POIS type name: histamine
Reference member(s) happy2
Relief method description: 10mgs of Zyrtec every night at 6pm, and 50mgs of Benadryl within 20 seconds immediately FOLLOWING orgasm, after EACH orgasm (any time of day or night - same results).
Effect on severity and duration of POIS: complete 100% - No symptoms, other than Benadryl hangover the following day. Nothing after that the following days. Back to normal life as usual. 5-10 O's per week, since discovering "My Cure" since December 26th of 2015.
Possible reason for effectiveness: if the histamine reaction is stopped, the neurological symptoms do not show up.
POIS worsen by: Nothing now, POIS cured. BEFORE discovering the Zyrtec/Benadryl combo, I had been using Claritin 10mgs daily with the same amount of benadryl for previous 3 years. The cognitive symptoms persisted, just not nearly as intense as full-blown POIS which I had experienced Intensely since I was 22. Now I'm 35. Before the Claritin/Benadryl combo, 4 years ago, leading to the Zyrtec/Benadryl combo in December, 2015, I had full-blown POIS symptoms. Fatigue on days four and five, Craziness on days 1 through 4. Once on the Claritin/Benadryl combo in 2011, I found out if I did any kind of mental exertion, either through reading/studying in school, or physical exertion, I would get fatigue on days four and five. If no exertion, or only minor-light exertion, no fatigue, ever. Once I introduced the Zyrtec and dropped the Claritin out of my regimen, and kept the 50 mgs of Benadryl, No fatigue whatsoever, EVER, and POIS symptoms, gone completely.
No relief with :
Other comments and information: All 3 doctors said Benadryl won't "do anything to you", "will just dry you out", and "won't do anything to your liver", the other said nothing. In other words, you can take as much as you want. O's this year equals 117 already; still 2 1/2 months to go. All of last year equaled 30, and even less each of the last 10 years, trying to avoid the negative effects of the POIS. If I keep up this rate, I might eclipse 200 this year already.