Author Topic: Latest Ideas on NE Avoidance ( Wet Dreams Avoidance )  (Read 36330 times)


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Re: Latest Ideas on NE Avoidance
« Reply #20 on: October 27, 2016, 08:55:53 AM »
This thread being titled "Latest ideas on NE avoidance", here is my latest idea: wearing very large and ample boxer shorts for the night.   I recently realized that wearing a bower short that is a little too tight will increase the stimulation by friction, when "morning wood" occurs. This tend to cause me sex-oriented dreams and intense, long-lasting morning wood, which increase the probabilities of a NE. By wearing a very slack boxer short, there is far less chance of this "wrapping" phenomenon at the tip of the sex, causing less stimulation.

So from now on, I will wear only very large boxer shorts for the night.  If this helps me have NE less often, that's a step further toward less and less POIS symptoms.   

I hope this will help me, and other members, having less NE.

Of course, if I have fantasy all day, watch the girls on the street, listen to Games of Throne, even touch myself a bit during the day, and regularly take sex-stimulating supplements ( zinc, lycopene, nitric-oxyde producing supplement, etc...), the type of boxer shorts I wear will not have a significant impact on increasing the number of days or week before the next NE - I think you understand it is just a refinement in an overall approach.

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Re: Latest Ideas on NE Avoidance
« Reply #21 on: November 09, 2016, 04:30:11 PM »
To deal with NE, you must write down your dreams every day in the morning, even if you remember nothing, write down that you remember nothing. Then you'll gain more lucidity in your dreams and you can consciously decide in your dream that you do not want to have sex/orgasm due to POIS symptoms. That's what I do. It is the single and only method that I use, and is most reliable.


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Re: Latest Ideas on NE Avoidance
« Reply #22 on: November 09, 2016, 07:46:57 PM »
To deal with NE, you must write down your dreams every day in the morning, even if you remember nothing, write down that you remember nothing. Then you'll gain more lucidity in your dreams and you can consciously decide in your dream that you do not want to have sex/orgasm due to POIS symptoms. That's what I do. It is the single and only method that I use, and is most reliable.

Very interesting technique, Limitbreaker.  I do remember to sometime have influenced the outcome of a dream by conscious or half-conscious intervention.

How long can you be without NE, on average, with that method?
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Re: Latest Ideas on NE Avoidance
« Reply #23 on: November 10, 2016, 05:18:51 AM »
So far I've only tried 2 weeks, several times. Check this out: I just had 2 weeks break from orgasm. It ended yesterday, and I did not have sex that day. However this very night I instantly had a wet dream, just because my consciousness knew that the wait is over and that it can go wild and do whatever it wants, lol.

 I am pretty sure that if I wanted I could go longer without NE. I've also recently decided not to cheat on my girlfriend in my dreams (and so did my girlfriend), and guess what, this is my first NE since that decision and I had orgasm without having actualy sex with a stranger in my dream. All my previous wet dreams would be about a stranger, or my girlfriend, but generally I'd cheat on her in an unconscious way.

The fix to NE is to make what is unconscious - conscious, by noting down the dreams everyday at least for 2 weeks in the beginning, and if you've got your effect out of it i.e. becoming lucid in your dream when sex scene happens and that you deny it, you can go on with writing down your dreams once in a while. You need to make a habit out of becoming conscious when wet dream appears though. Be it your trigger. You could also try writing down in your dream journal that you do not want to orgasm in dreams because and write down reasons, this should definitely improve your chances to learn inhibiting NE, although I did not try that because I've got the effect pretty easily, I wonder if others would get it as easy as I did. Although, I have to say that I've been watching my dreams for a longer time now and I see continuity in my dreams --> waking state and waking state --> dreams. As in, I see how my fears, hopes and other emotions from waking life continue into the dreams and vice versa. It is a fact for everyone to notice and I wish you that. Anyways, that's why it could have been easier for me.

Any lucid dream techniques you might have heard about apply to NE. Since with lucid dreaming you can choose to have sex with anyone... You can also choose not to have sex. Although, you do not need to actually learn to lucid dream to stop NEs - I don't lucid dream, and I stop NEs. I gain lucidity only for a glimpse moment when I am about to have sex, the earlier I notice it's gonna happen the better, and then I lose it (or not) and the dream goes on.

