Hi Daveman,
I am amazed to see such a high number of registration attempts per day for this forum (150 to 250). Unfortunately, most of those has to be spammers - POIS isn't that common for that much registration attempts each day. In those conditions, I clearly understand why the moderation of new members isn't a solution....unless the forum would hire a full time employee to do the job! Or unless a group of dedicated moderators is sharing this task.
Maybe you should select a few old-timers, reliable members to help you managing this ton of daily new registration attempts. But, honestly, you already do an excellent job, considering the high traffic of this forum. I personally don't mind to see an occasional spam robot post for a random advertisement, considering how much of your time you are already giving for free to this forum community. And not to mention all the time you have been giving here for years, now. Those who never had to act has a forum administrator have really no idea how much time consuming that can be on a daily basis, and how much dedication is needed to keep a forum clean and running smoothly, in a relatively good mood, and with appropriate content.
Thanks again, Daveman, for your dedication!