Author Topic: wiped.  (Read 155086 times)


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Re: General Discussion Forum
« Reply #300 on: April 24, 2015, 01:50:04 AM »

That was interesting advice. Abstinence is the best medicine for me. I get nocturnal emissions as well, but the effects are not as terrible due to the sleep factor. However; any voluntary ejaculation on my part disrupts my productivity. Repeating it in a short time span only makes it worse. My symptoms after orgasm are exhaustion, weakness, lack of interest to perform anything, brain fog, and body warmth. These symptoms take at least a few days to recover from. I have tried coffee after orgasm, but it only makes me jittery.

I am new to this forum and I was wondering if your symptoms match the ones I listed above. What is the cause of this, because when I told my doctor, he thought it was all psychological?


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Re: General Discussion Forum
« Reply #301 on: April 25, 2015, 10:48:19 AM »

That was interesting advice. Abstinence is the best medicine for me. I get nocturnal emissions as well, but the effects are not as terrible due to the sleep factor. However; any voluntary ejaculation on my part disrupts my productivity. Repeating it in a short time span only makes it worse. My symptoms after orgasm are exhaustion, weakness, lack of interest to perform anything, brain fog, and body warmth. These symptoms take at least a few days to recover from. I have tried coffee after orgasm, but it only makes me jittery.

I am new to this forum and I was wondering if your symptoms match the ones I listed above. What is the cause of this, because when I told my doctor, he thought it was all psychological?

Hi Erfa, and welcome to the forum

Each POIS sufferer has its specific set of symptoms, but they always revolve around the same themes.  Some symptoms are shared by a huge majority of POIS sufferer, like exhaustion, and some kind of cognitive problems, and also some kind of emotional problems.  For a recent list of symptoms reported by the forum members, grouped in clusters, see at .  You will notice that your symptoms are all shared by other members here.

Macster already gave you great suggestions about what to try in order to relieve your symptoms.  By reading on the forum, you will find many others suggestions.  You will have to do some trial and error, with supplements.  For example, niacin helps many POIS sufferers, especially with cognitive and flu-like symptoms, but some members have no relief with it.  Same thing for fenugreek, antihistamine, or any supplement mentioned on the forum.  Personally, I have good result with magnesium, with rosmarinic acid, with green tea extract, with almost any good combination of antioxidants ( like vit C, vit E, polyphenols from berries, from pine bark extract or else, lignam from flax seed oil,  ginkgo biloba, milk thistle, and so on), omega-3 from fish oils, ...

Whatever you choose to try, go slowly, use safe dose, and try only one supplement at a time.  If you try 3 new things in the same week, you won't know which one makes you feel better, and which one makes you feel worst.  So, go slowly and surely.

I would like to add another idea that can be helpful in your experimentations.  Many supplements are more efficient if taken approximatively one hour before release than if taken after, or too soon before. If they had time to dissolve in the stomach, and the active principle have been distributed all over the body, these active molecules will be already in place when whatever happens that is causing POIS is happening.  At least, taking your supplements as soon as possible after release can lead to better results. 

Many POISers, like you, has less symptoms after a NE (noctural emission) than after a waking state O.  In a thread about that, many have shared this.  But, it is not always the case - some members have the same level of intensity following a NE of a waking state release. Personally, I have about only 30% to 50% of usual symptoms following a NE, but being married and being 50 y/o, I rarely have NE, currently.
You are 100% responsible for what you do with anything I post on this forum and of any consequence it could have for you.  Forum rule: ""Do not use POISCenter as a substitute for, or to give, medical advice" Read the remaining part at


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Re: General Discussion Forum
« Reply #302 on: April 25, 2015, 10:50:07 AM »
Hi erfaandizzle69,

My symptoms basically mirror the ones you've listed. I also have shaky muscles get too cold or too warm very easily and some acne. But I think the most hindering thing is the brain fog (well in my case, because of school I guess). Also, just like you I can't drink coffee. I'm fine and actually very productive for the first hour but then it almost makes me go crazy and then I get very depressed (I guess from the caffeine down).