And last but not least: I had this NE today in the morning and today I'm trying to fast until evening. Aside fasting, so far I haven't noticed any increased symptoms of POIS today. I came back from working abroad weeks ago, was sick when I came back, I had a lot of sex and orgasms and a week of orgasms left me really POIS symptomatic for so far over 2 weeks. This time symptoms subside much slower, however, again, I had NE few hours ago and no increase in symptoms.


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Re: Latest Ideas on NE Avoidance
« Reply #24 on: August 16, 2017, 08:54:35 AM »
I wanted to re-post here a link to an article on NE that has been shared by rudolphacunha this week:

Many tips are given, maybe some of you will find something useful in it to reduce nocturnal emissions to a minimum.

The article is quite short, so here it is, copy and paste:

"Hi, problems of nightfall are quite common in this age group. it is not a medical disorder and happens most often due to excess accumulation of semen.
generally the condition is not seen after marriage.
1. eat less of oily and fast food
2. almonds 3-5 daily
3. eat less in dinner, drink more water
4. masturbation is not contraindicated, rather it is one of the safest form of personal sexual gratification but off course not in excess.

Night fall or wet dreams is a very common occurrence among men, especially among adolescents . This condition is characterized by involuntary ejaculation during sleep in the night or in the early hours of the morning. The problem of night fall can be very frustrating for young men because most of the times they don’t understand the reason for it and also because it is a very embarrassing thing to discuss with not only their parents but also with their peers.
The frequency of these nocturnal emissions varies from person to person, most men only experience this condition in their adolescent years but few may suffer from it all their lives. this condition is very common and nothing really to worry about except in very few cases where it is very frequent spread over a long period of time.
Exercising regularly and avoiding spicy foods can lessen the frequency of nightfall.
1. Should start jogging or brisk walking for at least 30 minutes every day.
2. Should avoid consumption of any liquid for at least 2 hours before going to sleep.
3. Should go for urination just before going to bed.
4. Should avoid watching porn or erotic chats etc.
5. Start listening to soothing music which gives peace of mind and gives soothing effects like the meditation gives.
6. Should start reading good books at the time to keep the brain relaxed for a sound sleep.
7. If night fall happens then one should not worry about this, because if people keep on thinking about nightfall or have the fear of night fall at the time of sleeping then you get more chances to have the night fall again.
8. Should avoid constipation because an upset digestive system also sometimes causes night fall.
9. If the person is having the habit of taking milk at night then they should take milk in the evening instead of at night.
10. Start doing masturbation once in a while may help control night fall.
Remember to talk to your doctor before you start or stop your medications and never self medicate. "

Obviously, for those with POIS like us, #10 tip should be a "planned release", that is, taking a pre-pack that you know helps control and lower your symptoms, 1 hours before release, so you won't get full blast POIS cycle.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2017, 08:58:09 AM by Quantum »
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Re: Latest Ideas on NE Avoidance
« Reply #25 on: September 22, 2020, 01:40:52 PM »
I'm wondring about point nr 2. "Should avoid consumption of any liquid for at least 2 hours before going to sleep.". Is the reason for this that the sleep will be interrupted because of toilet visits, and NE is most likely to occur in shallow sleep states?


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Re: Latest Ideas on NE Avoidance
« Reply #26 on: September 23, 2020, 06:23:20 PM »
I'm wondring about point nr 2. "Should avoid consumption of any liquid for at least 2 hours before going to sleep.". Is the reason for this that the sleep will be interrupted because of toilet visits, and NE is most likely to occur in shallow sleep states?

Hi BoneBroth,
I think it is more related to the fact that a full bladder could press against and stimulate the sacral nerve ( ).   
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Re: Latest Ideas on NE Avoidance
« Reply #27 on: September 30, 2020, 05:05:26 AM »
That was interesting, do you have any other sollutions for prolonged erection during sleep? I have found that I don't sleep well in that state and NE's certainly more likely to appear.


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Re: Latest Ideas on NE Avoidance
« Reply #28 on: April 02, 2021, 03:34:52 PM »
Wonder if the sugar in the Monster drink helps the taurine to enter the cells better. If not, it would be healthier to take a taurine as a supplement.


