Romies, you mention "sometimes" Celebrex? Celebrex is prescription here. Am curious why you only use it sometimes - how are your results with only the Curcumin and Quercetain excluding Celebrex? Good enough?
Yes, Celebrex is also Rx-only in the US, where I am based. I use it perhaps 30-40% of the time, precisely because it is a Rx-med with known side effects.
If I am not sleep deprived, not having a recent O, and I don't have a stressful day the day after (meaning I can live with 10-20% of the symptoms), I would just go with Curcumin and Quercetin only. You need COX2 for PGF2alpha for muscle growth, so I don't want to throw the baby away with the bath water.
As for Sudafed, I took it for a cold last week and it made me feel very strange. Unless the symptoms are terrible after the next NE and the Curcumin, Quercetain & Nurofen aren't effective, I may give it a try.
There are many different formulation of Sudafed. wonder whether yours has phenylephrine instead.
For me, the active ingredient in Claritin D is Pseudoephedrine. If you don't have the 24-hr time-released Pseudoephedrine, I would say a 60mg instant release taken at morning, noon and late afternoon maybe sufficient. I metabolize Pseudoephedrine pretty quickly, in 4-5 hrs. But if you were a slow metabolizer, you may want to skip the afternoon dose.
Even though Pseudoephedrine is OTC, it is "scheduled listed chemical product" in the US. So I have to give my driver's license to the pharmacist for logging when buying it. It is probably treated the same way in Australia. But, you don't need to consume that many per month. For me, a pack last for several months.
And for non-NE Os, I don't need Pseudoephedrine.
5-HTP is expensive here and isn't found in many stores for legal reasons. Just ordered Natrol 100 mg slow release off iHerb (thanks for noting the brand and details Romies). I will go for the 100 mg considering my mental symptoms are shocking.
Natrol 100mg 12hrs is what I am taking too.
When I am not in a POIS-state (i.e. not tryptophan/5htp depleted), 5-htp makes me sleepy, because it gets converted to Melatonin.
When I am in a POIS state, 5htp gets converted to serotonin, and gives me the energy that coffee/tea cannot deliver.
You use the different to tell whether your POIS is related to TDO/IDO activation which depletes tryptophan and serotonin.
Is iHerb a reliable source of vitamins/supplements? I am concerned there are fakes around. Have spent way too much abroad in countries within Asia and South America where they have counterfeits everywhere and you need to be very careful. Perhaps people can recommend a reliable store? Not sure about the advertising rules on this forum, but surely a link to a reputable online store that ships internationally is fair game considering the degree of collective suffering experienced here.
Not sure about iHerb. Does Amazon deliver to Australia?