I have no idea about the cause of this but I used to think up many different ones before (hormonal, allergic reaction, etc.). I've abandoned trying to find explanations for now because they always seemed to be disproved... and I was getting my hopes up about a solution and then crash back down when it ended up not being a cure.. I think the best we can do is work on our psychological symptoms and go see doctors (I'm hearing more and more cases of doctors acknowledging this) and keep talking to other people here. Actually, I was lucky enough to meet someone on this forum and getting to see a doctor at McGill university about this. There's also the Rutgers university research that is starting now from what I read here. So there are many signs of progress, but we have to be patient and meanwhile just do what works for us and try to gain some insight from other people's experience.

By the way, thanks Colm and Prancer! I have found this way of seeing things (the tree analogy) to be the most helpful until now. But it took me something like 7 years to think of it and to try to apply it. At that time I was convinced I had depression but the doctors noticed that some of my symptoms didn't really follow those of depression (they seemed to think that some of it was made up since it didn't correspond to what they usually observe). Nonetheless, I think it's as debilitating as depression is. One thing that helps me a lot psychologically is a book called the Tao Te Ching. It's great to read some parts when things don't go well (helps put things back into perspective). It was written a really long time ago (a few hundred years BC), but the analogies and values still apply very much today.
Symptoms since I'm 15 y o, hair loss, muscle twitches, brain fog, anxiety, low confidence, stuffy nose, itchy eyes and skin, sensitive to temperature change, loud heartbeat. I currently use 5-htp and SAM-e.


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Re: General Discussion Forum
« Reply #303 on: April 25, 2015, 10:58:55 AM »
And, Erfa, if Demografx, moderator on the forum, wasn't currently recovering from a surgery, he would have certainly posted to you one of his lively graphics along with a warm welcome and many interesting links.  I have copied the following from one of these welcome posts he have made recently, so you will get those useful links:

Welcome to POISCenter!

Here are some POIS resources which may be helpful to you:

We are proud to announce our first POIS research grant, awarded in December, 2013, to be managed for us by the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD). Grant awarded to:

Barry Komisaruk, PhD (Principal Investigator), Distinguished Professor of Psychology
Rutgers University
Newark, New Jersey, USA
Study title: Is POIS a Case of Vagal Dystonia? -- An fMRI Brain Activity Analysis

More about our Grant:
You can start here, continue reading following pages and other forum threads:

Click here to see Mat780's excellent YouTube POIS Channel.   Mat's YouTube videos include (1) our great new April 12 POIS TV Documentary. A must-see. And (2) The Learning Channel documentary, featuring our forum member "Animus".

Click here to see The POIS reddit post.  Outsiders (non-POISers) spontaneously gifted NORD's POIS Research Grant $1,000+ from this reddit post. Thanks to "mellivora" and "CertainlyPOIS"!

Our POIS chatroom (realtime chat). Invite or visit another member(s) there, ANY TIME. We can all get to know each other better:
Just click here first, and then look for "CHAT" button towards top of page, 6th button to your right!

Our POIS Forum - architectural genius: "Daveman" - for detailed subject-by-subject discussion.

Our POIS Information Website, built by "mat780", is here:

The POIS Information Website is home to the POIS Forum Compendium, written by "Pyropeach", and contains theories already discussed here and treatments that have both worked and failed.

Please see "B_Jim"'s POIS Summary of All Cases, here as well as others on the Web. This includes remedies that we have tested, and results.

"Girlwind" has created an excellent POIS Video:

Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome "POIS": Case report

Abdalla M Attia*, Magda H Al-Ziny, Hossam A Yasien
*Corresponding author: Andrology Unit, Minoufiya University, Shibin El Kom, Eygpt

For more info, check out emi_b's  SMF POIS thread:;topicseen

POIS Research Studies available Upon Request:

1. and 2. POIS Research Studies, 2011

These 2 papers reveal Dr. Waldinger's POIS autoimmune hypothesis and suggest one possible avenue of treatment.

3. First POIS Research Study, 2002

We have a copy of the first formal medical investigation on POIS by Prof. dr. Marcel D. Waldinger,MD, Ph.D., and Dr. Dave Schweitzer, MD.

