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Re: General Discussion Forum
« Reply #280 on: June 29, 2014, 06:49:55 PM »
NSAID are good I have been taking naproxen sodium should I try something else pls guide thanks
pls don't expose me.


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Re: General Discussion Forum
« Reply #281 on: August 05, 2014, 06:28:16 PM »
hello ,

I am a pois sufferer for 5 yrs now am 22 yrs , I faced a severe brain trauma when i was in childhood "10 yrs old" it was so severe and am thinking that childhood brain trauma can lead to such conditions , one of the friends have posted something about casein allergy  and bad brain wiring and i believe that the abnormality is resides  in the brain it is not in your testicles or urethra , it seems like reaction , but in most cases this reaction does involve only the brain , i have severe food sensitivity , i was eating well without any problems until i reached university in first yr here i started feeling severely sensitivr to Coffee , gluten , milk    when i take caffiene alone or in soda or panadol i feel like there are a bunch of dogs attacking my brain , it bad and severe feeling to get this type of severe sensitivity , i dont wanna say it allergy cuse there is no sweeling in skin , i havent seen any one so far who have severe sensitivty like me to caffiene , gluten and casein and just depends on vegetables and fruits for life , i have troubles sleeping and waking up , nonrefreshing sleep,paraoic disorder , blue halos under eyes , swollen face , darkening of skin colors , adrenal fatigue , IBS , 

*i think i have Obcessive compulsive disorder and i got panic attacks so many times  , in 2 days post O i am untoleratable person so angry and frustrated with bad looking face , and they get better by time but food sensitivity persist , we "poiser" have very sensitive brains usually emotionally labile , histamine intolerant "which involves only the CNS"
it seems like there are different cause that lead to the same tunnel of POIS , either : gluten allergy or caffiene allergy or Porn addiction , or childhood head trauma it lead to a abnormal brain wiring as our man has mentioned above

i really want to know if brain trauma or watching porn are a common charecterisitc in all of us !!

by the way fenugreek , ginger and artimisia they reduce inflammation tha is why poisers feel relef but noy recover
but what in the brain can cause such vague inflAMMATION ,i am sure it is brain inf !! thanks
« Last Edit: August 05, 2014, 06:37:47 PM by Labyrinth »
POIS of 10 yrs now


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Re: General Discussion Forum
« Reply #282 on: August 06, 2014, 10:01:34 AM »
Welome Labyrinth,

This sounds familiar. I have very server food sensitivities (wheat(not gluten), Lactose, casein, caffeine). These only developed 20+ years after having POIS. In my personal experience these food problems are in addition to POIS and not related (but for others may different). Perhaps it could illustrate some underlying sensitivity which could have similar root.

30 years of POIS. Mytelase after O with Iceman breathing technique.


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Re: General Discussion Forum
« Reply #283 on: August 06, 2014, 10:42:58 AM »
I agree with you it is not related to Pois , it is new onset thing what is your diet right now cuz i couldng go vegeterian i feel irritable when  eat potatoes , rice. or beans , " cross-react with gluten :(
POIS of 10 yrs now


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Re: General Discussion Forum
« Reply #284 on: August 06, 2014, 12:27:15 PM »
Hey Labyrinth!

What was the brain trauma that you experienced when you were 10? (only if you want to share) I'm just curious about it. I banged my head a few times when I was younger, but nothing that I would call "severe".  So again, welcome! I'm so sorry you had to experience that trauma. Hopefully we'll all see a cure soon! - Prancer


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Re: General Discussion Forum
« Reply #285 on: August 06, 2014, 01:00:20 PM »
I was sitting on a wall 1.5 meters tall whe i lost balance and flipped upside down and felt on my head , they took me to the hospital a did ct scan it was only skull was affected
POIS of 10 yrs now


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Re: General Discussion Forum
« Reply #286 on: August 06, 2014, 01:35:09 PM »
Hello, Labyrinth,

It sounds like you've been going through some really tough times -- I'm so truly sorry to hear this! It also sounds like you've come to the right place for support and information.

The upcoming POIS research study by Dr. Barry Komisaruk of Rutgers University will focus on the vagus nerve -- the 10th Cranial Nerve. Dr. K. will be evaluating the possibility that some sort of irregular vagus nerve activity might be directly involved in causing POIS.  If that proves to be the case, treatment could be very, very near!

I'm pointing this out on the off-chance that you're not aware of this approaching research. Since the vagus nerve originates in the brain (and travels all the way to the genital area), there may well be a relationship between your brain injury and the development of POIS. Your history of "severe brain trauma" as a child might be an important component of your developing of POIS.

