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Exercise-induced POIS-like symptoms

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There seems that for some POIS sufferers, there are exercise-induced POIS-like symptoms like fatigue, brain fog, or else, that will occur after sport and exercise, independently of any sex activity.  Such post-exercised symptoms are less severe and are of shorter duration than a POIS attack, but they nevertheless are a hindrance for normal daily activities.

I am one of those who have shared that problem.  Exercise is beneficial for me in general, but I really have to dose it well.  I must not exercise or do sport for more than 1h30 or 2hours max at a time, must have at least a day without exercise between any other exercise or ejaculation.  I can not do more than 2 times of exercise a week, I have tried to go to 3 times a week, and it is simply too much for me.   

The main symptom I have after sport is fatigue, and I take an abnormally long time to recover ( 24h to 36 hours).  It is less than a POIS attack, and all the symptoms do not manifest, but the day after sport, I am out of shape and not ok.  It is normal for anybody to have some fatigue after sport, and even more at over 50 y/o like myself, but my level of fatigue is clearly more than what is "normal". And this exercise-induced fatigue is additive, just like POIS symptoms.  it adds up if I do sport again, like two days in a row, and it also adds up to any ejaculation within 24 hours before or after sport.   

If I have sport, and have sex the day after, within 24 hours, I may have some symptoms, like 30% POIS, even if I take my pre-pack.  I have share in my method/pre-pack thread that this summer, when I was in pretty good shape, I had sport, than one ejaculation ( with my pre-pack before) the same night, and it was ok.  But I had sport again the day after, even if i felt some fatigue, and pouf.... had about 40% POIS after, the worst POIS attack in more than a year ( since I am using my current pre-pack) and I wouldn't want to see what kind of monster POIS I would have had in these circumstances if I had not taken my pre-pack...!

I sure now take a simpler version of my pre-pack before sport, and it helps, but not to the point that I can have 3 times of sport a week.  It is just more comfortable at work the day after.  I mostly take omega-3, curcumin, quercetin, other antioxidants like astaxanthin or rosemary or vitamin C or else, and sometime ibuprofen.  I am still in the process of finding what works best.

Recently, romies have shared he has the same exercise-induced phenomena, having brain fog and fatigue after exercise.  He also shared his pre-pack for sport, and has very good results with it ( see at http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=2090.msg19834#msg19834 ).

If you have also POIS-like symptoms after exercise, please share your experience in this thread.

If you do not have any symptoms after sport, do share also. 


In recent years, with major surgeries, my excercise activity has been low (E.g., walking at moderate pace). But when I was more active, I suffered terribly from excercise-induced POIS-like symptoms unrelated to sex.

I'm very happy to see this topic open up. This is as freakish as POIS is to me. Similarly, alcohol and jet lag can also induce my POIS like symptoms.

this is really interesting for me, some years ago (i was around 15 years old) i had no idea about pois and did go to doctor neurologist
and told him "every time i make sports i feel dizzy and have problems with thinking well" after some test`s he could not help me
and gave me a transfer to an Hospital, i was there around 1 week and they did not found anything i got a lot of test`s one of them was even an painfully
Liquorpunktion/Lumbar puncture and
Magnetic resonance imaging.
at that time i already did think about an connection between orgasm and that symptoms aswell, but never took it serious enough to talk about it with an doctor (i was very shy with thing like that) after that the docotor told me it could go away after puberty today im 19 y old...
if you want i can look for the medical records.

I recently identify the link between some symptoms and exercise. These symptoms are mostly brain fog, fatigue, depression, feeling detached and insomnia. These symptoms do not appear all the time (1/3), and when they don?t, sport help me a lot. Excersizing after 0 increase probability of symptoms but it can be during abstinence period also. Sometimes, I needed more than 48 hours to recover from exercising and I can?t sleep properly for days but it isn?t a big surprise since the vagus nerve is responsible for regulating the heart beat.

I made some research and found out about CFS / fibromyalgia which are accroding to me really close to pois. Why do I believe that ?
-   A lot of symptoms are similar with POIS
-   They are also convinced that the vagus nerve is involved
-   What cure CFS also cure me : specific diet, no sport, acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, protein intake

Now from my experience with sports-related symptoms, the best way to prevent the apparition of symptoms for me is to take a protein shaker 20 min before doing sport. In fact high dose of protein help me not only with sport but in general. For the ones who are eating eggs every day, I guess it is the same effect, but shakers are more concentrated in protein and easier to take when needed. However I tried different brands and not all kinds seems to work.
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor (mytelase) also work for me after sport (with brain fog and insomnia) but I prefer protein shaker since it works very good and it?s more natural.


--- Quote from: POISse on October 24, 2016, 12:53:05 AM ---
Now from my experience with sports-related symptoms, the best way to prevent the apparition of symptoms for me is to take a protein shaker 20 min before doing sport. In fact high dose of protein help me not only with sport but in general. For the ones who are eating eggs every day, I guess it is the same effect, but shakers are more concentrated in protein and easier to take when needed. However I tried different brands and not all kinds seems to work.
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor (mytelase) also work for me after sport (with brain fog and insomnia) but I prefer protein shaker since it works very good and it?s more natural.

--- End quote ---

Very interesting, POISse.

Did you notice any difference in the protein formulas that work better?   Were they whey protein based ?   Did they have more tryptophan, or more tyrosine, or more BCAA ( proline, leucine, isoleucine) ?


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