Hi All,
I haven't posted in a while, but this thread resonates with my experience. My worst symptoms are both cognitive and physical: poor focus, irritability, general malaise followed by aches, fever, respiratory issues (increased sinus and chest congestion, etc.) Lately these have been much more mild. I've struggled with sinus and chest issues all my life and have taken a lot of antibiotics over the years. As with so many things, diet and exercise seem to be a great starting place for attacking POIS. Here's what I've been found to be the most helpful in managing my version of POIS:
- Regular exercise: soccer, cycling, jogging or other aerobic activity 2x/wk, weight training/anaerobic exercise 2-3x/wk
- Healthy diet: For me that means avoiding refined sugars, beer, wine, too much white flour, etc. - Focus on whole foods, clean meats and veg and don?t overeat
- Encourage healthy gut, take probiotics, yogurt, fermented foods
- Avoid antibiotics, treat mild infections with oregano oil, garlic, etc. and homeopathic remedies (probable placebo effect, but hey, it works for me)
- More saturated fat in diet - I have been starting my day with a cup of "bulletproof" coffee which is coffee blended with organic grass-fed butter and MCT (coconut) oil
- Reduce stress - meditation, time with friends, watching sports, exercise, massage, low dose marijuana tincture, etc.
- Finish shower with cold water for around 30 seconds
- Sex once per week, try to take Niacin before, best in morning otherwise sleep is restless
- For the past few weeks I?ve been able to O 3 times per week if I take two Benadryl right after. Sleep still restless, but other symptoms almost unnoticeable. I always feel a bit better in the summer.
- Accept POIS when it comes and try not to get too pissed off about it. I try to distract myself by listening to an interesting podcast, music, etc. Don't try to do too much while in POIS.
- Check this forum and remind myself I'm not alone