May 12th was chosen as ME/CFS Awareness Day!
I'm would not be surprised that some POISers don't realize they actually have a degree of ME/CFS or that ME/CFS is actually there problem.
It's estimated that only 25% of ME/CFS victims are bedbound.
From a research article: people with ME/CFS had higher resting heart rates, markers of a drawn-out and overstimulated immune response that exhausts T cells, and less diverse gut bacteria than controls.
The ME/CFS group showed no signs of muscle fatigue, and performed normally on cognitive tests, despite reporting greater cognitive symptoms.
And yet the immune and gut microbiome changes clearly impacted the central nervous system in several ways. People with ME/CFS had lower levels of chemicals called catechols, which help regulate the nervous system, in their cerebrospinal fluid and less activity in a brain region called the temporal-parietal junction (TPJ) during motor tasks.