can affect other tissue and the same process starts at the new local site. Already weak parts of the body seem to be more prone. Waldinger said something similar that POIS puts emphasis on scar tissue/weak parts (experiencing more intense symptoms at scar tissue compared to surrounding tissue). Not sure how he exactly formulated it but I bet these two behaviours are related (or the same). 

Here it is. I can confirm this, got scar tissue myself from trauma/surgery.
Post orgasmic illness syndrome (POIS)
"An intriguing phenomenon of POIS is that during a POIS "attack", a latent illness and/or a previous scar of a trauma or surgery will become painful or sensitive again. As soon as POIS has disappeared the illness or scar sensitivity disappears as well. Probably this is also due to immunological processes that are activated during a period of active POIS."

Compression of the vagus nerve due to cervical instability in Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome


Numb tongue, burning mouth, and other tongue pain from nerve impairment due to cervical instability

Also poor neck/body posture can induce anxiety in me (anxiety disappears when I adjust neck posture, seems like it's called mechanical anxiety), affects respiratory rate, decreases digestion, subtle increase in POTS-like symptoms.


POTS, Bell's Palsy: compression of nodose ganglion? Trigeminal neuralgia?
« Last Edit: February 27, 2021, 11:18:31 AM by Muon »


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #135 on: March 09, 2021, 12:43:34 PM »
Observed this several times, time to take a note:
Eating late, at the end of the day >9 pm, increases the chance to encounter the following scenario:

Abruptly waking up at night due to a bowel movement. Food traveling through gut could be felt. Accompanied by activity at an area close to or at the brainstem. Feeling hot. Irregular respiratory rate. Impaired blood circulation body/brain. Sections of limbs getting tense.

Positive scenario I encountered not related to the above:

Out of nowhere it felt like I was getting proper (blood?) supply to the brain. Felt activity in center of head. Accompanied by fatigue.

On a regular basis:
Impression that circulation body and brain are not in-phase.
When respiratory rate is irregular I get the impression that the ANS uncouples or slips slightly and subtle out of phase from the body.

Weird event:
Sweating on my upper left leg when washing my hands briefly with warm water. This happened a few times in the past when washing my hands but the sweating location was isolated on my upper back instead of leg.

Something similar might be going on:
ME/CFS at the Intersection of the Nervous & Immune Systems (Lecture) - Michael VanElzakker, PhD

Scenario at the top of this post is clearly gut/brain communication. Something could be wrong with a section of my gut. Nimodipine could be trialed to increase blood flow to the brain(stem) in case of potential vagus nerve dysfunction.

I did try to get an orgasm while the condition below was present:
"When respiratory rate is irregular I get the impression that the ANS uncouples or slips slightly and subtle out of phase from the body."
Orgasm and ejaculation were not timed properly as it should be, as in matched. There was some lag between the onset of both. I remember another event in the past where I experienced ANS related symptoms while getting an O and had anorgasmia (POIS symptoms were worse btw and onset was faster).

Extremely rare event: I had an O without POIS symptoms in the past when I experienced no other symptoms and was relaxed while getting an O.

Dumping this here:
Some parts of the body (mainly parts of limbs) cannot get supplied by sufficient blood supply for exercise, feels tense as well (i think it's blood supply but could be wrong though) while other parts are gettting more supply, there is asymmetry. 
« Last Edit: March 09, 2021, 01:30:36 PM by Muon »


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #136 on: March 11, 2021, 09:25:47 AM »
Abruptly waking up at night due to a bowel movement. Food traveling through gut could be felt. Accompanied by activity at an area close to or at the brainstem. Feeling hot. Irregular respiratory rate. Impaired blood circulation body/brain. Sections of limbs getting tense.

Could be a section of the gut with mucosal degradation or pro-inflammatory environment which is extra sensitive to friction (due to dysbiosis?). The vagus nerve is involved here, since symptoms are autonomic in nature. POIS could share similar mechanics, semen traveling through sections of the male genital tract that are innervated by vagal afferents, starting abnormal mucosal/brainstem communication mediated by the vagus nerve. Also the vagus nerve influences mucosal mast cells and might mimmick allergy. It may lead to altered inflammatory relfexes by the vagus nerve firing to other body parts which seems unrelated.


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #137 on: March 12, 2021, 09:41:41 AM »
Is postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) a central nervous system disorder? (2021)


Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), a disorder of the autonomic nervous system characterized by a rise in heart rate of at least 30 bpm from supine to standing position, has been traditionally viewed as a dysfunction of the peripheral nervous system. However, recent studies and evidence from overlapping conditions suggest that in addition to being considered a disorder of the peripheral nervous system, POTS should be viewed also as a central nervous system (CNS) disorder given

(1) significant CNS symptom burden in patients with POTS;
(2) structural and functional differences found on neuroimaging in patients with POTS and other forms of orthostatic intolerance;
(3) evidence of cerebral hypoperfusion and possible alteration in cerebrospinal fluid volume, and
(4) positive response to medications targeting the CNS and non-pharmacologic CNS therapies.

This review outlines existing evidence of POTS as a CNS disorder and proposes a hypothetical model combining key mechanisms in the pathophysiology of POTS. Redefining POTS as a CNS disorder can lead to new possibilities in pharmacotherapy and non-pharmacologic therapeutic interventions in patents affected by this disabling syndrome.



Reduced cerebral spinal fluid volume?:
Muon, way back when I started my Magical TRT Mystery Tour, I had an MRI of the brain ordered by my endocrinologist, resulting in a find of Empy Sella Syndrome. Not sure if/where to post...

Replace Fibromyalgia and CFS by POIS and put question marks behind those sentences:
"fibromyalgia is considered a neurosensory disorder with central sensitization as the main mechanism [13, 14], and chronic fatigue syndrome is being reframed as a central nervous system disorder of neuroinflammation and abnormal neurovascular coupling"

Some POISers can induce POIS symptoms by physical triggers like pressure or temperature--->Neurosensory disorder? Signaling mismatch between input and output of brain?
Pathophysiology of POTS: proposed model

Thread on Phoenix Rising forum

Thread on Dinet forum
« Last Edit: March 12, 2021, 10:00:00 AM by Muon »


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #138 on: March 17, 2021, 08:02:20 AM »
1 hour is also the timing that I start to feel bad after ingestion of foods like certain brands of chocolate (where other foods can start triggering local symptoms in oral cavitiy or stomach upon contact for example).

Food curve:


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Re: Muon's Case
« Reply #139 on: March 17, 2021, 02:11:56 PM »
Food curve:

Could you explain this graph?
Does this mean dopeamine stays elevated DURING the process of maturbation..
Or even AFTER?