Falling off of a 1.5 meter-tall wall -- and falling upside down, on your head -- IS a definite traumatic brain injury -- even if, as you say, "only" your skull was affected. Lots of recent research on brain trauma is proving that seemingly mild head trauma (yours doesn't sound at all mild!) can cause serious problems down the road.

But it doesn't mean that you can't be helped! So please try to be hopeful and keep in touch with your fellow forum members.

Best wishes,




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Re: General Discussion Forum
« Reply #287 on: August 06, 2014, 02:00:49 PM »
Friends tell me approximately how many wait for the study


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Re: General Discussion Forum
« Reply #288 on: August 06, 2014, 04:34:28 PM »
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of weekly (52 weeks/year) testosterone self-injections.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business.


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Re: General Discussion Forum
« Reply #289 on: August 06, 2014, 04:45:35 PM »
Hello, Labyrinth,

It sounds like you've been going through some really tough times -- I'm so truly sorry to hear this! It also sounds like you've come to the right place for support and information.

The upcoming POIS research study by Dr. Barry Komisaruk of Rutgers University will focus on the vagus nerve -- the 10th Cranial Nerve. Dr. K. will be evaluating the possibility that some sort of irregular vagus nerve activity might be directly involved in causing POIS.  If that proves to be the case, treatment could be very, very near!

I'm pointing this out on the off-chance that you're not aware of this approaching research. Since the vagus nerve originates in the brain (and travels all the way to the genital area), there may well be a relationship between your brain injury and the development of POIS. Your history of "severe brain trauma" as a child might be an important component of your developing of POIS.

Falling off of a 1.5 meter-tall wall -- and falling upside down, on your head -- IS a definite traumatic brain injury -- even if, as you say, "only" your skull was affected. Lots of recent research on brain trauma is proving that seemingly mild head trauma (yours doesn't sound at all mild!) can cause serious problems down the road.

But it doesn't mean that you can't be helped! So please try to be hopeful and keep in touch with your fellow forum members.

Best wishes,


Thank you very much for such help by giving me hope stef ,  is there any questionaire or document to fill ot out in order to help on such research !
POIS of 10 yrs now


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Re: General Discussion Forum
« Reply #290 on: August 06, 2014, 05:45:09 PM »
There will be a questionnaire available soon (within months I expect)
30 years of POIS. Mytelase after O with Iceman breathing technique.


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Re: General Discussion Forum
« Reply #291 on: August 06, 2014, 06:48:03 PM »
There will be a questionnaire available soon (within months I expect)

FloppyB -- you've made a great point about the questionnaire!!

There's nothing in it specifically about a history of head injury, and perhaps there should be. We'll pass the suggestion on to Dr. K.



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Re: General Discussion Forum
« Reply #292 on: August 06, 2014, 09:11:26 PM »
I was sitting on a wall 1.5 meters tall whe i lost balance and flipped upside down and felt on my head , they took me to the hospital a did ct scan it was only skull was affected

Thanks Labyrinth. I'm sorry you had to go through that terrible experience. I was just wondering because I heard someone else mentioning a head injury a while back , and I know I had a few minimal head bangs when I was younger, so I just wanted to compare. Anyone else had any injuries like these? It's too early to tell if there's a connection. I'm sure there are many poisers that haven't had head injuries, and also lots of people with head injuries that don't have pois.

Just one of the many things that needs to be considered! Thanks again.


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Re: General Discussion Forum
« Reply #293 on: January 19, 2015, 11:16:59 PM »
Nightingale, thank you for your response.

I started by taking just niacin. It helped but i got even more relief when i added these other supplements to my post orgasm regimen. It was the only time I had ever gotten such relief grom my POIS. At first i had far more energy and could work long days with little frustration. It stopped working after a while. I could support the energy and use it before but now its like my body cant support the energy from the supplements and my brain feels a bit overworked now. What most bothers me is that i may have weakened my body and I dont lnow if the damage is permanent. Do you think this is the case?

And is there any way i could go about recovering other than stopping? The problem with stopping is my constant POIS is even worse

Thanks again,


No, I do not think you damaged anything permanently. Your body adjusts to taking these supplements, and it can adjust to being off or having less.

