Author Topic: Having more OCD - Too much obcessions  (Read 4319 times)


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Having more OCD - Too much obcessions
« on: October 04, 2014, 11:02:29 AM »
I dont why i get severe obcessions under pois , when under pois i believe i have STD like hepatitis c or hiv , and i believe it , literally i get OCD , and feel that people around me hate me , this feeling disapears by day 7 post O , but it irritates me much is that normal to poisers !?
POIS of 10 yrs now


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Re: Too much obcessions
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2014, 11:12:31 AM »
Hi ,

Let's give try with turmeric and see. I hope it will help.

I've added my trial details to the thread about curcumin.

All the best,


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Having more OCD after O - looking for a correlation
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2021, 10:58:10 AM »
I noticed I use to stutter more after O while it's not something I'm anxious about. This may be accompanied by physical OCD (I'm almost sure about it).

Given that, I would like to know what can explain that (or basically hormones associated with OCD in general). There could be something to look at more in details for me to progress with my POIS.
Thank you :)


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Re: Having more OCD - Too much obcessions
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2021, 02:13:23 AM »
Labyrinth and etcosp, I get similar symptoms: Increased OCD, anxiety, articulation problems, mild depression. Labyrinth, I also start worrying disproportionately about disease, toxins and other statistically small dangers when symptomatic. Don't know why.


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Re: Having more OCD - Too much obcessions
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2021, 06:05:23 PM »
Labyrinth and etcosp, I get similar symptoms: Increased OCD, anxiety, articulation problems, mild depression. Labyrinth, I also start worrying disproportionately about disease, toxins and other statistically small dangers when symptomatic. Don't know why.

Since I saw this may have a link with OCD, I'm trying to increase my serotonin/vit D levels, then I think I'll be working to positively change my GaBa/glutamate balance since it may be linked to OCD as well (I still have to check a bunch of things about the second hypothesis before taking decisions on this basis).

I'll keep you aware. Keep in mind that I'm not a pratician, so this message is not a reliable source about what you should try. If you are more interested in OCD's causes, I suggest you to do research online :)

By the way, since your personal experience could help me, could you give me informations about it ?


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Re: Having more OCD - Too much obcessions
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2021, 02:00:19 AM »
By the way, since your personal experience could help me, could you give me informations about it ?

Sure thing! I'll keep it brief as I'm intending to write a more detailed report once I know more about the results of measures I'm taking at the moment.

Triggers in descending order of resulting symptom severity:
* Hard exercise
* Orgasm
* Stress
* Very hot or cold weather
* Certain foods (e.g. wheat, excessive sugar, alcohol)

Symptoms in descending order of impact on my life:
* Mood swings: Irritability, depression, anger
* Fatigue (physical and mental) and lethargy
* Concentration problems
* Memory problems
* Hands and feet especially, and whole body as well, get disproportionately cold in cold weather. Subjectively feels like poor circulation
* Poor coordination
* EDIT: Gut problems: Gas, constantly feeling like I need to go #2, slimy stool
* Pain in lower back and feet
* Itchy skin lesions, dry and cracked skin
* Pain in legs and stiff and tender muscles and tendons in general

Seemingly helpful measures I'm taking:
* Chlorella. Rationale: I suspect mercury poisoning but don't know for sure. Chlorella can (ostensibly) help get rid of heavy metals, but is also just healthy in general, so no risk, and cost and effort are low.
* Bovine collagen. Rationale: Lots of skin issues that correlate with other symptoms. Lots of gut problems. Hoping that collagen can help heal the skin and gut, potentially calming the immune system.
* EDIT: Diet low on histamine and foods that trigger histamine release. Rationale: This is reportedly good for MCAS (Mast Cell Activation Syndrome) patients, and my symptom set is very similar to MCAS. This diet helps my gut immensely, more so than low-FODMAP which I also tried.
* Stress reduction. Rationale: It's a trigger for me, and it's implicated in many types of chronic health issues. I quit a stressful job and started a company. Practicing not getting wound up.
* Vitamin D. Rationale: I was deficient, and many people on the forums report improvements with sufficient vitamin D levels.
* Berberine. Rationale: Seems to help my gut significantly. Less gas, firmer and healthier-looking excrement.
* Light exercise. Rationale: Subjectively seems to help blood circulation and helps a lot with muscle and joint aches as well as brightening my mood.

EDIT: With all the above measures I've been able to reduce overall symptom severity by roughly half.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2021, 05:43:34 AM by Clues »


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Re: Having more OCD - Too much obcessions
« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2021, 05:43:29 AM »
By the way, since your personal experience could help me, could you give me informations about it ?

Sure thing! I'll keep it brief as I'm intending to write a more detailed report once I know more about the results of measures I'm taking at the moment.

You could make your own personal summary and redirect people to that.


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Re: Having more OCD - Too much obcessions
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2021, 05:59:11 AM »
You could make your own personal summary and redirect people to that.

Good point, Muon. I made it a separate post in the lifestyle sub-forum and added it to my signature. Feels like it's light on information and useful observations as yet, but I'll add more as/when I learn more.