Author Topic: Xanthiol Nicotinate - Benefits, Risks and Function in POIS  (Read 323147 times)


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Re: Xanthiol Nicotinate - Benefits, Risks and Function in POIS
« Reply #180 on: August 26, 2011, 07:55:35 AM »
okay I've taken Niacin 2 times in a row. The first night I took 100mg right after dinner and an hour before orgasm. I didn't notice a flush, but I seemed to have more energy around the afternoon of the next day.

The night after I took 200mg of Niacin about 10hrs after eating anything and an hour before orgasm. I definitely got a flush about 30min after I took the pills. My arms were completely red and hot and itchy all over as were my ears and feet. I had an orgasm right when the flush was wearing off and while I did feel tired right after I orgasmed, after I laid down for a couple minutes I noticed I could still think somewhat clearly, which I'm never able to do immediately after orgasm. I felt okay today, but I had another orgasm or two during the night so I'm not 100% yet. I do notice that today my physical energy and stamina are greatly increased. For instance my arms feel a lot lighter if I lift one up and all movement simply happens so much easier than usual. If these results happen every time I take niacin I will conclude that it is definitely worth taking regularly, perhaps once a week so my body doesn't get too used to it.

Vincent Marcus - Thank you for sharing these results with us. I am very glad that you are getting such good results. Please keep us informed on your continued use of Niacin.


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Re: Xanthiol Nicotinate - Benefits, Risks and Function in POIS
« Reply #181 on: August 26, 2011, 07:57:32 AM »
What I can say: i tried 300 mg Niacin and 300 mg XN. XN doesnt give me the flush or i dont notice it, Niacin makes me everytime red, but i have the feeling XN works better even when i dont flush.

Hey Starsky. Thanks for this bit of information. I've just ordered some Xan-Pro from Anti-Aging Nutrition - so I look forward to seeing the difference with XN...


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Re: Xanthiol Nicotinate - Benefits, Risks and Function in POIS
« Reply #182 on: August 27, 2011, 01:25:08 AM »
Hi Animus,

Hi Victor
Is there any theory so far that would explain why Niacin and XN seem to work so well.

Unfortunately I don't have a good answer to your question. Several people proposed theories why Niacin can help prevent POIS symptoms. These theories were published at this forum and at TNS.

3 day POIS sessions, brain fog, heartbeat, digestion problems. Currently using XN for 95% relief from POIS symptoms.


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Re: Xanthiol Nicotinate - Benefits, Risks and Function in POIS
« Reply #183 on: August 27, 2011, 07:14:05 AM »
Animus, I was thinking that there is something in this that could explain it. Perhaps not the same syndrome but makes a lot of sense:
Sessions 5 to 9 days, mostly Flu-like, joints, digestion problems, light cognitive.
Niacin has changed my lif though, now 1 day MAX.
Somewhere in this interaction with Niacin is the answer!


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Re: Xanthiol Nicotinate - Benefits, Risks and Function in POIS
« Reply #184 on: August 28, 2011, 02:50:26 AM »
thanks for the reference daveman, thanks victor.


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Re: Xanthiol Nicotinate - Benefits, Risks and Function in POIS
« Reply #185 on: August 28, 2011, 12:50:26 PM »
I got some info about Niacin (Acid Nicotinic) :

- half-life = 0.75 hour
- 90 % of it if taken orally, is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
- maximum concentrated = between 20 min and 70 min
- 34 % of the dosage is lost after 6 hours in the urine, as if not taken
- ATP intrabrain maintenance
- more glucose and oxygen inside the brain cells

141.7 mg daily of XN improves of 35% the brain capacity/reaction/memory.
Brain fog 90%  + tired all the time ,sport intolerance, fast heartbeat, colon inflammation


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Re: Xanthiol Nicotinate - Benefits, Risks and Function in POIS
« Reply #186 on: September 01, 2011, 11:19:24 AM »
I tried 200mg niacin and the flush was way worse than 300mg xanthinol nicotinate, but what scared me was the way it spiked my heart rate. 
I will advice people to try xanthinol nicotinate instead of niacin if they are going to try niacin start low and build up.  My heart rate level was once again scary.


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Re: Xanthiol Nicotinate - Benefits, Risks and Function in POIS
« Reply #187 on: September 01, 2011, 12:45:21 PM »
I tried 200mg niacin and the flush was way worse than 300mg xanthinol nicotinate, but what scared me was the way it spiked my heart rate. 
I will advice people to try xanthinol nicotinate instead of niacin if they are going to try niacin start low and build up.  My heart rate level was once again scary.
Thats what I would advice too. XN is generally easier for the body from whatever reason. Niacin is harder beast and one should start low and build up gradually.