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Re: Latest Ideas on NE Avoidance
« Reply #29 on: April 02, 2021, 03:43:42 PM »
Wonder if the sugar in the Monster drink helps the taurine to enter the cells better. If not, it would be healthier to take a taurine as a supplement.
It might be the other way.


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Re: Latest Ideas on NE Avoidance
« Reply #30 on: April 03, 2021, 04:21:05 AM »
That the sugar inhibits the taurine from beeing uptaked by the cells or that the taurine increase the suger uptake?


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Re: Latest Ideas on NE Avoidance
« Reply #31 on: June 02, 2021, 05:54:32 AM »
I just had a NE tonight and toook a strong coffee plus a monster drink (plus the other post packs). No improvements at all after 1 hour...


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Re: Latest Ideas on NE Avoidance
« Reply #32 on: June 02, 2021, 08:57:35 AM »
I haven't had a NE for months, but tonight I also had one. Actually I had two consecutive Os 2 and 3 days ago, so I was really not in the mood for sexual activity, but it still occured. In the morning I realized that my mistake must have been that I ate a few sandwitches with cheese in the evening. Even though cheese doesn't seem to do much to POIS itself I realized years ago that it makes me very prone to NE. It doesn't mean that I have NE every time I eat cheese, but this makes it very likely to happen. Eating it in the evening looks to be especially risky. Of course this was all due to an erotic dream, but I don't see why I dream about it when I haven't had any thought of it the whole day, while at other times I even watch some porn without an O and I still don't have such dreams.
The cause is probably a combination of autoimmunity and SASP leading to excessive oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation. Antioxidants, testosterone, NO and norepinephrine boosters, ERbeta, sigma-1, SIRT-1 and dopamine agonists, PDE4, PDE5 inhibitors and CD36 antagonists are effective.


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Re: Latest Ideas on NE Avoidance
« Reply #33 on: June 02, 2021, 07:57:42 PM »
I haven't had a NE for months, but tonight I also had one. Actually I had two consecutive Os 2 and 3 days ago, so I was really not in the mood for sexual activity, but it still occured. In the morning I realized that my mistake must have been that I ate a few sandwitches with cheese in the evening. Even though cheese doesn't seem to do much to POIS itself I realized years ago that it makes me very prone to NE. It doesn't mean that I have NE every time I eat cheese, but this makes it very likely to happen. Eating it in the evening looks to be especially risky. Of course this was all due to an erotic dream, but I don't see why I dream about it when I haven't had any thought of it the whole day, while at other times I even watch some porn without an O and I still don't have such dreams.

Do you eat aged cheese, blue cheese, brie, cheddar or feta ?  they all contains tyramine, which has an effect on monoamines metabolism (like dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine), see

I do not know if there is a link in your case of cheese vs NE, but it could be interesting to be investigated.
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Re: Latest Ideas on NE Avoidance
« Reply #34 on: June 03, 2021, 12:25:52 AM »
I haven't had a NE for months, but tonight I also had one. Actually I had two consecutive Os 2 and 3 days ago, so I was really not in the mood for sexual activity, but it still occured. In the morning I realized that my mistake must have been that I ate a few sandwitches with cheese in the evening. Even though cheese doesn't seem to do much to POIS itself I realized years ago that it makes me very prone to NE. It doesn't mean that I have NE every time I eat cheese, but this makes it very likely to happen. Eating it in the evening looks to be especially risky. Of course this was all due to an erotic dream, but I don't see why I dream about it when I haven't had any thought of it the whole day, while at other times I even watch some porn without an O and I still don't have such dreams.

Do you eat aged cheese, blue cheese, brie, cheddar or feta ?  they all contains tyramine, which has an effect on monoamines metabolism (like dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine), see

I do not know if there is a link in your case of cheese vs NE, but it could be interesting to be investigated.

