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Is POIS a version of CFS?

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Mr Raba:
Dear friends,

I have said this years before. I have realized that POIS and CFS are connected. The major difference is symptoms duration and O trigger. Otherwise symptoms, treatments, what makes things worse o better are almost identical.

Years after my saying this and being swiftly dismissed.  This forum is finding the slow and painful way the same things it took decades for CFS people to learn and discover. I believe POIS and CFS have the same underlying mechanism. I have both. But only because I stumbled into CFS on the web first. POIS did not exist on the web back in 1993! 

Now people find POIS and the label is put on. Perfect match. Search stops.

I believe that CFS and POIS are in the same disease spectrum. The answers to many questions asked here are already known and fully documented in CFS research. Like alcohol intolerance.

I think that in time POIS will be found to be a subset of CFS.

in CFS all these are involved:

Vagus nerve involvement
CNS imbalance
Macroglial cells involvement
Methylation involvement
Leaky gut and and abnormal microbine behavior.
Inability to read at times, or concentrate
Flu like symptoms
Sore throat
Night sweats
Excerciste intolerance
Hormonal axis imbalance
Immune and cytokine activation
Detox blocks
 Visual stress.
Low vit D
Borderline testosterone
Thyroid issues
Balance issues
Social anxiety
Word finding problems
Etc etc etc.

And the same supps work!  The list is too long to list. The match is almost incredible.

So please take a look and see for yourself. Lets not be so sure they are completely different diseases. They only differ on trigger and symptoms duration. Even the 2 to 5 day relapse is common. Some even months.

I have known several peolple that have both. Or actually relized they have CFS with O  trigget. As opposed to just CFS.
I even wonder if CFS in men is mostly found as POIS. Hence why men are underrepresented in CFS.

See this blog for starting to evaluate by yourself what the overlap is between CFS and POIS.
We can  leverage a lot of this research and spend our limited research funds in light of what an almost identical, hugely overlapping condition has already found out.

Good health to us all!  😊😊👍🏽

This drug, Rituximub, poses a life-threatening side-effect that -- once it happens -- there's no turning back.

Please remove the reference and please do not recommend it on this forum.

Thank you.

Mr Raba:
The censored drug  (in this forum) is used for multiple purposes. If you read my post carefully I did not recommend it. Just stated that  professional research trials have found it effective in CFS.  Not as something to try but as scientific medical research knowledge.

Since you are the administrator I have politely complied with your request.

If you want to completely remove mention of this drug you would need to erase it from your post too.


--- Quote from: mrraba on February 13, 2016, 11:31:27 AM ---Dear friends,

I think that in time POIS will be found to be a subset of CFS...They only differ on trigger and symptoms duration.

I have known several peolple that have both. Or actually relized they have CFS with O  trigget. As opposed to just CFS.
I even wonder if CFS in men is mostly found as POIS. Hence why men are underrepresented in CFS.

--- End quote ---

Hi, mrrabba --

There are some overlapping symptoms between CFS and POIS. But there also some major differences.

Ejaculation is not and never has been considered a trigger for CFS. That's probably the biggest difference between the two conditions, and is an important one.

Also, one of the strict criteria for diagnosing CFS is severe post-exertional fatigue. But several forum members here have advised that exercise is a great help to them. One forum member has run a few marathons. Another is an avid cyclist -- he participated in a cycling tournament to raise funds for rare disorders for the University of Pennsylvania.

In fact, the Institute of Medicine believes that CFS should be re-named, “systemic exertion intolerance disease,” because this is such an outstanding symptom.

As an aside, Rituximub is a drug that depletes B-cells, and is used only under the most compelling circumstances -- usually certain blood cancers and/or some very severe diagnosed autoimmune disorders. It's such a high-risk drug that only a limited number of physicians can even have access to it. It carries a black-box warning due to the risk of developing progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) -- a condition that is untreatable and fatal. I can't imagine it ever being considered for use in POIS.


Thank you, mrraba.


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