3 day POIS sessions, brain fog, heartbeat, digestion problems. Currently using XN for 95% relief from POIS symptoms.


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Re: Xanthiol Nicotinate - Benefits, Risks and Function in POIS
« Reply #188 on: September 02, 2011, 04:19:55 AM »
can i take niocin , its b3 , of gnc ?????
pls don't expose me.


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Re: Xanthiol Nicotinate - Benefits, Risks and Function in POIS
« Reply #189 on: September 02, 2011, 02:18:21 PM »
"Niacin-induced “Flush” Involves Release of Prostaglandin D2
from Mast Cells and Serotonin from Platelets: Evidence
from Human Cells in Vitro and an Animal Model"

Seems interesting !
Brain fog 90%  + tired all the time ,sport intolerance, fast heartbeat, colon inflammation


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Re: Xanthiol Nicotinate - Benefits, Risks and Function in POIS
« Reply #190 on: September 02, 2011, 05:15:28 PM »
but its vit b3 ???? isnt it ????
pls don't expose me.


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Re: Xanthiol Nicotinate - Benefits, Risks and Function in POIS
« Reply #191 on: September 02, 2011, 06:36:12 PM »
Niacin is the active component of the B3 vitamine, yes  :)
Brain fog 90%  + tired all the time ,sport intolerance, fast heartbeat, colon inflammation


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Re: Xanthiol Nicotinate - Benefits, Risks and Function in POIS
« Reply #192 on: September 02, 2011, 06:59:34 PM »
Yes, it IS vitamine B3.

BTW, Does Dr. Goldmeier know about the effects of Niacin, or at least how it potentially helps?
Sessions 5 to 9 days, mostly Flu-like, joints, digestion problems, light cognitive.
Niacin has changed my lif though, now 1 day MAX.
Somewhere in this interaction with Niacin is the answer!


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Re: Xanthiol Nicotinate - Benefits, Risks and Function in POIS
« Reply #193 on: September 03, 2011, 10:40:36 AM »
I tried 200mg niacin and the flush was way worse than 300mg xanthinol nicotinate, but what scared me was the way it spiked my heart rate. 
I will advice people to try xanthinol nicotinate instead of niacin if they are going to try niacin start low and build up.  My heart rate level was once again scary.
Thats what I would advice too. XN is generally easier for the body from whatever reason. Niacin is harder beast and one should start low and build up gradually.


I just took my first 100 mg niacin with the intention to watch the effects it produces on my body, (I do not want to have an O- at this moment, i want to stop at 200 mg the next week), and it seems that the flush has been weak( I just ate a lot), and maybe i feel a small increase of heart rate.By the way, I want to ask jive-talk if he is having the same good results with niacin or if he has achieved to lower the doses. I will update with my niacin results.


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Re: Xanthiol Nicotinate - Benefits, Risks and Function in POIS
« Reply #194 on: September 03, 2011, 12:43:56 PM »
Powdered Niacin Report.

I've tried to use manually powdered Niacin Acid tablets this time. The dose was 200mg. After taking powdered niacin the flush happened in 5 minutes. Interesting enough that this time I felt also the second wave of flush, about in 20 mins. The O happened in 25 minutes after taking niacin. No POIS symptoms at the first and second day. Powdered niacin felt like a better solution for the stomach compared to non-powdered version - no negative feelings about it in the stomach area.

Warning! Niacin in high doses might make a damage to your liver, please consult with your doctor before attempting to try it.

3 day POIS sessions, brain fog, heartbeat, digestion problems. Currently using XN for 95% relief from POIS symptoms.


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Re: Xanthiol Nicotinate - Benefits, Risks and Function in POIS
« Reply #195 on: September 03, 2011, 12:59:50 PM »
Yes, it IS vitamine B3.

BTW, Does Dr. Goldmeier know about the effects of Niacin, or at least how it potentially helps?

I told him about NORD donations and also for the Niacin success but he did not give his view about it back ! I will contact him by mails soon (also to get my blood test results!)  :)

I did not have an O but took Niacin 500 mg in a quite empty stomach and my flush was so hard ^^ but at least i checked it worked very well with the flush. I had an O for the allergic test, and I restart studies so I do not know when I could manage to try it in real !
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Re: Xanthiol Nicotinate - Benefits, Risks and Function in POIS
« Reply #196 on: September 03, 2011, 02:48:54 PM »
Cool, OK, you could probably cut back maybe to 300. I think the idea would be to see how little could be taken an still have it work.