The cheese we consume most of the times is called Trappista cheese. It is a general consumer product which is not very expensive. The one I just ate is said to be lactose free, so this probably has nothing to do with NE at least. I rarely eat other kinds of cheese as they are expensive for my budget. I like the taste of cheese, but not to the degree I would say that I can't live without it.
Nevertheless thanks for the information about tyramine! I will keep an eye on it while reading articles. I will also try some of the cheese you mentioned to see if something similar happens, although I can't say my suspicion about this is absolutely confirmed. My intention was partially to raise awareness and see if others may have experienced something similar.
The cause is probably a combination of autoimmunity and SASP leading to excessive oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation. Antioxidants, testosterone, NO and norepinephrine boosters, ERbeta, sigma-1, SIRT-1 and dopamine agonists, PDE4, PDE5 inhibitors and CD36 antagonists are effective.


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Re: Latest Ideas on NE Avoidance
« Reply #35 on: March 16, 2022, 03:57:12 PM »
Once again I had quite erotic dreams and barely avoided an NE. Of course in the morning I realized that it must had been the cheese that I ate with the sandwich in the evening. Thus in my case cheese can surely induce wet dreams, however in itself it doesn’t seem to increase POIS symptoms at all.
The cause is probably a combination of autoimmunity and SASP leading to excessive oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation. Antioxidants, testosterone, NO and norepinephrine boosters, ERbeta, sigma-1, SIRT-1 and dopamine agonists, PDE4, PDE5 inhibitors and CD36 antagonists are effective.


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Re: Latest Ideas on NE Avoidance
« Reply #36 on: March 17, 2022, 08:52:49 AM »
I dont think Cheese induces Wet dreams. It is usually the brain activity and stress which does it.


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Re: Latest Ideas on NE Avoidance
« Reply #37 on: March 18, 2022, 01:52:09 PM »
here is my latest idea: wearing very large and ample boxer shorts for the night.   I recently realized that wearing a bower short that is a little too tight will increase the stimulation by friction, when "morning wood" occurs. This tend to cause me sex-oriented dreams and intense, long-lasting morning wood, which increase the probabilities of a NE. By wearing a very slack boxer short, there is far less chance of this "wrapping" phenomenon at the tip of the sex, causing less stimulation.

I recently began using large boxer shorts and have to say it changes my life. I get a reduced daily horniness, reduced NE frequency and much less daily symptoms from arousal since my genitals are less stimulated - I used to spend 2-3h daily with a terrible fatigue due to that, now not a single minute on most days.

Do you eat aged cheese, blue cheese, brie, cheddar or feta ?  they all contains tyramine, which has an effect on monoamines metabolism (like dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine), see

I wanted to report that supplementation with my methylfolate + methylcobalamine caps always leads to a NE in the following night or the one after. It also makes me aggressive, so I think it's safe to guess that monoamines are implicated in that. This guess of yours about tyramine is interesting.


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Re: Latest Ideas on NE Avoidance
« Reply #38 on: March 18, 2022, 07:54:20 PM »
here is my latest idea: wearing very large and ample boxer shorts for the night.   I recently realized that wearing a bower short that is a little too tight will increase the stimulation by friction, when "morning wood" occurs. This tend to cause me sex-oriented dreams and intense, long-lasting morning wood, which increase the probabilities of a NE. By wearing a very slack boxer short, there is far less chance of this "wrapping" phenomenon at the tip of the sex, causing less stimulation.

I recently began using large boxer shorts and have to say it changes my life. I get a reduced daily horniness, reduced NE frequency and much less daily symptoms from arousal since my genitals are less stimulated - I used to spend 2-3h daily with a terrible fatigue due to that, now not a single minute on most days.

I am very happy to hear that wearing very slack boxers has made a difference for you, Etcosp,  and helped you increase your quality of life.  I am still using this method for over 5 years now, and it sure helps me to have less NE.  I rarely have NE now, maybe 2 to 3 times a year.   
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Re: Latest Ideas on NE Avoidance
« Reply #39 on: March 19, 2022, 03:42:34 PM »
I wonder how anyone can wear briefs/slips or boxer shorts in the night :)
I only wear lose pyjamas.
EDIT: I wrote too fast. You guys are talking about the day under pants influencing the night.
Maybe I should try your tip, I'm always wearing boxer briefs.

Side note: One or two years ago, I switched to using a weighted blanket.
Makes falling asleep easier and also I think I sleep deeper. I like it a lot. It does not interfere with my private area as tight pants would.

I don't have NE, maybe I'm too old or too low testosterone  ???
My libido was/is quite high though, else I probably would not have ended up with POIS.