hello ,
I am a pois sufferer for 5 yrs now am 22 yrs , I faced a severe brain trauma when i was in childhood "10 yrs old" it was so severe and am thinking that childhood brain trauma can lead to such conditions , one of the friends have posted something about casein allergy and bad brain wiring and i believe that the abnormality is resides in the brain it is not in your testicles or urethra , it seems like reaction , but in most cases this reaction does involve only the brain , i have severe food sensitivity , i was eating well without any problems until i reached university in first yr here i started feeling severely sensitivr to Coffee , gluten , milk when i take caffiene alone or in soda or panadol i feel like there are a bunch of dogs attacking my brain , it bad and severe feeling to get this type of severe sensitivity , i dont wanna say it allergy cuse there is no sweeling in skin , i havent seen any one so far who have severe sensitivty like me to caffiene , gluten and casein and just depends on vegetables and fruits for life , i have troubles sleeping and waking up , nonrefreshing sleep,paraoic disorder , blue halos under eyes , swollen face , darkening of skin colors , adrenal fatigue , IBS ,
*i think i have Obcessive compulsive disorder and i got panic attacks so many times , in 2 days post O i am untoleratable person so angry and frustrated with bad looking face , and they get better by time but food sensitivity persist , we "poiser" have very sensitive brains usually emotionally labile , histamine intolerant "which involves only the CNS"
it seems like there are different cause that lead to the same tunnel of POIS , either : gluten allergy or caffiene allergy or Porn addiction , or childhood head trauma it lead to a abnormal brain wiring as our man has mentioned above
i really want to know if brain trauma or watching porn are a common charecterisitc in all of us !!
by the way fenugreek , ginger and artimisia they reduce inflammation tha is why poisers feel relef but noy recover
but what in the brain can cause such vague inflAMMATION ,i am sure it is brain inf !! thanks