As far as Dr. Goldmeier, it's probably enough that he knows. It doesn't mater if he responds or not. He would probably have to investigate or give it some thought before he says anything.

Thanks for letting him know.

Sessions 5 to 9 days, mostly Flu-like, joints, digestion problems, light cognitive.
Niacin has changed my lif though, now 1 day MAX.
Somewhere in this interaction with Niacin is the answer!


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Re: Xanthiol Nicotinate - Benefits, Risks and Function in POIS
« Reply #197 on: September 04, 2011, 08:04:29 AM »

Yeh, I made that mistake twice, sometimes, I just can't help it though =(.  Taking after is definitely way less effective.  I do have the theory though that if you are already in POIS, you can remove it by taking xan-pro the next day right before ejaculation.  Not sure why that would work but I have a feeling it would clear away the previous POIS by giving you a flushed orgasm.

I quote this on purpose. Unfortunately, i had an NE before waking up and i could feel the hateful POIS symptoms growing on my body(bad digestion) and on my mind(feeling weird, brain fog increasing) .I usually get POIS symptoms very fast after the O. , and i could notice that something is going on on my head seconds after the Orgasm. So, frustrated, i decided to read this post again to find the quote in bold.
I ate a light breakfast, mostly fruits and compotes and then i decided to take 100 mg Niacin. This time was very different from yesterday. I got a very intense flush. My ears and neck were so red, and i can feel the hot everywhere. Some parts of my body and my arms turned red, too. Then i waited 50 minutes to have an Orgasm. All i can say is that Niacin is better than Fenugreek, better than Garlic and Goji Berries all combined. I feel no POIS, absolutely no brain fog(maybe i´m a little bit tired due to i didn´t sleep well) and i am waiting to make the lunch(one that has more than vegetables) to watch if the brain fog appears. I will update later.


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Re: Xanthiol Nicotinate - Benefits, Risks and Function in POIS
« Reply #198 on: September 04, 2011, 11:58:51 AM »

Yeh, I made that mistake twice, sometimes, I just can't help it though =(.  Taking after is definitely way less effective.  I do have the theory though that if you are already in POIS, you can remove it by taking xan-pro the next day right before ejaculation.  Not sure why that would work but I have a feeling it would clear away the previous POIS by giving you a flushed orgasm.

I quote this on purpose. Unfortunately, i had an NE before waking up and i could feel the hateful POIS symptoms growing on my body(bad digestion) and on my mind(feeling weird, brain fog increasing) .I usually get POIS symptoms very fast after the O. , and i could notice that something is going on on my head seconds after the Orgasm. So, frustrated, i decided to read this post again to find the quote in bold.
I ate a light breakfast, mostly fruits and compotes and then i decided to take 100 mg Niacin. This time was very different from yesterday. I got a very intense flush. My ears and neck were so red, and i can feel the hot everywhere. Some parts of my body and my arms turned red, too. Then i waited 50 minutes to have an Orgasm. All i can say is that Niacin is better than Fenugreek, better than Garlic and Goji Berries all combined. I feel no POIS, absolutely no brain fog(maybe i´m a little bit tired due to i didn´t sleep well) and i am waiting to make the lunch(one that has more than vegetables) to watch if the brain fog appears. I will update later.
If you have POIS symptoms run out after this it would be absolutely fantastic. And if this is so, several of us should verify this finding, it could be VERY informative for our NORD POIS research, I think.

3 day POIS sessions, brain fog, heartbeat, digestion problems. Currently using XN for 95% relief from POIS symptoms.


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Re: Xanthiol Nicotinate - Benefits, Risks and Function in POIS
« Reply #199 on: September 04, 2011, 12:45:36 PM »
I will update later.

I was afraid of my lunch because it contained some meat, and an apple cake with cream. This has led me to a worsening of brain fog in the past, specially in the first days of POIS
It seems that the afternoon has passed away with maybe 10-20% brain fog (result of a small nap) that lasted some hours, but it has dissappeared. I have to mention that i am somewhat tired due to the bad sleep of this night, but this with a normal POIS would have me suffering a hell on my mind, and this hasn´t happened. Again i ate an ice cream on the afternoon and that did not give me any worsening of brain fog , i am surprised by this. Right now i feel fine again. I can really feel the difference, and this is the most exciting part!