Definitly could, if it is true by genetics mutations i posted recently,
in some poisers cold do this, enzyms feilure to degrade some
hormones and neurotransmiters.
Its like body dont know what to do, cant regulate proceses in the body
Because all of this, i allways hawe in botom of my mind that we prone
to active cnronic infection, for wich of course we cant be diagnozed.
Unlogics wih our resarching on imunity response, for exemple t reg
cels results you posted is this for me: that our body...
Perminately shut down the immune system. With no immune response, your body can’t recognize foreign invaders like EBV or any viruses they are injecting via a needle, allowing those unchecked viruses to run wild on the body causing diseases like Autism. This is, similar to AIDS, where HIV, a T-Cell Virus attacks the body. The outcome of Lyme is, Cancer, ALS, Lupus, MS, Alziehmers, Parkinson’s and the likes. Lyme mimics over 350+ diseases.
We know that some poisers hawe parkinsons , in his 40ties....