I would suggest trying NSAIDs like ibuprofen. It's the only thing I use that helps. They are "dangerous", but so are supplements, life, and living a nightmare of POIS. If you have other health issues (especially cardiac), tell your doctor. Otherwise, try taking 2 pills 1-2 hours before orgasm. Be cautious

I think either ibuprofen or tylenol helps my pois but i think it is ibuprofen because i used that mostly. I felt sick this past week, i dont if its weather or because of substantial amount of O i had the previous week.  I have not recovered like i did this week in a year. All the pois fatigue is gone and my memory is working much better, i am not mixing up names.


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Re: General Discussion Forum
« Reply #294 on: February 25, 2015, 07:01:03 PM »
Hello, everyone. In regards to head trauma, I had a benign astrocytoma (brain tumor) removed when I was 5 years old. I began getting the fatigue symptoms of POIS around 13 or 14 (when I began ejaculating), but wrote it off to puberty. I noticed the brain fog at around 18, but again wrote it off as depression. Unfortunately, I never really noticed the correlation between orgasm and all of the other symptoms (fever, aches, brain fog, anxiety, lethargy, etc.) until just last winter. I'm now 39 years old, and - although I've had a decent life - I know it would have been much better without this. I've spent my entire life in a funk, with only brief respites through orgasm which, unfortunately, only perpetuated the problem. Anyways, thank you all for your contributions - sorry it took so long for me to chime in.  I hope my mention of the tumor is able to help in some way - I don't talk about it very often.


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Re: General Discussion Forum
« Reply #295 on: April 19, 2015, 02:55:47 AM »
Quality of life is important for me. I attend university and have to keep up with my studies. I am young guy and have needs like anybody else. Orgasms cloud my brain and make me extremely fatigue. I try to avoid sexual activity all together because it disturbs my productivity all together. The more orgasms I have, the worst the outcome.

Are there any dietary supplements that can help this dreadful problem?


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Re: General Discussion Forum
« Reply #296 on: April 19, 2015, 11:42:32 AM »
Hi erfaandizzle69,

I'm also in university and I often have to struggle to keep up. I try to stay abstinent as much as I can as I need to be constantly aware of what I'm doing (I study computer science and math). When I get symptoms I take:

- multivitamins
- zinc (helps with brain fog)
- olive leaf extract (helps with blood circulation)
- curcumin
- AAS (advil or aspirin) (helps with blood circulation and pain -> also helps for psychological pain and stress)
- niacin (helps relieve from depressive thoughts and pain)
- 5-HTP also helps (helps relieve from depressive thoughts)

I also take a low dose of melatonin (~1/4 of a 3mg pill) when I go to sleep. It helps me avoid getting wet dreams and helps to calm me down.

Lastly, I also watch out to what I eat. I try to eat healthy foods (watch out for sugar) as well as some food that can help the gut (right now Miso seems to help). Also, fish seems to help too.

My experience with university up to now has been a really tough one but I try to stay away from depressing thoughts as they make things much worse later. It makes you get bad marks and then you get even more depressed. If I can't seem to study well some day I tell myself that I'm being too ambitious for the state I'm in at the moment and I try to progress less rapidly but having all my thoughts come out naturally. I imagine I am climbing up a tree (representing my thought process) and that when I'm on POIS there's way too much wind and that if I climb higher to the smaller branches I'll only put myself into trouble and may end up breaking the branch and falling. So I climb back down and stay low until the wind calms down. Later I can go back up. Our brain fog during POIS is not representative of our true abilities and we have to remember that when it appears. That helps stay calm and reduce the harm caused by these symptoms..

Symptoms since I'm 15 y o, hair loss, muscle twitches, brain fog, anxiety, low confidence, stuffy nose, itchy eyes and skin, sensitive to temperature change, loud heartbeat. I currently use 5-htp and SAM-e.


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Re: General Discussion Forum
« Reply #297 on: April 20, 2015, 02:54:09 PM »
Thanks for sharing that Macster
30 years of POIS. Mytelase after O with Iceman breathing technique.


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Re: General Discussion Forum
« Reply #298 on: April 22, 2015, 06:14:51 AM »
I imagine I am climbing up a tree (representing my thought process) and that when I'm on POIS there's way too much wind and that if I climb higher to the smaller branches I'll only put myself into trouble and may end up breaking the branch and falling. So I climb back down and stay low until the wind calms down. Later I can go back up. Our brain fog during POIS is not representative of our true abilities and we have to remember that when it appears. That helps stay calm and reduce the harm caused by these symptoms."

Great analogy on how we need to take care in POIS Macster !


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Re: General Discussion Forum
« Reply #299 on: April 23, 2015, 06:23:19 PM »
That's a beautiful analogy Macster, thank you and feel good!