I agree with some of horizon's suggestions. I feel that using a more general "Theories" area might be better than dividing it into "Auto-Immune" and "Hormonal" and allowing other treatment theories to fall into "Support and Misc." We still don't know if POIS is auto-immune or hormonal (it may be neither, or it may be both!). I feel that our theories behind the disease is a really important piece of the discussion and that it's better to start more broad and divide it into subcategories as needed later.
Thanks hoping, good to see members are seeing sense.
My main problem with the layout, apart from the fact it is confusing, biased and restrictive.. is that it actively puts off future doctors and neuro-scientists of looking into this problem.
you say you want to "target areas", totally bad mistake, members will do this anyway.
The current layout will do POIS a dis-service.
The layout wrongly assumes we know the answers already.
We want to pose the questions in logical manner without assumptions..
so young neurologists can look into things like brain mri's etc. Or TMS experts to get inspired by the questions raised by the forum.
Im thinking 5, 10, 20 years down the line here.
Im not at all convinced it is a hormonal or immune cause, neither are the vast majority of doctors, including Goldmeier.
As I said previously, before it was deleted, keep it simple, open and democratic, trust in the members to mold the topic routes themselves, if out-of-the-box ideas go into the "POIS theories" section, so be it, we want to hear them, they will either dismissed or looked into.
Trust in the members
and keep it democratic.