How do you know that your gallbladder is small and weak? Did you have any tests done? If so, which one(s)?
I don't know the english translation for "crise de foie" (liver's indigestion), which is in fact a problem with gallbladder and not the liver. You know :
when you eat too much chocolate and you have abdominal pain(in my case : chestnuts, fats, white wine too...).
I don't have tests for this, except lipase abnormal levels (double of the normal high value).
"Small gallbladder" wasn't correct, I would say "lazy gallbladder".
b_jim, do you have a POIS-taurine theory or a post you can link us to?
As Quantum said, taurine is good for liver and especially gallbladder. Because taurine stimulates bile and helps to digest and absorb fats. My cholesterol levels was under low limit. But my recent bloodtest show a normal level of total T and high DHEA level, dispite a low-limit Free T level . So, I think taurine may helps Pois by another way.
Taurine don't help with the first Pois symptoms. Just after orgasm , I feel cold
My symptoms improved with taurine :
- no more or much less muscular tremors (all the time and especially after orgasm).
- sleep better (I usually sleep bad Day 0, with restless legs).
- no more or much less cognitive symptoms. My concentraion is clearly much better.
- I can work after orgasm, I don't have muscular weakness. Without taurine, I don't have enough muscles tone, stamina. I have the feeling my legs are "cutted".
- no more hot slashes after eating sugar/carbs in day 0. This is very strange how taurine can help with this. It's like if taurine works with insulin to regulate blood sugar. Very strange, but very nice improvement .
Maybe taurine has a calm down effect on vagus nerve, explaining improvment on all these symptoms.
I was looking for the connection between vagus nerve and immune system and I found this picture : 2 interesting elements :
- vagus nerve activity is linked to Lympho T and macrophage activity (these inflammation mediators are a possible factors on the Waldinger's theory).
- the joint pain connection (on the knees in the picture) which is a typical symptom for some Poisers.
Then, how can orgasm influence vagus nerve ?
It makes me think to something else....
As you know, there are a much more males than females Poisers.
But, I found an interresting testimony : do I feel so tired after female ejaculation?
In the past I have only had two experiences with G-Spot orgasm but now with my boyfriend I have been having 3 or 4 each time I almost don't want to have them anymore because they are so draining. I lose alot of fluid and afterward I can hardly move, my arms and legs feel like they weigh a ton, I get dizzy if I do get up, my heart races, I shake terribly, it feels like a hangover directly afterward and throughout the next day. I love being able to have such intense orgasms but the after effects are embarrassing. I drink alot of water, and am in great health...Is there a reason the orgasms deplete my enegry so much? Is there anything I can do to prevent or get over it faster?
First very very interesting point, this woman seems to have Pois ONLY when she have "female ejaculation".
It makes me think to 2 possible explanations for this:
- Pois is a problem of fluid regeneration (spem for men and sken liquid for women).
- Pois is linked to vagus nerve stimulation after orgasm. For woman, maybe vagus nerve stimulation by orgasm is much important when she practices this female ejaculation technique by G-Spot stimulation .... etc.