4. Recent POIS Research Study, 2010

Postorgasm Illness Syndrome - A Spectrum of Illnesses
Jane Ashby, MRCP, and David Goldmeier, MRCP

5. British Medical Journal Case Report, 2010

Case study by Dr. Selwyn Dexter of a patient with a headache-featured POIS symptom treated with progesterone/norethisterone.

How to get any or all of the above 5 studies: send the Administrators "demografx" or "daveman" a Private Message (PM) with your regular email address (e.g., and we'll send you back the PDF(s).

To send a Private Message, click on messages link at the very top of this page. Then click "Send Message". From that point on, it works just like posting a message here, except that it only goes to the person(s) you designate.

New York Times article,

January 20, 2009
Sex and Depression: In the Brain, if Not the Mind

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

In addition to serving our own informational interests, the resources listed above can be useful for you to show our credibility to the medical world - which often shows little understanding and is sometimes skeptical of our condition: POIS has scientific underpinnings and POIS is not "just another psychological problem" related to sex - to be treated by the psychiatric/psychotherapeutic community. All of this information can greatly help you to fight the immediate reaction of some doctors: so just tell them, "IT'S NOT 'ALL IN YOUR HEAD'! "

It can be very  helpful to you when dealing with medical professionals to point this out. Click to see

POIS' official listing, as recognized by the
National Institutes for Health (NIH), Office of Rare Diseases Research

And in Europe: Orphanet now lists POIS on their website. - Click here.

The Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome (P.O.I.S.) Forum is listed in the organization database of the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) --  The link for this, through their home page, is --

POIS also appears in credible medical sources such as the Journal of Sexual Medicine (Dr. Waldinger's study), British Medical Journal (Dr. Selwyn Dexter's study), and wikipedia:

For over 5 years, our POIS forum has attracted over 200 POIS sufferers worldwide who have posted here, research on an additional 200 sufferers elsewhere on the internet, plus our pages have been read nearly 2,000,000 times. Not bad for a rare malady.

Show some of this to your doctor - with pride. Chances are, you know far more about POIS than s/he does. Don't be intimidated by fancy diplomas. It's almost impossible for any one doctor to know much about POIS before you walk into his/her office. Unfortunately, it's up to you to educate them. And if you happen to find yourself with a disagreeable "student"-doctor (you're the teacher), find another doctor. Quickly!


We have an overwhelming amount of NSF data: more than 5 years' worth of posts (over  10,000 posts!) from 200+ Forum members, and an additional 200 POIS sufferers found elsewhere on the Internet by Member B_Jim.

In the Google search box, type

for example, I tried
nocturnal emission POIS site:

and 740 results came up for "nocturnal emission" within the Forum.

be careful with spaces (you can use them before the word "site") and no-spaces (everything after the word "site")

Google even provides you results with the Message# for each result. But Message #'s do change, so be patient and look for the approximate Message#.
You are 100% responsible for what you do with anything I post on this forum and of any consequence it could have for you.  Forum rule: ""Do not use POISCenter as a substitute for, or to give, medical advice" Read the remaining part at


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Re: General Discussion Forum
« Reply #304 on: May 04, 2015, 03:02:37 PM »
I appreciate all the advice. Finals week are coming up soon at school and I need my mind to stay sharp over that course. I am going to be drinking coffee and abstain in order to prevent pois symptoms. I found that it helps to clear your bladder prior to going to sleep because you'll reduce the risk of nocturnal emissions. I have to be in my "A' game over the next couple of weeks. Having an "O" can cause improper bowel movements for me if done on occasions. I need my body to be strong in order to mentally function. Taking finals while pois symptoms flare up is the worst!


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Re: General Discussion Forum
« Reply #305 on: May 23, 2015, 12:12:52 AM »
Haven't read anything from GoingLessCrazy in a while. Hope he still feels okay. He'll probably update sometime soon now that it's warmer and closer to summer.

Also, I have indeed filled out that new survey. I don't think anything's wrong with it. If it were very long with too many Q's, people might have less motivation to complete it. There's plenty of space to write any additional info. Btw, it really only took me like 10 or so mins, k? k.