Hi, Habibou!
Hei Victor,
Many questions about it :
When did you try XN?
I tried XN one year ago, on summer 2010. It was not really me who experimented, it was my therapist who experimented, she tried different drugs for stimulating the brain activity, because due to my tests I had starting edema of a brain. I don't know the correct english names for this drugs and right now have no time to lookup, writing from the airport, these drugs were: cerebrolisin, piracetam, glukosa, niacin, cavinton. She treated me against edema, but I complained about my disease and after I came to her after a sex, each time she had a hard time to bring me to normal state, she had a problems with making me a dropper, because in POIS my heart start to go crazy and my blood pressure reacted unusually to drugs, e.g. it started to drop very fast after taking medicines, whereas in normal state it was stable. So she had to find some cure to help me overcome POIS symptoms, so that she would be able to treat my edema. So it was like a technical task for her. The situation was bad also because I had problems with my stomach and she were unable to use niacin, because it is not good for a stomach, so she decided to change the medicine to equivalent, e.g. to XN. And, one time when she suffered again with me, she recommended me to inject myself XN, before I will have a sex and go for a dropper, and since that time I experimented with XN and found minimal doze for myself, which works for me.
I inject 0.5ml of XN once a day, if I'm going to have a sex this day. Timing doesn't really matter I can inject XN just before sex, I can inject it 3 hours before, it will work, and it works pretty long, I think for 5 hours at least. But it should be injected only before sex, if injected after sex it won't help at all, it will be useless
What did you try before XN success for you?
I had POIS since my first O, I was 14 years old boy when I started to feel these terrible symptoms. At first it was only brain fog which disturbed me. To prevent brain fog I had learned poems and texts by heart, after O, and it helped to quickly neutralize POIS symptoms, but over time I needed to study longer and longer texts and around the age of 22 it stopped working for me completely and I've started to attend various doctors. I had a terrible experience with doctors, I went through the road of unbeliveable pain and misery. My only wish was to diagnoze the disease, but I didn't succeded in that. I've failed, tried again and then failed even more, feeling terrible frustration.
After that I've left the comment on the medical consultation forum about this disease, which didn't helped me really but through which I started to find the people with the same disease and one day we with the guy MaxComp decided to have a russian blog about POIS, we really didn't know at that time the name POIS, we called it Syndrom-X. After some time MaxComp became religious person and he said that what we are doing is not right, I didn't understand why, but he left and I'm currently the admin on this blog.
What were your symptoms, exactly? (more cognitive? physic? = could you describe them in details please!)
My symptoms was started as cognitive only, but after the age of 22 I think I started to feel terrible physic symptoms too. I felt aches in the various parts of my body while in POIS, I noticed that I have face edema, my heart was going crazy. I used to run in the morning, I very very like to run, but I noticed that while in POIS if I run, I had terrible symptoms after that, e.g. they become worser. I also have cognitive symptoms - brain fog, idiotic thinking, depression, loss of memory, aggression. The last time I had this symptoms they have lasted for 3 days.
Do you feel free of symptoms or not totally?
If I do injection I feel that I'm an absolutely NORMAL person, e.g. I have no POIS symptoms that disturb me, no brain for at all, I can sit and drive the car after sex, without fears. But I do feel that I had a sex, e.g. I feel that its different after sex, I feel maybe that I'm a bit tired, but I don't feel something bad, its all very light.
But right now, you know, I'm almost forget that I have POIS, I feel myself normal person... One always want a better life, but current my life is much more trouble less, the troubles that normal person has is nothing compared to that of POIS-ers.
How many suffers you know got a success with that?
I'm for sure remember 3 sufferers, but maybe I don't remember someone, I shouted to the syndrom-x blog at Friday, but didn't got a reply from anyone yet.
Did you have some blood tests in immunology/hormonally + brain MRI? which ones? what were the results?
Yes, I have such tests. But right now I'm writing from the airport and have no tests with me, I will find these tests and post the results as soon as I will land.
Good work ! ^^ thank you !
You are absolutely welcome. We are all in the same boat.